Thursday, April 29, 2010
Out with the old, in with the new
Since we've been in this ward, Dave has been in Young Mens, or in the bishopric and going to mutual on Wednesday so I was always home with the kids and "untouchable" for that kind of a calling. But we've made it work and the girls like it too because they get to have Aunt Kaylene come over to play with them so we can be at mutual. And that means I will be heading to girls camp too. I haven't been to camp since I was in Young Womens myself so this should be fun. I look forward to getting to know all the girls and being able to serve with some great ladies in our ward!!
Katelyn's daddy/daughter date

Clark County Fair 2010
Flower child
Motorcycle Videos
Kelsey played follow the leader with Dave and Katelyn tagged along on grandpa's bike.
Katelyn had to have someone still following her to pull her out of the occasional tree or bush, but she didn't care. She was just happy to do it herself.
Spring Break with Grandma and Grandpa Berg
Kelsey's camera batteries died halfway through their trip to Salt Lake, but I got these videos off her camera and now it really makes me wonder what happened the rest of the trip!! :) There wasn't a whole lot of homesickness on either side while they were away, I think it was just such a nice needed break for everyone. Even Addison didn't seem to be too sad they were gone!! Katelyn was just so excited to be on their "own trip." My mom said she prayed for that in her prayers every night.
The conversations going on aren't important, just the girls.
Pine Valley
Katelyn sliding down.
Kelsey sliding down. I love her squeal at the end.
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Disney on Ice
Motorcycle Riding (again)
Just taking a little break for some lunch.
Dad's ever growing lap. He better just make sure he has room for a third little one soon enough. They love to sit on dad's lap.
At the end of the day when they were loading up the bikes to go home, the girls hopped on my bike and started making motorcycle sounds and pretended to ride it.
It looked like so much fun that Maddie had to get in on it.
Nascar Qualifying

The view from the top.
Back in the suite for a little snack while Kelsey pays close attention to what is going down on the track.
Addison's update
So hopefully there will be a huge update very soon. (Not in any particular order)
- Disney on Ice
- Motorcycle Riding (again)
- Nascar Race
- Pine Valley
- Katelyn's Date Night
- Spring Break Vacation
- Bread
- Clark County Fair 2010