Daisy Land

Snippets from my daily life, you may not believe them, but they are true - sadly enough. I am inspired by my coworkers to keep records of the crazy things that happen. Peppered within these records are other daily notes. Enjoy.

  • January 2004
  • February 2004
  • March 2004
  • April 2004
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  • Recent Posts:
    Tell me a funny story...
    Tell me a funny story...
    Other Costumes
    Halloween Party
    Christmas Is Coming
    Tell me a funny story...
    Tell me a funny story...

    Overheard Blogs:
    Overheard in the Flyover Zone
    Overheard in New York
    Overheard at the Office
    Overheard In Pittsburgh

    Overheard at Work:
    Crazies All Over 11.22
    I See Dead People 9.09
    Randomness 8.28
    Bad Songs 2 8.26
    Salon 8.22
    Petites? 8.19
    Bad Songs 8.19
    Overheard 2 8.12
    Overheard 7.26

    Ferret Tails/Tales:
    Farewell 11/02
    Attack 10/26
    Sneaking 10/26
    Bath Time 10/26
    Tricks 10/15
    Hungry 10/12
    Rug Lumps 10/4
    Pirates 9/02
    Predators 10/2
    Face (Picture) 9/30
    Bath Time (Picture) 9/30
    Caged Animal (Picture) 9/30
    Turbo (Picture) 9/14
    Aliens 9/12
    Growing 9/10
    Explinations 9/8
    Beginnings 9/7

    Gummy Worm Drop
    Helicopter Flight
    Pig Stack
    Set Daily Puzzle
    Lite Brite

    Penguin Games:
    Penguin Baseball
    Penguin Smush
    Penguin Archery
    Pogo Penguin Pong
    Penguin Panic
    Penguin Seal Bounce

    francey design

    My Map of Friendsbr>

    The WeatherPixie

    Thursday, November 11, 2004

    Tell me a funny story...

    Senerio 1:
    Lady: I'm here with my mother and we're looking for a black pant suit in her size. (tells me size info and other specs for the suit they are looking for)

    The store did not have the size that this lady was looking for in the style of suit she wanted, and I called another store in town to see if they had anything close either, but that was unsucessful too.

    Lady: But we drove 80 miles to come here for a black pant suit!

    What I wanted to say: OH! You didn't say that to begin with! If I had known how far you had driven I would have gone into the 80+ miles stockroom and gotten one for you. I thought you were a local, we don't assist them.

    Scenerio 2:
    Lady: I'm looking for an outfit for my 95 year old mother in law. I'd like to get this sweater that I see in your advertisement, but I can only find the blue one. Can you tell me where I can find the red one and other colors pictured in the ad?
    Me: We have not unpacked those from the truck yet, I believe we will have those out by Monday or Tuesday. If you would like the sweater sooner, you can go to the other mall that is close, because they recieve their stock earlier than we do.
    Lady: Yes, I saw them at the other store yesterday, but I'm HERE, NOW.
    What I wanted to say: Oh? You're actually here? I thought you were just a holographic message, like they send in Star Wars.

    Scenerio 3:
    Lady: I want the sweatshirt that goes with these pants, but you don't have them here.
    Me: No, they haven't gotten from from the dock yet. We have about 3 trucks backed up that we are going to take care of on Friday morning and the merchandise should be out on the floor by the beginning of next week.
    Lady: Can you just go open the boxes and find the pink sweatshirt for me?
    Me: All the boxes from all 3 trucks until I find the sweatshirt?
    Lady: Yes.
    Me: (blank stare)

    + posted by Daisy Girl @ 2:37:00 PM -


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    Thought for today:

    Bloggers I know:
    My Food Blog
    Discount Geek
    Boy Called Nick
    Meg Jewelry
    Story of a Diva
    Bridal Mania
    Something Clever
    Something Clever 2
    Benji 83
    Hardkore for Jesus
    Guilt Free Homeschooling

    Work Related Blogs:
    Waiter Rant
    In Search of Intelligent Life...
    Worst Call of the Day

    Faithful Readers:
    Blisters to Bliss
    TulipGirl: A garden of thoughts
    Sweet Surprise
    One Day at a Time
    Retail Record
    Sarah's LiveJournal
    Jennifer's LiveJournal
    Sometimes in My Head
    Pobble Thoughts
    Darwins Moustache
    Plaid Hearts
    Stuck in the Seatbelt
    Mom of 3 Little Bugs
    Jen Larson
    Leesa's Journal
    Musings on an Ordinary Life
    Silver Neurotic
    And all my friends from work!

    Funny Fine Jewelry:
    Just a Bracelet? 12.19
    Christmas Crazy 12.19
    Money Laundering 12.04
    Next Holiday 01.30
    Taxes 01.25
    Diamond From Vegas 01.23
    Bathroom 01.18
    Another Exit 01.18
    Fake Engagement Rings 01.07
    It will Break! 01.04
    Sales 01.04
    British 12.28
    Still Alive 12.27
    Non-Commital 12.26
    Dirty Sack 12.18
    Bambi Smiley 12.17
    Christmas Horse 12.16
    Jewelry Counter 12.14
    Necklace 12.14
    Little Cousin 12.10
    WHO is he?! 12.10
    Discounts 12.07
    Working Hard 12.05
    Custom Built 12.05
    Watch Hands 12.04
    Price of a House 12.02
    Biggest? 11.26
    Suspicious Customer 11.23
    Color 11.23
    Sized 11.20
    Plated 11.20
    Shoe Guy 11.20
    Troublesome Associate 11.19
    $19.00 11.19
    Watch Battery 11.19
    Unusually Short 11.17
    "White" Gold 11.17
    Gifts 11.17
    Credit Limits 11.17
    Value Item 11.15
    Coworkers 11.12
    Studs 11.11
    Size Difference 11.11
    Bracelet & Earrings 11.10
    Flushing 11.10
    Real vs. Fake 11.08
    Bathrooms 11.08
    Psycho 11.04
    Cheapskates 11.03
    Superglue 10.31
    Don't talk to Strangers 10.30
    New Day 10.28
    Training 10.27
    Cheap Wedding Ring 10.22
    Christmas Present Bracelet 10.22
    Safe Combinations 10.22
    Credit 10.20
    Practice 10.20
    File - Print 10.20
    Digging through Jewelry 10.20
    Birthday Present 10.20
    Gaudy 10.20
    Gray Tag 10.20
    Computers II 10.19
    Learning Computers 10.19
    Too Big? 10.16

    Melva Stories:
    Melva 7.20
    Melva Strikes Again 7.22
    Return of Melva 7.23
    More Melva 7.23
    Melva Again 8.16
    Melva Again 2 8.19
    Melva & Blue Jeans 8.20
    Not Melva 2 8.26
    Long Sleeve 8.29
    Melva's Lonely 9.09

    Funny Stories:
    Leaving 10.13
    Expertice 10.15
    Whisper 10.15
    Shopping? 10.15
    Bonus 10.14
    Laura Bush 10.14
    Cancer 10.14
    Shopping Methods 10.13
    Shrinking 10.13
    Jacket 10.04
    Coupons 9.18
    Cleaning 9.18
    Gottcha! 9.18
    I'm on Break 9.18
    Doors 9.18
    Longs 9.17
    September Shorts 9.17
    Have a Cookie! 9.17
    Returns 9.12
    Scaredy Manager 9.10
    Love the Skirt 9.10
    Receipts 9.09
    I See Dead People 9.09
    Melva's Lonely 9.09
    Recent Surgery 9.09
    Bill Payment 9.08
    Long Sleeve 8.29
    Randomness 8.28
    Swimsuits 8.28
    Star Trek 8.27
    Not Melva 8.26
    Bad Songs 2 8.26
    Care Instructions 8.26
    Dear Customer 2 8.23
    Dear Customer 1 8.23
    Salon 8.22
    Melva & Blue Jeans 8.20
    Bad Songs 8.19
    Credit Card Issues 8.19
    Purses 8.17
    Scuba 8.16
    Shoplifting Anyone? 8.16
    Ms. Needy 8.15
    Final Clearance 8.12
    Biblical Pun 8.10
    Language Barriers 8.06
    Whhhoo Ahhre Yohooo? 8.05
    Seasons 8.04
    Black Jacket 8.01
    Inventory 7.30
    Food Rules 7.29
    Dusty Rose 7.26
    Rules 7.24
    Duel Identity 7.23
    Stupid Shoppers 7.22
    Credit Cards 7.21
    Black Pants 7.20
    Insulted 7.19
    Coupons 7.15
    Like Ralph Lauren 7.15
    Ribbon 7.10
    Crop Pants 7.01
    Barometric Hamster 6.29
    This In Sleevless 6.29
    TNSTAFL 6.28
    Volume 6.26
    The two too Stupids 6.24
    Fat Like a Teacher? 6.23
    Sizes 6.23
    Vegetables 6.21
    Overheard 6.16
    Linen Complaints 6.15
    A Study in Mass 6.12
    Retail Phonics 5.31
    Long Sleeves 5.31
    Retail Math 5.29
    On Hold 5.26
    $14.99 5.25
    Extremes 5.20
    WrinkleWrinkle 5.14
    Coupon Scammer 5.14
    Shopping or Working 5.12
    White Skirts 5.12
    Purple 5.11
    Breakroom Conversation 5.04
    Teaching Math 5.03
    More Ambiguity 4.23
    Ambiguous Shopper 4.22
    JRQQ385Z 4.22
    Fat 4.20
    Over There 3.31
    Zippers 3.25
    Hello? 3.24
    50% off 3.23
    Who is deaf? 3.21
    Elevators 3.19
    Plu 3.18
    Singing 3.17
    Sizes 3.14
    Bulges 3.12
    Coupon Controversy 3.11
    CK 3.09
    Easter Bunny 3.08
    Registers? 3.07
    Levis 3.05
    Lost 3.02
    A Matter of Cents 3.01
    To Take or Not to Take 2.26
    Light Bulbs 2.23
    Loans 2.22
    Sesame Street 2.21
    Clearance Scams 2.19
    Check Outs 2.18
    $29.99 or $19.99 2.17
    Wisconsin Shipping 2.16
    X marks the spot 2.15
    Location, Location, Location 2.14
    Dressing Rooms 2.12
    Hair Color 2.10
    Broken Chair 2.10
    Pet Peeves 2.4
    Pink Ribbon 2.3
    Question or Not 2.3
    Pretty Blonde Friend 2,2
    Invention 1.25
    Palm Tree 1.25
    Rose or Grey 1.25
    My Hobby 1.20
    Faux Suede 12/28
    Christmas Presents 12/22
    Tight 12s 12/21
    Sniff - Sniff 12/20
    Sweater 12/17
    Chicken Little 12/16
    Annoying Award II 12/11
    Annoying Award 12/10
    Latex 12/09
    Flannel Cows 12/05
    What I want 12/04
    Velour 12/03
    Yellow Shirt 11/29
    Koalas 11/29
    Modeling 11/27
    Daughter-in-law 11/26
    Stockrooms 11/25
    Coupons 11/18
    Doughnut Holes 11/17
    Funny Stories 11/16
    Phone Calls 11/16
    Psychic Meets Psycho 11/14
    Trends 11/13
    Meals 11/13
    Brown Turtlenecks 11/13
    Turtlenecks 11/12
    Red Sweaters 11/12
    Deals 11/11
    Cashmere 11/11
    Out of Stock 11/11
    Holds 11/10
    Sweaters 11/09
    Christmas 11/06
    Jacket 11/06
    Stock 11/4
    Scissors 10/28
    Clearance Land 10/25
    Chamois 10/24
    Goldfish Lady II 10/23
    Shoplifting 10/23
    Quickies 10/23
    Hand Writing 10/23
    Phone 10/20
    Short Ones 10/19
    Pants? 10/15
    Questions 10/14
    Descriptions 10/13
    T-shirts 10/13
    Cooks 10/6
    Colors 10/4
    Hangers 10/3
    Markdowns 9/28
    Futon Girl 9/23
    Paying 9/16
    Registers 9/15
    Bosses 9/15
    Radios 9/15
    Clearance 9/13
    Ads 9/12
    Football 9/11
    Closing Late 9/10
    English Please 9/9
    Corporate Visits 9/3
    Rules 8/31
    Original 8/28