Monday, October 20, 2008

Valley of Fire

Our ward planned a campout for last weekend up near Red Rock but cancelled at the last minute because they couldn't get enough campsites. But by that time, we'd already committed our neighbors to go with us. We weren't thrilled with the location the ward had picked and since we'd already asked them to go with us, we were stuck. But we changed locations to Valley of Fire and we set out. I know what you're thinking - yes, I went camping. In a tent. Overnight. This was Katelyn's first camping trip and Kelsey was a pro. Dave decided on Valley of Fire for the organized campsite and it would probably be better for Katelyn with flush toilets, and it was warmer. All in all, it was a pretty good time.

We got out of the truck and Kelsey found rocks to climb almost immediately. She recruted Brianne to come with her since we were setting up tents.

Katelyn slept the whole ride there so she's still a little sleepy for this. But aren't they cute

This is how high they actually were, and I'm on the ground. Katelyn - not scared one bit. And tried many times to climb up on her own.

She was all about climbing.

Just the right size for her head!!
The bedtime routine... always a lot harder when you're not in your own bed. We laid them down at 9:30 and I think by 10 they were finally asleep. Not bad for her first night in a tent.

Yeah, that's an air mattress. What can I say, we're a bunch of girls when it comes to comfort.

The next morning they were right back at it again. See, following her sister.
Trying hard not to fall.
Just enjoying some time with their dad.
Packing up getting ready to leave. The girls had a great time and we all came back in one piece. And amazing, not one accident for Katelyn. We did have to make sure we were close enough to the bathrooms though!! We all had a great time and I admit, I'd go back there again. Anyone up for joining us?

Curly Hair

Kelsey has the greatest hair and she gets comments about it all the time. Even if she isn't listening to them or thinks that she has great hair, she does. Hopefully she will come to realize this and appreciate it sooner, rather than later. She loves to have her hair curly, and the only time she gets to have it that way is when she gets a shower before church because we were out too late the night before. But last week she let me try it and she woke up to this!! She loves it and I love that she loves it. It stayed curly all day and her preschool teacher loved it. Raved about it all day!!
She could not stop looking at herself in the mirror anytime she passed by one!!
I just wish Katelyn would get some hair at all. Unfortunately hers is so straight and thin, it's gonna be awhile.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Target practice

I realize I've been absent from the blogging world lately, with no real good reason other than I don't feel I have anything to blog about. But today rendered a conversation that is blog worthy.

To preface, last weekend we got the yard ready for Halloween by mowing the lawn and re-seeding in the back yard where the patches are dead. And the girls helped. Need I say more? So there is a LITTLE more seed than was needed on each patch. But hey the girls were happy so no harm done. Well, Sunday morning, and each morning since has been target practice for Dave and the pigeons that have landed in our yard to eat the smorgasbord of seed.

However, today he left too early to get any. While the girls were eating breakfast, Kelsey notice a few on the wall and pointed them out. And this time it was Katelyn who had the response.

Katelyn: Daddy shoot the birds.

Me: Not today, he left too early to get any.

Katelyn: Then mommy shoot them.

Me: No I don't shoot them.

Kelsey: Why?

And before I could get an answer, Katelyn was opening the back door saying, "Then I chase them!!" And with that she was gone. So our bird problem was handled by the youngest member of the family, because obviously having 2 big dogs in the back yard isn't enough.

Dave would've been so proud!!