Showing posts with label Hunger Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Hunger Games. Show all posts

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Day Five, Six, Seven, Eight, Nine, Ten - Hunger Games

I've decided to combine a bunch of the questions, because frankly, I don't think you should have to wait each day for another question.  Plus, I'm getting soooooo many comments, (1) that I can't keep them straight.

Day 5: Your favorite fight/battle scene
Honestly, I can not pick one fight/battle scene that would be a favorite.  They are all disgusting, but grab you in.

Day 6: A scene that made you laugh
I would have to say, when Katniss and Peeta are standing back to back, and Katniss holds out her hand with the poison berry.  I laughed so hard when they called the games because they didn't want her to die, and they announce both of them the winners. (oops, I hope I didn't ruin it for anyone)

Day 7: A scene that made you cry
Only one.  I'm sure there will be other questions that will address this.  So, with that I pick the scene when Rue is dying and Katniss is singing to her.

Day 8: The character you are most like
Wow, this is a hard one.  I would have to say Peeta.  He doesn't want to hurt anyone, but he will do it for those he loves.

Day 9: Your favorite quote

Day 10: Peeta or Gale
Definitely Peeta.  

I'll be back tomorrow with more questions and answers

And there is only
18 Days, 5 hours, 46 Minutes and 30 Seconds from the time I push publish till the movie comes out.  :)

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Day Four - Hunger Games Challenge

Day 4: A character you love that everyone hates

Here again, we go with the hate thing.  I don't know how everyone feels about Effie Trinket, but I do know that some people don't like her much.

I love her character.  She is so delusional and acts like she is so excited for the games.  Not to mention the bizarro clothes that she wears.

All I'm saying is, do not underestimate the woman.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Day Three - Hunger Games Challenge

Day 3: A character you hate that everyone loves

To be honest, I don't hate Gale, I just don't like him as much as other people.  Other than the fact that they casted him as a very handsome guy.  hubba-bubba.

Anyhunger, I just think that because of him, Katniss isn't able to fall completely in love with Peeta.  I love me a good love story.  He does take good care of her mother and sister so he does have his good points.  

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Day Two - Hunger Games Challenge

Day 2 Your least favorite character

Truth be told, this was an extremely hard question.  So because of that, this is the reason I came up with Cato.  He is the one that tries to throw Katniss and Peeta over the cliff when he has become a Muttation.  

Of course, he was kind of creepy during the whole games.

For those of you that haven't read the book.  I understand you not being attracted to do so.  Just know that I was kicking and screaming as I was forced told to read the book.  I'm glad I did.  

Monday, February 27, 2012

Day One: Hunger Games 30 Day Callenge

To say that I'm excited for the Hungers Games movie would be the understatement of the year.  So when I was reading Fairdale Diaries post yesterday, and saw that she was doing a Hunger Games 30 Day Challenge I was on it like blue bonnet.  

She actually got it from Hunger Games 30 Day Challenge via: TheMockingJay LiveJournal.  But heck, I'm giving her the credit because without her, I wouldn't have seen it.  

Day One.


Well if I didn't say Katniss then I would  be lying to myself.

She is kind
She is smart
She is important.
Wait, wrong movie.  

She really is all of the above.  I can't even imagine going through everything she does in this series of books.  And when I read books, I become the character so there were many times my heart was beating out of my chest.  

I'm thinking if you enjoyed the books you might just want to join along on the 30 day journey.  Its going to be a ride.

Here are all the categories

Day 1: Your favorite character:
Day 2 Your least favorite character:
Day 3: A character you hate that everyone loves:
Day 4: A character you love that everyone hates:
Day 5: Your favorite fight/battle scene:
Day 6: A scene that made you laugh:
Day 7: A scene that made you cry:
Day 8: The character you are most like:
Day 9: Your favorite quote:
Day 10: Peeta or Gale:
Day 11: Something you hate about the series:
Day 12: A character you wish hadn't died:
Day 13: A character you wish had died:
Day 14: Your favorite tribute (aside from Peeta/Katniss):
Day 15: Your least favorite tribute (aside from Peeta/Katniss):
Day 16: A question you wish had been answered in the book:
Day 17: The worst death:
Day 18: A song that reminds you of the series:
Day 19: Your favorite pairing:
Day 20: Your least favorite pairing:
Day 21: A pairing you don't get:
Day 22: Your favorite book of the three:
Day 23: Your favorite secondary character:
Day 24: Your least favorite secondary character:
Day 25: Your dream cast:
Day 26: Your favorite scene in The Hunger Games:
Day 27: Your favorite scene in Catching Fire:
Day 28: Your favorite scene in Mockingjay:
Day 29: Your favorite thing about the entire series:
Day 30: A book/series that you would recommend  to fellow fans: