Wednesday, September 16, 2009

The story behind her name

Everyone knows that we struggle with girl names. We always have. Once I landed on Kelsey, I always knew she was Kelsey, but Dave wasn't so convinced until she was born and he saw her. However with Katelyn she was going to be Riley up until a few weeks before she was born. We tried to stay away from Katelyn because we didn't want to be K specific but it just worked out that way.

We start trying to find a name way too early and always without fail, end up changing it from what we had picked out. Addison was going to be Brooklyn up until the last few days before she was born but there were just too many connections.

But we didn't just pull Addison out of the air after she was born either. Dave picked out the name when we started the whole name process but then went back and forth on how he felt about it. I liked either one, now for finding a middle name to go with the names.

About 2-3 months ago the girls asked what some flowers were called that were blooming in our backyard. I told them they were lilies and they both instantly said, "Lily is a baby name." So I added it to the list just to please them, thinking they would forget about it. Oh, were we both wrong. They don't forget anything. Everytime the naming of this baby girl came up, they both put in their opinion that her name was going to be Lily. We just ignored them until 2 nights before going to the hospital.

After we ruled out Brooklyn we went back to Addison and Katelyn quite insistently said, "Her name is Lily." We couldn't really argue that we didn't like it or that it didn't go together. I think we both resolved her name would be Addison Lily without really talking about it until after she was born and it just worked. So the girls got their wish after all.

Sunday, September 13, 2009

New Arrival

Addison Lily Hawkins
Born September 12 2009 1:45 Pm
7Lbs 13oz
20.5" Long
What a blessing

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Her due date came...and went

Well, as usual, though this shouldn't be a shock anymore, this baby is officially late. We're not quite sure what she's waiting for other than to have her own day, not to have to share it with cousins, siblings or her dad, because we are all just waiting for her to come. Kelsey asked before leaving to go to the doctor yesterday, "Can you ask the doctor when the baby can come?" Doesn't she know she has two very over-excited sisters just waiting for her arrival? So with that said, we are set to go in on Friday night to be induced. At least there is an end in sight and we will hopefully be bringing our new little one home by the end of the weekend.