Monday, February 18, 2008

My G Pillow

I know the title sounds weird, but that's what I call it. The first time I heard about this maternity pillow was from my sister-in-law Amy, when she was pregnant with Aidan. Anyone who has experienced pregnancy knows how uncomfortable it is to sleep at night. This is a solution. The pillow wraps around your body comforting the areas that need it most: a head pillow that wraps around your back to keep you from laying flat on your back, goes through your legs to aide those darn separating hips, curling around to additionally support your growing tummy.
I've gotten a larger stomach faster in this pregnancy and therefore have a hard time finding a comfy way to sleep unless I have 20 million pillows, especially being an avid stomach sleeper. I finally found this type of pillow at a local store but about died seeing that it cost $60. For those who really know me, I'm as frugal as they come. I couldn't stomach paying that much. So I debated whether I should just buy the darn slip-cover for $20 and just stuff it. Then I thought about that more (penny-pincher, remember?) and remembered that I love to sew, why not create it myself? So I found some material I had literally laying around and had Dan help me chalk outline my design so it could be custom fit. With the sewing and stuffing it took maybe 30 min. to make and cost a wopping $5.50 for the stuffing. That was something I could live with, and I got to choose my own pattern, have it custom fit my body, and spend the rest of my 9 months with more comfortable sleep. So, happy dreaming, and if you become pregnant and struggle sleeping, remember that with a little dedication you too can have the amazing G pillow that really shouldn't cost an arm and a leg (unless you don't mind spending the $$). Did that sound like a commercial? Sorry, I just really love this invention!


Crissybug said...

You are awesome! Isn't it amazing the mark up on certain products! I hope that you are able to sleep better with your new pillow!

The Moodys said...

That is really awesome. Why couldn't you have thought of that when I was prego?!?! :) I hope you feel better soon and I'm happy about what your having!!!! I love all of you!!!

Stina said...

wow! this is something i really needed a year ago! well...maybe next time :)

i'm glad to hear that you are feeling better