The long awaited Part II of the Denver Dollhouse and Miniature Show!
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Last time I shared with you people I had already known, but was getting to see in person.
This time, I share with you some brand new people that I met and took a liking too. :)
Era and her husband;
run Pearce Miniatures and Era makes the most exquisite miniature florals.
Gideon was our next door neighbor and he was just the nicest gentleman.
His miniature business is called Wild Wolf Miniatures and he makes very high end furniture.
Jim Pounder is one of the friendliest men you will ever meet and he makes beautiful sculptures and light fixtures.
Definitely, on the must have list for some day!
You can find some of his works
I didn't get a picture of her, but, Judi was a wonderful gal.
She had long black hair and was wearing vintage glasses that she had her prescription put in. How cool is that? What a smart idea! She looked fabulous!
She told me how her girlfriends started the Denver show, thirty years ago.
It was a pleasure having Judi as one of our neighbors.
Before the show, I had posted in Small Stuff Digest, to see if anyone from there was going.
Sue Veeder was one to respond and say that she would be there.
Lo and behold, she was siting right next to me at the dinner on Friday night.
That was fun. :)
She had some lovely items, but, I had my eye on some of her son's modern black and white photography in miniature. Of course, I am kicking myself for not getting one, but, there is always next time!
Unfortunately, I only got to say a quick Hi! to the gal that has True2Scale.
Her packaging was really quite impressive!
And there you have it for now!
A few more things to share with you in the third edition, plus a giveaway!
All coming soon! :)