Thursday, April 29, 2010

Out with the old, in with the new

A couple of weeks ago, I was released from nursery. I was not expecting this at all since I'd only been in there since after Christmas. I was quite happy in there, with only 6 kids at most and I finally had a place to go with Addison when she is crawling, walking, and roaming the halls. But apparently I was liking it too much because that is when change comes, right? Just when you think you have it all planned out, it never works out that way. I was called as the Beehive addvisor and am so excited and looking forward to this new experience.

Since we've been in this ward, Dave has been in Young Mens, or in the bishopric and going to mutual on Wednesday so I was always home with the kids and "untouchable" for that kind of a calling. But we've made it work and the girls like it too because they get to have Aunt Kaylene come over to play with them so we can be at mutual. And that means I will be heading to girls camp too. I haven't been to camp since I was in Young Womens myself so this should be fun. I look forward to getting to know all the girls and being able to serve with some great ladies in our ward!!

Katelyn's daddy/daughter date

Last week Dave took Katelyn on her very own Daddy/Daughter date. We've been looking for ways to get her to be good during the day because she's just been naughty lately so he sat her down one night and said if she was extra good and tried really hard all day, that he would take her to get dessert wherever she wanted to go. So it was set.

The next morning she woke up to a note at her place at the table just for her and a note on the stairs reminding her of what she had to do. Although she wasn't perfect and still had a few whiny moments, she had a whole different attitude to try to be good. She picked Wendy's for a frosty and loved it so much she can't wait to go again. She's already got it all planned, miniature golf or bowling.
Dig in
Ahh, the taste of sweet success.
Two conversations he relayed to me when they got home.
He picked her up to tell them her order:
Dave: "Tell him what you want."
Katelyn: (with the biggest grin) "I want two ice creams, one for me and one for my daddy."
And after they were sitting enjoying their treat:
Katelyn: (looking around) "There's no mom or Kelsey sitting next to me. It's just me with my dad."


I can make bread. This is huge for me because while I can follow a recipe, if the flour isn't exact I shy away from it. But this is my second attempt at making it and both times were a success. And my drive to succeed was to have Navajo tacos for dinner. They are the simply the best.

Clark County Fair 2010

A couple weeks ago was our annual trip to the Clark County Fair. This is an event the girls look forward to every year. We love that Kaylene usually comes along with us and this year wasn't any different. However, it was Addison's first trip and she loved it.

She liked the animals, but didn't really know what to think of them.
Ready to have fun.
Katelyn loves the bunnies and is always looking for one close to the front that she can touch.
This is the best shot of Addison's face that we could get. She just stared at them taking it all in.
Farmer Kelsey and Katelyn
Of course they had to check out the baby pigs.
This cow was a little too close for Katelyn.
Eating kettlecorn, (the best at the fair) waiting for the pig races to start.

Flower child

I took this a couple of nights ago when the girls were getting ready for the bath. She is the ultimate flower child. Katelyn loves to have her hair braided because when it comes out at the end of the day, it looks like Taylor Swift's hair.

Motorcycle Videos

After my parents came back from Spring Break we went down over Easter weekend to go riding again. This time it was just us, my parents and Jesse and Alyson. The girls are getting quite confident on their motorcycles and although I didn't get any video, Kelsey rode the little motorcycle all by herself. The time before she almost crashed, my dad grabbed her off just in time so she was a little nervous to try again, but she managed and did it and is so proud she can ride it by herself now. Katelyn also learned to ride the quad all by herself. It was really windy that day, but it didn't seem to bother the girls any. Here's some videos of them. You'll have to go to our actual website to view these.

Kelsey played follow the leader with Dave and Katelyn tagged along on grandpa's bike.

Katelyn had to have someone still following her to pull her out of the occasional tree or bush, but she didn't care. She was just happy to do it herself.

Katelyn loves to go on rides with grandpa.

Spring Break with Grandma and Grandpa Berg

Kelsey's camera batteries died halfway through their trip to Salt Lake, but I got these videos off her camera and now it really makes me wonder what happened the rest of the trip!! :) There wasn't a whole lot of homesickness on either side while they were away, I think it was just such a nice needed break for everyone. Even Addison didn't seem to be too sad they were gone!! Katelyn was just so excited to be on their "own trip." My mom said she prayed for that in her prayers every night.

The conversations going on aren't important, just the girls.

Pine Valley

In February we took the youth from our ward up to my family's cabin in Pine Valley. Although we didn't have the girls with us, (thanks to Kaylene for staying over and taking them), I'm not sure we got any more sleep than we would have if we stayed home!! But the girls were very sad not to be able to go to great grandpa's house so we decided that since we had a free weekend in March, we'd go back and take the girls to play in the snow. So we invited our friends, the Ludwigs, made a few meal arrangements and headed out.

Here's what the snow looked like when we showed up. There's nothing prettier than new fallen snow.
5 minutes it looked like this and only got worse as the day and night went on. A couple years ago we went up to Mt. Charleston and played in the snow up there, but this was nothing compared to that. Ethan couldn't wait to get up to the snow and throw snowballs at Dave again.
The building of the snow "princess." There were more girls than boys so Ethan was outvoted and she became the snow princess.
I love this smile! Such a cutie.
Nice shot. Apparently me holding Addison wasn't off-limits enough for Katelyn.
Kelsey and the snow princess.
Family picture in all her glory. Yes, that's lipstick she has on.
The next morning we headed up to the resevoir for some tubing. We went for the not so steep hill for the kids, but it was still plenty fast for them. They all loved it.
Katelyn wasn't afraid to do it. She'll try anything. No fear!
Once Kelsey got the hang of it, she thought she'd try head first.
Here comes Katelyn again.

Katelyn sliding down.

Kelsey sliding down. I love her squeal at the end.

Ready for a snowball fight, dad?
Here's the reservoir we fish in the summer. Completely frozen over, but we weren't sure how thick the ice was so those are not our footprints. The drive home. What a great trip!! Thanks for coming with us, guys. Sure was a lot of fun.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Disney on Ice

Clear back in January Disney on Ice came to Las Vegas. It comes every year the main event was Tinker Bell. Instead of going as a family, a few of us girlfriends who have girls the same age all got together and headed out. I don't think Dave was too upset about missing this one so he gladly stayed with Addison.
The girls had a great time with their friends and a night out on the town and although we took the camera it only came out once when the show started.
Kelsey and Katelyn's little group of friends. Could their smiles be any bigger?
Just waiting for the show to start.
Tinker Bell and all her fairy friends.

Motorcycle Riding (again)

For President's Day weekend, we headed down to California for a quick weekend of motorcycle riding with our family. The girls were so excited to be going again and to learn how to ride the quad and motorcycle on their own.
Kesley heading out for a ride.

Just taking a little break for some lunch.

Dad's ever growing lap. He better just make sure he has room for a third little one soon enough. They love to sit on dad's lap.

At the end of the day when they were loading up the bikes to go home, the girls hopped on my bike and started making motorcycle sounds and pretended to ride it.

It looked like so much fun that Maddie had to get in on it.

Nascar Qualifying

Dave's company gets tickets to Nascar every year for their customer appreciation and this year they had some extra tickets on Friday for qualifying. So he was able to get some for us and we all went. The girls had never been and although they weren't racing they got to go up on the roof, and eat and hang out with their dad for a few hours. They loved it and had the best time. Kelsey didn't really like being up on the roof, she said it was too noisy, but Katelyn didn't want to come back inside.

The view from the top.

Back in the suite for a little snack while Kelsey pays close attention to what is going down on the track.

Addison's update

Although this is so far behind and babies grow up so fast, here's an update just on Addison. Since I posted her 4 month stats, she's been sick and in and out of the doctor's office so I don't really know how much she weighs. At 5 months, she was 13 pounds 12 ounces and then when she was back in there at 6 months, for yet again another sickness, she was 13 pounds 4 ounces. My guess is she's somewhere around 14 pounds and over 24" long. She has figured out how to use her hands and has been known to clear a few plates from the table trying to get what she wants.

Eating baby food was short lived. Although she loves her food, if she doesn't eat hers first, all she wants is what we are having for dinner. Within a week of starting her on solid food at 4 months, she was eating 3 meals a day and never looked back. She eats everything in sight and loves it all. Good thing I just bought a whole bunch of baby food!

She learned to sit up around 5 months and wasn't happy enough with that, that she leaned over and started her army crawl. She wasn't really into rolling over to get where she wanted to go like Kelsey and Katelyn so she used her tummy as a pivot point and scooched all around the girls' room. She has now perfected her scooching and crawls everywhere. Addison is the happiest baby all the time. She loves that her sisters live to make her laugh and loves watching them play all around her. Oh how she wishes she could keep up with them.

Addison at 4 months old


I can't believe how much time passes between posts. It's kind of pathetic actually, but we've been enjoying the nice weather and letting the house fall apart around me as I have 10 baby quilts to make from now until October, which I will be posting as they get completed. Unless you actually read this blog, then you will just have to wait to get yours and be surprised!!

So hopefully there will be a huge update very soon. (Not in any particular order)
  • Disney on Ice
  • Motorcycle Riding (again)
  • Nascar Race
  • Pine Valley
  • Katelyn's Date Night
  • Spring Break Vacation
  • Bread
  • Clark County Fair 2010