Monday, September 26, 2011

Baby Boy #3 Coming Soon!

Most of you already know that Bryan and I are expecting our third little boy in early February. We weren't prepared for this new addition, but God seems to surprise us when we least expect it. We found out 2 weeks ago that it's another boy, and we have been hard at work trying to come up with a name for the munchkin. Bryan and I talked about many names multiple times a day, and neither one of us ever agreed with the other until Sunday. On Friday, Bryan had mentioned the name Parker. I liked it but I wasn't sure if that's what this little bundle should be named, so I didn't quite dismiss it, but I didn't agree to it either. Sunday morning came, and Bryan mentioned it again. At that time I told him I just need to think about it more. By the time church let out at 12:00 Sunday afternoon, Bryan mentioned the name Tucker. I said to him, "I thought you liked Parker!" He said he thought I said no so he went on to another name. Little did he know I had made the decision to name this little boy Parker. I told him that, and he was shocked. We actually had a name! He named off 2 middle names then, both of which I didn't like. Then, he said "Parker Gray". I had been fighting for Gray since the beginning whether it be a girl or a boy, and Bryan always said no. So, for him to mention Gray as the middle name took me by surprise, and I really thought he was just messing with me. I asked him if he was serious, and he said yes. So, there we had it! Our baby boy #3's full name in just a matter of minutes.

Due February 13, 2012 (scheduling a c-section for either the 3rd or 6th).

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

WAY too long!!!!

It has been WAY too long since I've blogged! For those of you who haven't seen a recent picture of the boys, this one is for you!

(Taken May 21, 2011)

Drew is now THREE!!!

James will be ONE on the 25th!!

Hopefully I'll get more spare time and be able to post about everything else that's been going on in our lives (birthday pictures, silly pictures, etc.) Until then, this will have to do.

Friday, February 4, 2011

James' Snow Day

So, I couldn't leave James out today. Unfortunately, though, he couldn't go outside to play in the snow. We don't have a waterproof snowsuit for him. So, instead of playing in the snow like "brother", this is what he's been doing:

Playing with cardboard

Chewing on books

Stealing (and chewing) on big boy puzzles (shhh, don't tell Drew)

Watching TV (and practicing crawling)


Reading - we have a smart baby

Getting into things he doesn't need to be getting in to

And just bein' plain cute...

Before the Last Snowfall

I didn't expect to get MORE snow after 8:00 this morning, but we did! However, these pictures were taken before that last snowfall (and before Drew rolled around in the snow to mess it up)! Hopefully I'll get some more pictures before dark. Until then, here are pictures of what we woke up to this morning...underneath the beautiful soft stuff is about an inch or so of the hard, slippery ice!

Drew's Snow Day (or week)

Today I finally let Drew play in the snow. He's been begging to go outside all week, but I didn't want him falling on the ice. After going out to take pictures of the house with the beautiful snow, I decided it was soft enough for Drew to play in. By the time I got both of us bundled up and James down for a nap, it was POURING snow. It was beautiful and fun to play in. We both enjoyed it, but we would have enjoyed it longer if Drew had stopped falling in it on purpose! He was COVERED with snow from head to toe by the time we came inside.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy Half-Birthday, James!

Our baby James turned 6 months old on Christmas Day...pretty cool considering his middle name is Christian. He is doing SO MUCH these days, and it just blows our minds.

- Rolls over both ways
- Army crawls
- Pushes up into a crawling position and rocks back and forth
- Sits up UNassisted (as of Christmas Eve)
- Tries to go from an army crawl position to sitting position...he's close, but not quite there
- Takes 2-3 two-hour naps per day (HUGE improvement since his last wellcheck)
- Still only sleeps 5-6 hours at a time during the night. We're still waiting to get our full night of sleep!
- Eats solids like a champ - he'd rather eat his baby food than drink his bottle
- Is VERY VERY ticklish
- LOVES his Daddy so much that he laughs almost every time Daddy walks into the room
- Wants to play with EVERYTHING, especially his brother's cars
- Is crazy about Drew as long as Drew isn't telling him "no" or taking toys away...that REALLY breaks his little heart :(
- Still has blue eyes!

Now for the stats:

Weight: 17 pounds, 4 ounces (25-50%)
Height: 27.5 inches (83.40%)
Head: 17 inches (32.28%)

The doctor was amazed by James' motor skills. In fact, when he first came in to the exam room, he started telling us everything a 9 month old should be doing. Then, he looked at his chart and couldn't believe he was only 6 months old. It's not how big James is, but how he acts. He also told us we need to watch out for this baby. He said, "He's the poster child for danger." In other words, he believes James is going to be the one in and out of ERs. He also said we should keep him in an electric fence playpen...he was kidding, of course, but that's just how active James is. He is EVERYWHERE and into EVERYTHING. We love our baby SO much, and even though he is MUCH more mobile than we would like him to be, we wouldn't trade this life for anything.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010


Now that James is mobile, he goes wherever he pleases, and one of those places is underneath his swing. He crawls under there and plays for the longest time with the bottom of the swing!


So busy.