Tuesday, October 12, 2004
I came home from a day away from the apartment to find a ferret who wanted to be played with. I got her out of the cage, but she was very annoying, unusually annoying. She kept biting me, harder than playing, like she does when she is hungry. I gave in and went to the refrigerator to get her some food (we keep her ferret food in the fridge, don't know why, but we do). Anyway, I saw that her bag of food was gone, and suddenly realized that for the past few days I had been wondering why there was an empty spot there, but hadn't stopped to remember what HAD been there. She must have been out of food for 2 or 3 days. I went for the ferret treats, to tide her appitite, but noticed they were almost gone too. No wonder she's been seeming kinda ill, she hasn't been fed properly! I panicked as I realized further that all pet stores were closed by this time (11 pm) and I had a hungry, malnurished ferret on my hands! I searched online and finally found a few substitute recipes for ferrets. Evidently you can feed them cat food, canned meats (tuna, etc), ham, or oatmeal. I was already making myself ham for dinner, so I shreaded some ham for her, but she refused it! Then I tried the oatmeal, with a spoonful of molassas, and she loved it! She ate half of it, and then I gave her the rest for later... she's calm now though.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 11:32:00 PM
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