Monday, February 18, 2008

FHE Game Night

Tonight for family home evening we learned about sharing. For an activity we got to play games. The kids chose to play connect four. I know it's for older kids, but that didn't mean we couldn't have fun anyway!

The boys had so much fun 'sharing' the colors and putting them in the spots. We didn't play it the normal way, we just see how fast we can fill it up and which color gets finished first. The boys really got into it and had lots of fun. It was fun to watch Elliott concentrate on getting his into a good spot.


Crissybug said...

My kids love 'playing' Connect Four too.

One day they will actually know the rules, but they have fun just putting them in.

Anonymous said...

That is too fun. That is a great idea, I think my kids would love doing that too. They love to have races.

elliotts said...

way cute. My boys are growing up so fast. Love to you all...Mom