Showing posts with label champagne cage chairs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label champagne cage chairs. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Updates and Info

Resin chairs revisited.

My customer wanted all of the gold painted out so the chairs would fade into the background.
Easy enough to do, and while I had the paint brushes out, I went over the upholstery again.

These had been sitting at my work table staring at me and I couldn't take it anymore, lol.
I think they look much better now. :)

Bottle cages and what you can do with them. :)

Christel had asked that I post a picture of the bottle cages. Champagne isn't the only place you can find them, they come on some beer bottles as well.

There is an anual contest for making chairs out of the cage and cork from a champagne bottle, you can read more about it here.

Christel made chairs out of the cages you can see them here.

Sabiha made a fire pit out of one, you can see it here.

Amazing what the imagination can come up with, isn't it?

What came in the mail recently. :)

Recently, I got a sweet package in the mail. :)

I had gotten a convo on etsy from Janet, a fellow team member on the minimakers team, she wanted to know where I got my hutches as her supply had run out. Well, you know a mini maker in need is a friend in deed. ;)  I picked her up a bunch of hutches and sent them to her. She sent this as a thank you. I told her it was totally unnecessary, but really sweet. :)  A lovely thank you card, a cute tin which inside was a little note pad and a gift certificate to a hobby store. That won't go to waste, lol!

Check out her shop here on etsy FeathersForTheNest. She makes really cute filled hutches. :)

New followers to welcome!
Lara, Un Taller de Miniaturas, makea kuu, sandy36054 and Petite Creation!
Thank you for following me. :)

Well, I didn't mean to have such a long post, but, I'm catching up. Seems I can't create and blog simultaneously, I'm too myopic and have been wearing my creative blinders as of late.

until next time.... ;)