Saturday, January 31, 2009
20 minutes after we closed the store, we still had customers checking out. Not unusual for a Friday, but the 3 of us closing really wanted to get going to our Friday evening plans. We had one guy on the checkout, a lady straightening up the main part of the store, and I was trying to tag the last of the furniture that had come in (which of course, had come in at the very last minute). A lady approached me and wanted to speak with the manager (lucky me). I said that I was the manager and she started screaming and going generally ballistic. "you people are so rude! I can't get any service here at all! Where is everyone that is supposed to work here?!" I explained that we had been closed for 20 minutes, but she didn't feel that was an excuse for the lack of employees at the store. She wanted to purchase a table, but it was wiggly. I explained that we get in used items and cannot guarantee the condition of the items. "Well then you tell me this!" she shouted in my face. "Would YOU buy a broken table?" "No! That's why I don't recommend that you buy it unless you feel you can fix it. If you don't know if you can, then I don't recommend buying it. No one is forcing you to purchase that table, or to purchase from our store. We get in new items all the time, you may want to check back." "You are so rude, you know that? Now you need to find me someone who can fix this table, or I will be letting everyone know how rude you people are at this store. This is the rudest store I have ever been in. There's like, nobody here, and that guy up there (she points at our cashier who is helping a line of 4 people) won't come over here and help me!" I tried to explain that he was on the register and couldn't just abandon it and the 4 customers just for her. That made the customer even more mad. Finally I went up to the register to take over and let our guy go survey the table issue. All the customers in line were laughing at how ridiculous the woman was being.
The next day she came back, and bought another furniture item. She complained at our customer service counter that it was really stupid that we wanted her to pay for the item before she loaded it into her U-haul.
We're just plain unreasonable.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 6:59:00 PM
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Thursday, January 08, 2009
A consignor came came into our store, bringing in items to consign for the first time in several years. Our contract had changed since the last time she had been in, so I went over the changes with her. The percentage that the consignor receives had changed - and she threw a fit. Most of the consignors took the change in stride when it happened, but this lady had a special fit to throw. "I paid several hundred dollars 5 years ago for VIP status!"
Well, ma'am... I don't know who you paid (since we don't offer an option to pay us to treat you like a VIP) but if it was the guy on the street corner, you got ripped off.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 10:17:00 PM
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Monday, January 05, 2009
Typos on Merchandise Tags
Since we are human, we sometimes misspell words on the tags we create for the merchandise we take in. Today I spent most of my time going through racks clearancing merchandise and found some fun misspellings.
What do you clothe a baby with who is getting an extreme makeover? "Denim Overhauls"
What might a person from the country of Israel wear if they wanted an accessory for a nice occasion? "Jewry" (it wasn't just a one time mistake... we had a pricer who simply didn't know how to spell/pronounce the word correctly) Incidentally, this same pricer's favorite type of "jewry" was a "nicklace".
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 5:25:00 PM
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