I've decided to combine a bunch of the questions, because frankly, I don't think you should have to wait each day for another question. Plus, I'm getting soooooo many comments, (1) that I can't keep them straight.
Day 5: Your favorite fight/battle scene
Honestly, I can not pick one fight/battle scene that would be a favorite. They are all disgusting, but grab you in.
Day 6: A scene that made you laugh
I would have to say, when Katniss and Peeta are standing back to back, and Katniss holds out her hand with the poison berry. I laughed so hard when they called the games because they didn't want her to die, and they announce both of them the winners. (oops, I hope I didn't ruin it for anyone)
Day 7: A scene that made you cry
Only one. I'm sure there will be other questions that will address this. So, with that I pick the scene when Rue is dying and Katniss is singing to her.
Day 8: The character you are most like
Wow, this is a hard one. I would have to say Peeta. He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he will do it for those he loves.
Day 9: Your favorite quote
Day 10: Peeta or Gale
Definitely Peeta.
I'll be back tomorrow with more questions and answers
And there is only
18 Days, 5 hours, 46 Minutes and 30 Seconds from the time I push publish till the movie comes out. :)