Snippets from my daily life, you may not believe them, but they are true - sadly enough. I am inspired by my coworkers to keep records of the crazy things that happen. Peppered within these records are other daily notes. Enjoy.
A lady walks up to me and says something I cannot understand. I try several times, and finally catch "return" in her sentance. Me: You have a return? The lady holds up a large purse. I send her to the counter next to me, where they can do her return. The associate had overheard and asks the customer, "so, you have a return?" The lady nods, places the purse on the counter, and prodceeds to open it, and empty of all of it's contents. It is obvious she has been using it. She gathers her posessions together and then stands firmly, "RETURN!" she demands.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 1:40:00 PM
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Customer: I'm looking for some gold earrings like a South American might wear. Associate: Are you shopping for a special occasion? Customer: Yeah, I need a present for a South American.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 9:55:00 PM
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There is a new girl who works in the department next to mine. Her name is Beth. Now I understand how it can be difficult to remember names, but so far I've heard people calling her Kim or Janelle.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 7:05:00 PM
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I opened today, coming into work at 9am. My lunch coverage was supposed to come in at 1pm, however, he called in around noon and said that he would be late. He was not feeling well today, and would need to take a nap. He would either come in at 2:30pm or call me to say he was not any better. At 2:50pm I text messaged his cell phone, "how r u?" He texted back, "I'm good. I'm sorry, I don't know who you are. How are you?" I text back that I am his boss, and that I am hungry. At 3pm he texts again, "sorry, I was groggy. I'll call you in a minute." 10 minutes later he calls to say that he is definately too ill to come in. I call my boyfriend, and ask that he bring me a sandwich if he is in the area. He says he will be done with work in a half hour, and can pick me up something then and bring it by. He comes in a little before 4pm, with a yummy, hot sandwich, a candybar, a bar of potato chips, and some milk. I'm ready to devour it! As I see him walking up, a gentleman comes up to the counter and starts looking around at jewelry. I reluctantly walk over and offer my assistance. He says he is just looking, and I am estatic. I offer to help if he sees anythign he wants to look at better, or has any questions, and walk back to my feast,... as the phone rings. It is my old manager, asking a question about bay logistics. I help her as quickly as possible and go back to the feast, when another customer walks up and eagerly starts looking at jewelry. It's 4pm now, and she wants to see things in the clearance case. I pull out 6 rings, and 3 bracelets for her. She chooses 2 rings and all bracelets to be kept out, so she can think about them and shop around. It is 4:20pm. Okay, I start to set it aside, and tell her we'll have them for her, when she cuts me off. "Oh no, I'm going to keep looking at jewelry, I just want you to keep those with us." Usually I would be quite happy about a statement like this, you rarely hear that from a customer, however, I'm hungry. I can hear her stomach rumbling, and mine is thinking "oh yeah? You think you are hungry!?" She keeps looking and looking, having me pull out random things, admire what she is currently wearing, describing sets she has at home, etc. 4:40pm - She decides to go with one particular ring, the cheapest of the bunch. I'm okay with that, at least I can eat. But she doesn't leave. She keeps looking, circling the counter like prey to be pounced upon. I snatch a few bites, as descretely as possible. She finds more to look at, and I go over, leaving my poor sandwich to get colder. 4:55pm - She finally leaves after having made two more purchases. I'm happy to have sold this much, but still starving. I quickly devour what is left of my dinner. 5:05pm - My evening person comes in, I can leave now. 5:45pm - I finally do leave.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 11:00:00 PM
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I had a lady come by and look in our clearance case at the citrine rings that we have (we had 5 clustered together) She showed her friend and quite knowingly declared "Now see those? Those aren't my birthstone, THOSE are yellow sapphire. What I am looking for is a citrine that I can wear everyday." I came over and tried to tell her that actually we don't have any yellow sapphires in currently and those are citrine. The only sapphires close to that color that we currently have are the orange ones in our regular stock. She threw a fit, "Well, the REAL jewelry stores call those yellow sapphires! They would be a different color if they were citrine. You may call them citrine, but they are NOT!"
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 4:10:00 PM
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A lady walks up. "Kim held something for me, I was wondering if it was still here. Kim had called, but I didn't bother to call her back because I knew I would be coming today." I look in our holds and don't find anything with this lady's name on it. So I asked what the piece was. Her: It was a cubic something, I can't remember. I looked and still could not find it. Me: How long ago did you have it held? We usually only hold things for about 3 days, so it may have been put back. Her: Oh, well I think it was back in June.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 9:33:00 PM
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Lady: Do you have any of those watches that are for cancer?
What I wanted to say: No. I only have watches that are against cancer, the breast cancer awareness watches, over here.
+ posted by Daisy Girl @ 11:46:00 PM
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