Sunday, March 15, 2015

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1.  Marcus loves to write out our food lists. He is enjoying learning
to write his letters. It may take him a bit longer but he is getting there.
2. His favorite thing right now is to ride his bike. He loves to go on
bike rides with lucy (I push her on our push bike) to the church. When we get
there the kids just run around the parking lot and find pine cones and rocks.
3. He can have a bit of a temper sometimes. We are still working on him
managing his emotions. Lucy is very emotional right now so he doesn't quite understand all of that.
4. I cannot get him to eat any kind of breakfast food. I have made him everything! He even
won't eat pop tarts, toaster streudel, or french toast sticks. He asks for mac n' cheese,
or peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. I don't know what to do with him.
5. Marcus loves to play with Lucy right now. He will follow her anywhere and
do anything she wants to do. Their favorite thing is to jump on the tramp even though it
usually ends up with Lucy crying and wanting to get off the tramp and Marcus apologizing.

:: Lucy ::

1. I don't know if I mentioned this before but Lucy says the cutest thing and I
don't ever want to forget it. When she wants you to leave her alone she says as she waves her hand 
at you "away me go". I love to hear her say it every time.
2. She started cutting her 2 year old molars this week. I didn't realize it until
one had already popped through. She said her neck hurt one night and so we gave
her some tylenol and the next morning she said it again and I thought maybe it was her
pillow. Then I realized she was teething. She was so needy and emotional. We were going to 
get rid of the binky but we are keeping it until the teething is done.
3. Lucy loves to eat chips and salsa with me every day. It's her favorite snack right now.
4. She is the best cuddler. No matter where or what she is doing she loves to
come up to you and cuddle!
5. She can get on the tramp all by herself, she can't quite get down yet by herself.

1 comment:

The Tews said...

I love that she is totally loving chips and salsa right now - so cute! I am going to start using "away me go" with Mabel to see if that works. :) I bet Marcus feels so grown up writing the grocery list, so fun!