Thursday, November 11, 2004
Tell me a funny story...
Senerio 1:
Lady: I'm here with my mother and we're looking for a black pant suit in her size. (tells me size info and other specs for the suit they are looking for)
The store did not have the size that this lady was looking for in the style of suit she wanted, and I called another store in town to see if they had anything close either, but that was unsucessful too.
Lady: But we drove 80 miles to come here for a black pant suit!
What I wanted to say: OH! You didn't say that to begin with! If I had known how far you had driven I would have gone into the 80+ miles stockroom and gotten one for you. I thought you were a local, we don't assist them.
Scenerio 2:
Lady: I'm looking for an outfit for my 95 year old mother in law. I'd like to get this sweater that I see in your advertisement, but I can only find the blue one. Can you tell me where I can find the red one and other colors pictured in the ad?
Me: We have not unpacked those from the truck yet, I believe we will have those out by Monday or Tuesday. If you would like the sweater sooner, you can go to the other mall that is close, because they recieve their stock earlier than we do.
Lady: Yes, I saw them at the other store yesterday, but I'm HERE, NOW.
What I wanted to say: Oh? You're actually here? I thought you were just a holographic message, like they send in Star Wars.
Scenerio 3:
Lady: I want the sweatshirt that goes with these pants, but you don't have them here.
Me: No, they haven't gotten from from the dock yet. We have about 3 trucks backed up that we are going to take care of on Friday morning and the merchandise should be out on the floor by the beginning of next week.
Lady: Can you just go open the boxes and find the pink sweatshirt for me?
Me: All the boxes from all 3 trucks until I find the sweatshirt?
Lady: Yes.
Me: (blank stare)
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 2:37:00 PM
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