Our ward planned a campout for last weekend up near Red Rock but cancelled at the last minute because they couldn't get enough campsites. But by that time, we'd already committed our neighbors to go with us. We weren't thrilled with the location the ward had picked and since we'd already asked them to go with us, we were stuck. But we changed locations to Valley of Fire and we set out. I know what you're thinking - yes, I went camping. In a tent. Overnight. This was Katelyn's first camping trip and Kelsey was a pro. Dave decided on Valley of Fire for the organized campsite and it would probably be better for Katelyn with flush toilets, and it was warmer. All in all, it was a pretty good time.
The bedtime routine...
...is always a lot harder when you're not in your own bed. We laid them down at 9:30 and I think by 10 they were finally asleep. Not bad for her first night in a tent.
The next morning they were right back at it again. See, following her sister.
Trying hard not to fall.
Just enjoying some time with their dad.
Packing up getting ready to leave. The girls had a great time and we all came back in one piece. And amazing, not one accident for Katelyn. We did have to make sure we were close enough to the bathrooms though!! We all had a great time and I admit, I'd go back there again. Anyone up for joining us?