Thursday, March 5, 2015

Sunday Snippets

:: Marcus ::

1. Marcus loves every holiday and asks every day the order of holidays
and what comes next. He loves decorating for every holiday. So we made some St. Patricks Day
decorations for the house.
2. His favorite show to watch right now is still Curious George but he
switches from Caillou and Word World.
3. We have been working hard on his S's and he is slowly
catching on. His speech therapist says he is doing really well in his speech
singing class and improving in saying his S's.
4. Dave and I have started asking him before he goes to bed the following
3 questions: 1. what is one thing that made you laugh today. 2. what is one thing
that made you sad today. 3. what is one thing that you learned today. He really
likes it and we get to know more about his personality each night.
5. He is loving riding his bike right now. He is getting the turns and we are
hoping to take his training wheels off soon.

:: Lucy ::

1. Lately when Lucy wants you to leave her alone she will
say "no, away me go" and wave her hand out so you will leave. It's adorable.
2. She loves to pretend with her baby. Now lately her baby
has been the minnie mouse bubble bottle, her hair bow, and then her doll.
3. Lucy would have me carry her 24 - 7 if I let her. She is constantly saying
"up, please" and then she just sits in my arms while I move about the house. I'm trying to enjoy it
because I know she won't be little anymore but it's really tiring.
4. Last night in the car she said "Mommy, my hair stinky", then she said "dirty and PU". It
was so cute. I told her she needs to take a bath. Then a few minutes later she said "mommy, more stinky" pointing to her hair.
5. We are trying to wean her off the binky during the day. She constantly asks for it
and even when she gets hurt and wants it for comfort we are staying strong. She is
more attached than marcus ever was.

1 comment:

Gayle J. Randall said...

Love these little snippets about these little ones!