Showing posts with label dalesdreams. Show all posts
Showing posts with label dalesdreams. Show all posts

Monday, September 2, 2013

AMERICANA is now live at Etsy!

By working together, we can accomplish great things!

May I present to you;

 These are the collaborative works of myself, CalicoJewels and KatiesClayCorner

all are now available for sale at etsy in our shops

If you would like to see the inspirations for this line, you can find them here on pinterest.
Feel free to follow my boards.

My mother was very patriotic, it gave her great pleasure that her father in law was a Yankee Doodle Dandy (born on the 4th of July), she loved history and was a genealogist. When our country celebrated the bicentennial, my mother recreated the flag that Betsy Ross made. It is for these reasons that I dedicate my new line of miniatures, AMERICANA, to her memory.

Sunday, August 25, 2013

And, the new line is...

I am pleased to announce the name of my new line is.... (drum roll please) AMERICANA! This has been the result of months of work and research. It has been a collaborative effort, I've joined forces with Linda Sweigart of CalicoJewels at etsy and Katie Reid of KatiesClayCorner and blog of the same name, also at etsy. Linda is well known for her Medieval, Tudor and fantasy furniture. Katie makes all kinds of cute accessories for the dollhouse. The listings for the new line of Americana miniatures will go live in our shops on Labor Day. 

Are you following dalesdreams on facebook

If you are and you share the announcement post about the new line, you will be entered in a drawing to win a sneak peek preview of the line with an early option to purchase before the listings go live. 

Have you signed up to be on my mailing list? To receive the latest news and information from dalesdreams simply email me at put mailing list in the subject line and you won't miss out on any important news, information or sales details. 

Thank you all for your support and encouragement during the creation phase.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Denver Show Part II

The long awaited Part II of the Denver Dollhouse and Miniature Show!

Remember, if you want to see a larger image of the photographs, right click on one and have it the image open in a new tab, you can then click on that image to enlarge, so you don't miss out on anything!

Last time I shared with you people I had already known, but was getting to see in person.

This time, I share with you some brand new people that I met and took a liking too. :)

Era and her husband;

run Pearce Miniatures and Era makes the most exquisite miniature florals.

Gideon was our next door neighbor and he was just the nicest gentleman.

His miniature business is called Wild Wolf Miniatures and he makes very high end furniture.

Jim Pounder is one of the friendliest men you will ever meet and he makes beautiful sculptures and light fixtures.

Definitely, on the must have list  for some day!

You can find some of his works here
and here.

I didn't get a picture of her, but, Judi was a wonderful gal.

She had long black hair and was wearing vintage glasses that she had her prescription put in. How cool is that? What a smart idea! She looked fabulous!

She told me how her girlfriends started the Denver show, thirty years ago.

It was a pleasure having Judi as one of our neighbors.

Before the show, I had posted in Small Stuff Digest, to see if anyone from there was going.
Sue Veeder was one to respond and say that she would be there.

Lo and behold, she was siting right next to me at the dinner on Friday night.
That was fun. :)

She had some lovely items, but, I had my eye on some of her son's modern black and white photography in miniature. Of course, I am kicking myself for not getting one, but, there is always next time!

Unfortunately, I only got to say a quick Hi! to the gal that has True2Scale.

Her packaging was really quite impressive!

you can find her blog here
and her website here

And there you have it for now!

A few more things to share with you in the third edition, plus a giveaway!

All coming soon! :)

Thursday, August 23, 2012

What is beyond Crazy? lol ;)

I normally operate at a certain level of craziness...

But, I think I am out doing myself now. ;)

 Getting ready for the Denver Museum

This after one of the busiest summers I have ever experienced!

Oldest is now en route home from Miami after a short vaca with the bf after her NASA internship.
 She met the head of NASA, an astronaut and delivered presentations to the higher ups at NASA. Hubby attended the final presentation and said that it went very well, he was quite pleased with how professional she was. :)

For someone that does not have a car, she travels pretty well, I'll be picking her up at the bus station tonight and taking her back to Penn State University tomorrow and then myself returning home on Saturday and then all of the chillins will be at their destinations for a while!

Middle already returned to college around the beginning of this month and it anxiously awaiting school to begin. My son who graduated from HS this year is already attending his technical school where he is learning to be a diesel technician. It is so nice to see him come home from school happy and with a smile on his face! What a difference from the past 12 or so years of schooling experience!

So, in the mean time, four of the rooms in my house are turned upside down while we play our own version of musical rooms. To be completed after I return from Denver! and then some! ;)

I've been keeping late evenings and surprisingly enough some early mornings as well as I get ready for the show. By the time I head down stairs at night from working until 9 or 10pm, I am pretty much a zombie sitting in front of the tv and netbook, liking away on facebook. 

Haven't really been having much in the way of real conversations, because the brain is no longer functioning! :)

 So I am going to be packaging up my minis for sale at the show and let me tell you, the excitement is at an all time high. Hubby will be going along with me and we have three stops along the way in our cross country journey. The first and last stop will be with good friends from school days and the middle stop in Chicago with be will Tracy and Iva that I have gotten to know well over fb in the past year or more. Also looking forward to visiting one of the Chicago museums to see a dollhouse exhibit, we have two choices, but will probably only get to one or the other.


These shell mirrors are some of the items I have been making for the show.
Some might be finding their way into my etsy shop shortly.

So, today packing up minis and will start making my own displays for the table.
Look I drew you a picture. :)

 Wish me luck, I'm making two turntables and three nestled risers for display.

I have been fortunate and honored to be mentioned on Otterine's blog and on this blog Cotton Ridge the gal that runs the latter blog also has a website of inexpensive minis here.
Many thanks to both of you ladies, it is greatly appreciated! :)

 Oh, and I've also been making these French Memo or Message boards.

Okay, that's all I got for now, lots more pics on facebook

I gotta get back to work, the clock is ticking loudly! ;)
ciao for now :)

Thursday, August 16, 2012

New Perfume Bottle Collections

I am so tickled with how these have come out. :)

Golden elegance :)

When I made this set, I thought I would keep it for myself.

This set reminds me of the ocean :)

Then, when I made this set, I thought I would keep it for myself.

But, then this set was created!

 and, then this one!

 Sunny yellows :)

A special mix, this one includes a little purple butterfly bottle, seen right there in the front.

Inspired by Absinthe

Surf , sand and sea

Royal elegance, fit for a queen :)

I had shown a picture on facebook of work in progress. My dear sweet friend Kim, you can see her blog here, asked if I could make some steampunk inspired perfume bottles.

So, I did and she was thrilled with these. Turns out, it will coordinate wonderfully with her stained glass window. Serendipity! :)

Well, I can't keep all of them for myself, so these will all be heading into my etsy shop shortly and will be available for purchase.