Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Playtime with the cousins
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Kelsey is in Kindergarten
A good luck kiss before she heads off.
Katelyn is so excited for her sister to head off to school, wishing she could go too.
A hug from mom and dad. She was so excited that he was able to come home from work to take her to school.
One last photo, only it was too bright. Her last moments of freedom.
When she walked into the classroom she was all smiles, but that wasn't so much the case when it was time to go home. She was still smiling, just not ear to ear. She doesn't know anyone in her class which proved to be a little difficult for her. Dave called her after school and told her that we were going out to lunch and that seemed to brighten her day. She eventually told us she didn't know anyone so with a quick pep talk from mom, dad and Katelyn, she headed off to school for her second day. She has made a friend each day and even remembered their names.
The only other slight little concern for her is that she is bored. Already. She gets very excited about doing worksheets and homework, but so far they are only coloring. I hope it picks up for her or she may go stir crazy. All in all, it seems to be a successful start to her learning. We are so proud of her and do not feel old enough to have her in kindergarten already.
Where did the summer go?
Just a quick run-down of the last few weeks of summer with pictures to tell about it soon to come. Dave took a last minute fishing trip with his boss so with nothing to keep me here, the girls and I headed off to California for some last minute visiting with family since we won't be going anywhere soon enough. With just a week to recover and get ready for school, my nephews came and spent a week with us so their parents could go to New York. Some of you may be thinking what in the world were we thinking being 8 1/2 months pregnant, but seeing as the baby is still inside, no harm no foul. However, we think we are finally ready enough for her to come and we are all anxiously awaiting her arrival, especially the girls.
And lastly, Kelsey has started kindergarten. Now what is Katelyn going to do without her sister to play with. Fortunately for us and Kelsey, kindergarten is only 2 1/2 hours and just long enough for her to still enjoy it and want to go back the next day.
Saturday, August 01, 2009
More wedding photos

I absolutely love this one the photographer took with the girls covering their eyes. Never seen that done and thought it was such a fun idea.

Just the girls

Such a good looking group of guys

The wedding party

At the luncheon, outside the restaurant. Looks like they could belong to them. And the outfits weren't even planned either. Jesse & Alyson, hope you guys want kids because you just inherited two beautiful girls, without any of the work to get them here!!
Still pregnant and melting
Looking around our house you wouldn't think there was even a possibility of a baby coming in the next 5-6 weeks. Carseat, crib set up, baby clothes, diapers, wipes, who needs any of those for a new baby? And the list just keeps going. And don't even get me started on a name. I thought we had one picked out but just last night Dave said he's still not sure 100% if that's what it will be. And then there's the discussion of a middle name that we've never even had. So here's to playing the waiting game and apparently she's decided to play along too. I think Katelyn may have given her some "tips" while up in heaven just before coming down!!
Kelsey the photographer
Crazy thundershowers
A few weekends ago we were hit with some pretty good thunder showers. The girls have never seen rain like this so they thought it was cool that I actually let them go outside and play in the rain. They've decided however, they don't like thunder.
You can really see how hard it's coming down and how flooded the streets become in such a short amount of time. These pictures don't do them justice for how wet they actually got.
Successful swimming lessons
Kaylene has been so devoted to teaching our girls to swim and Kelsey and Katelyn just love having her come over. Here's their latest accomplishments in the pool. For those family members getting this emailed to you, you will actually have to go to the blog to view the videos.
Kelsey has been doing the freestyle for a year now, but she has been working on her breathing and isn't rolling all the way over anymore.
She has never enjoyed the backstroke but has been doing much better and has even asked to do this stroke.
What 2 year old do you know of that has no fear and loves to be thrown across the pool?
Katelyn can swim on her own and doesn't want any help from anyone.
Katelyn floating on her back across the pool.
For two summers now, Kelsey has been diving to the bottom for toys, rings, sticks, whatever she can throw in. Well, this year, Katelyn can't be outdone by her big sister so she's been working on diving as well.
Kelsey can stay under forever and likes to show off just how long that really is.
Kelsey and Katelyn enjoying a jump together. Everything they do has to be done together.
4th of July
Kelsey turned 5
Oh yeah, we do have a blog, huh?
For the few people that actually read check our blog, here's a quick run down of our summer thus far and then I will do a more indepth post for each of the events. Posts to look forward to:
- Kelsey turned 5
- Fourth of July with tons of family in town
- Crazy thundershowers
- Swimming lessons
- Family reunion in Pine Valley
- The new baby
Here's hoping to catch up on all these!!