quinta-feira, dezembro 14, 2006

Amazônia / Pará / Feminismo

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Google/Blogger are 'improving' service - consequently nothing is working, photo upload is down and has been for days; confusion, nonsense, haste, stupidity ... o que mais?

My pop-up window will not work with the new photo format - right-click / open in new window still works though, sorry for the inconvenience, not in my control.

"Cela est bien dit, répondit Candide, mais il faut cultiver notre jardin."

"Tudo isso está muito bem dito – respondeu Cândido, – mas devemos cultivar nosso jardim."

"All that is very well," answered Candide, "but let us cultivate our

     Candide / Cândido / Candide, Voltaire, 1759

o Rio Amazonas - the Amazon River
o estado do Amazonas / o Amazonas - the Brazilian state of Amazonas
a Amazônia - the Amazon region

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from Friends of the Earth: (Archive)
     04/12, Pará establishes the largest contiguous preservation area in the world.
     05/12, Cristina Amorim, Floresta Amazônica: Preservação por decreto - Área protegida é a maior do mundo.

some companies in Pará:
     Jari Celulose S.A., CAEMI / CADAM.

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I wanted to sort a few things out ... it will probably never be done, oh well.

'Saving the Amazon'? Simão Jatene, the outgoing Governor of Pará, set up a deal, I don't know much about it but it seems to please too many people to be true, and anyway I personally don't think the Amazon can be saved - I think it's too late; that is not a scientific opinion it is just my hunch.

The incoming Governor (Governadora) is Ana Julia, a Petista, PT, Partido dos Trabalhadores, Lula's party. I wonder how she will implement this deal?

Which brings me to thinking about Marina Silva, the brazilian Environment Minister that maybe Lula will trash for being too Ambientalista - though to me she seems soft; and Rona Ambrose, Canada's redundant feminist presence in the cabinet.

And such like thoughts ... like I said, it will probably go nowhere, ok. How much of an idiot do you need to be to beliebve that sex has anything to do with it? Or that indigenous peoples have a better relationship with it? Then you look at the state of it ... lots of idiots around out there eh?

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