Friday, September 10, 2004

down in a heil of glory

Take the Test

1. Do you believe War is man's natural state?
2. Do you dream of Dictatorship?
3. Do you love your country more than your very own cock?
4. What about your husband's cock?
5. When did you last get your full feast of Fascism?
6. Would you like some more?
7. Is something, anything responsible for all the ills in the world other than yourself and your mates?
8. What is your inside leg and head size? Do you look good in black or brown?
9. When you hear the word Stormtrooper, do you first think of:
a. A misremembered Deep Purple album title?
b. Some obscene white-helmeted gayboy with lasers from closet Jew and beard-wearer George Lucas' blasphemous piece of shit the Star Wars quinquilogy?
c. The glorious fighting machine from a bygone age of solid human values and mechanical obeisance.

if you answered of any these questions correctly, the Nazis had a name for people like you.


sign up at the Bangalore Bosun , the honorary white, for the elimination of everything ever.

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