Showing posts with label Philadelphia Miniaturia. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Philadelphia Miniaturia. Show all posts

Monday, November 30, 2015

Hello! :)

 Oh, my! I cannot believe how long it has been since my last post. Twas never my intention to just walk away, but, it is what it is.

So much has happened in the past two years, gees, this year alone has been a roller coaster ride of good and bad for me and my family. I won't bore you with all of the details. ;)

Let's get up to date! :)

Please do let me know what you have been up to as of late!

Most recently, I exhibited at Philadelphia Miniaturia for the third year in a row. Best time evah! and best show to date! So happy to be included with so many fabulous artisans. I feel so privileged to be included in such a fabulous show.

This year I had the opportunity to teach that went really, really well. My students were so happy with their mini creations and I am so bummed that I completely forgot to bring a camera. I will try to remember for next time.

For now, some pics of my table at the show;

My very sweet son took this pic;
and I took this one of the table;
I have more pictures on the ipad, but have yet to figure all of that out completely yet. I'm still learning, even though I am old! lol

Okay, so bear with me, this old dog is going to have to learn new tricks, after being away for so long, everything is so new and different, I have much to learn, but I will keep on trying!

Thank you for still being around and interested. I really appreciate it. :)

There is much in store for dale's dreams in the coming months and coming year and many new minis to be seen. I hope you continue to join me in this miniature journey. I'm still loving it and I hope you are as well.

Many blessings sent out to you and yours!
As ever,
dale :)

Monday, November 9, 2009

Philadelphia Miniaturia Treasure Trove! :)

Wow, just wow! The show was so phenomenal! :)

I was so excited to go, I almost had butterflies in my stomach, lol ;)

Of course, the first person I encountered was Betsy Niederer. I have to admit, I was a bit star struck! A celebrity, lol, she's been on Martha! So, that was really cool. I bought six of the tiniest croissants from her. I went to put them in my purse, then I worried they might get broken. She said, "Don't worry, they're bomb proof."

Well, after that, I pretty much was in awe and the camera never came out of my purse.

But, I can show you the rest of my goodies! :)

The four matching plates just say shabby chic to me, the mirror is darling, I'm sure I'll find a good place to put that, and of course some mismatched plates featuring flowers and birds and fruit.

For my love of roses! :)

Okay, apparently these items are mass produced, but, I didn't even notice that the pattern was the same. Hubby pointed that out to me. ;)

(I'm going to have to look around in my stuff and see if they match anything else!)


I said I wasn't going to, cause, I haven't used the stuff I bought last year, but they were half off.
And I still had some money left! :)

So, there's my big purchases. lol

The show was just utterly amazing, the talent in so many different arenas and in the various scales.
Almost overwhelming! There were furniture makers, dollhouse makers, stitchers, glass blowers, miniature painters. Oh, I could go on and on. It was just a lovely show and so cool to get to see all that is out there.

 I've surpassed 100 followers, cool! :)

Let me welcome; Lize, CasitaMini which consists of three friends Nuria, Rossana and Norma, Asuka, who has just joined teamMIDS on etsy recently and finally Jean. Thank you all very much for following my blog. :)

Okay, so I guess I have to follow through with my give away now. I think I'm going to run it through to November 22, I'll announce the winner that evening. The giveaway is a $20. gift certificate to my etsy shop and all you have to do is comment on any of the posts since the last giveaway to be entered to win.

Easy peasy, but, I think it's going to take me a while to write down all of those names! ;)
Guess I better get busy ;)

Monday, November 2, 2009

More Furniture from Minibuilder in my Collection :)

This is the first piece I bought from Ray.

It is so darling, it sat on my desk for weeks as a source of inspiration for mini making.

Then, I got this table, actually, I got two of them for end tables for either side of the couch in the living room.

I'm not really a light wood kinda person, but, I wanted some diversity in what I use to display the minis I have for sale. This is a cute set and it has a country or cottage appeal to it.

I love these chairs, of course, they're not upholstered yet, as I can't decide what I want on them.
Maybe, I'll make several different seats so I can play with them a bit more.

Ray had sent me this dining room set for me to upholster the chairs and I knew immediately when I opened the box that I had to have them!

Here's just the chair. Again, no upholstery. lol ;)

Ray sent me this as a gift. I love it!
It's going to look great with a plant on it. :)

In real life, I have a thing for tables and footstools, I'm sure it's going to be the same thing in the dollhouse. That and stuffing it full with as much stuff as I possibly can. ;)

I was really busy making miniatures last week. I'll share some of what I was working on next time. So busy working, that I'm behind on keeping up with my blog reading. Hoping to get to a bit of that this week, it's always so interesting to see what other people are up to with their minis. :)

Welcome to new followers, Angela, Kiva, who makes miniature food and has a funny sense of humor (I found her through Tom's blog) and Richard another team mate from teamMIDS, who doesn't blog, yet ;) but, you can find his etsy shop here.

So, three followers away from 100 now. I'll be celebrating you followers soon with a giveaway!

This weekend is the Philadephia Miniaturia, I'm going! Anyone else out there in blog land going to be there?
I am so looking forward to it. :)