Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Princesses and learning to self-feed

Katelyn has taken to feeding herself. She no longer wants little bites on her tray or for us to "help" feed her. Which in some ways is nice and in others, just not.
As for oatmeal, it's pretty easy to stay on the spoon.
Such a look of accomplishment!!
Just a snapshot of what I came down to find a couple of weeks ago. I had thought it was just her blanket on the floor, until I heard her telling Katelyn something about not waking them up. It wasn't till I looked down and saw what she was talking about. Apparently princesses need their beauty sleep too!!

Waiting for spring and good-bye February

While I know there are many of you out there just waiting for me to post an update about the amazing things we have been up to these last few weeks, it is a major let down to report we've been here, the whole time, just in the house trying to get over these flippin' colds, ear infections, and flu type symptoms with multiple visits to the doctor and pharmacy.

It all started when I took Katelyn in for her 15 month check-up (the doctor was MIA for a while, but we found her, and lucky for the girls because they have latched on to her and just love her). Kelsey was starting to come down with just the touch of the flu so I had her check Kelsey out too. Katelyn had a clean bill of health, just after being in a week earlier with bronchitis and showed that had cleared. Great, so she got Kelsey on a low dose of antibiotics and off we went. That was on the 8th. And here's where everything went terribly wrong.

Work has been so crazy, busy, which is good because it's been so slow lately with no signs of picking up again in the near future. However, with being busy came an ice fishing trip with the teachers and priests, gun shows, yard work, and everything else that fills our weekends up. We've planned a trip to Mt. Charleston for over a month now, that we still haven't gotten to go and every weekend has been booked (with sickness).

Dave had to take a trip to Arizona to get docs signed on a machine and drove down and back in a day so he could be home. A week later he was laid up in bed, missed mutual and stayed home half the day from work to sleep it off. Finally on the 15 he went to the doctor and got some antibiotics. I'll spare you the additional details, but by Sunday he seemed to be doing a whole lot better. We thought for sure Katelyn would be the one to get sick again because she just couldn't leave him alone. Kelsey obeyed strict orders to stay away from dad and Sunday after church, she laid down on the couch, hardly touched her dinner and was on fire, up to 103. Which we thought was odd because she was still on the antibiotics. I just figured the fever was back because by Wednesday she seemed to be doing much better; one dose of Motrin in the morning and it broke. It was gone Thursday and then back again Friday morning.

By Thursday I started coming down with it too, no fever, just what Dave had had. I knew it was only a matter of time since I'd missed everything else all winter long, that it would knock me out and boy did it ever. Come Friday morning, Dave took the girls in and made a later appointment for me to go in. I fought him on it because I hate going to the doctor for anything but at the same time, going into the weekend it would be Monday before I could get in to see anyone. So I went, reluctantly. They gave me the same stuff they gave to Dave and by the time I got home from the pharmacy, I could tell I was only getting worse. Earlier in the week I'd made some sort of comment that I don't have time to get sick, because when I am, I'm still expected to have the house clean, cook the meals, raise the kids and be happy. He said I could let the house go and that he would try harder to help.

Dave had dinner cooking when I got home, and the rest of the weekend was pretty much a blur. He did loads upons loads of dishes, made all the meals (not one was soup & grilled cheese or mac and cheese, either), and played with the girls. Fortunately there were enough clean clothes to get by, but I think he was at his max by then. By Sunday they were still not feeling their best, so he went to teach the third hour and it was just me and the girls. I picked up and vacuumed the downstairs really quick, and then it was upstairs to tackle the toy room. And now today we've been outside enjoying the warm sunshine (sorry Micaela), playing at the park and walks and such. So it's been a long February and we're just glad it's almost over.

But here is a huge shout out to the wonderful, great guy that I married because if I was a single mom, I don't think we would have made it through the weekend without him. So while he managed to take out the whole family with whatever was going around at work, he did make it all better with all the help he gave this weekend.

Edit: It seemed that Katelyn stayed well through all of this but never fear, she's been right there with us, because she's teething again, with 3 coming in all at one time. What a trooper!!

This is on Friday after I came down from drying my hair. I put Cinderella on for Kelsey and found them like this. I guess nothing tires you out quite like a visit to the doctor!!

Thursday, February 07, 2008

2 tags for Valentine's Day

Well, I've been tagged a couple of times so instead of posting twice, I figured I'd just combine them into one.

What is his name? Dave

How long have you been together? Officially 8 1/2 years but we knew each other long before that. 2 years while on his mission and 2 years before that

How old is he? 29

Who eats more? Depends - usually him, but I can put it away when it comes to ice cream

Who said I love you first? Dave

Who is taller? Dave

Who sings better? I think we both sing pretty well, but I sing more.

Who is smarter? We're a pretty good balance, but he is filled with "useless" information and he'll be the first to admit it.

Who does the laundry? I do because he claims his mom made him fold clothes when he was younger (and folding for 8 is no cake walk) so that is one thing he refuses to do. Unless I've just had a baby or he's completely out of clothes for work and it's Sunday night (which has happened once or twice because I refuse to do laundry on the weekend - it's my time off).

Who pays the bills? I do, Dave makes all the money in which to pay them.

Who sleeps on the right side? When looking at the bed? I do. That's so if someone came into our house, he can get out (or be gotten first).

Who mows the lawn? Before kids, I did more, until he caught me mowing it 8 months pregnant and then he did it. But now he's hired two teachers to do the yard work to save for their mission.

Who cooks dinner? I do it during the week and he does it on Sunday - usually bbq

Who drives? Evenings and dates Dave does, otherwise it's me.

Who is more stubborn? We are equally stubborn but he's usually the first to say sorry. Unless I know I'm in the wrong, then it's me.

Who kissed who first? He kissed me first

Who proposed? Dave

Who has more friends? I do, he just has more aquaintances through work

Who is more sensitive? I am

Who has more siblings? Dave - 7 to my 3

Who wears the pants? For the most part I do, but he does in some cases. If I didn't, I'd be scared to see what shape our house would be in - oh wait - it would be like it is when I'm sick, a disaster. When it comes to big or important things we discuss them together

Now 3 random things about me...

1. I sing every song I hear. I can't help it. In fact when I was younger I was often asked by my friends "Who sings this song?"

2. I love to play volleyball. I completely embarrassed myself in grade school with this sport, but I absolutely love to play it. Not great at it, but can't get enough of it really. Our stake has a women's volleyball league from September to November and after having Katelyn, and being cleared by my doctor two weeks later, I was trying to figure out how my body would bounce back enough to play. However, I only got 2 weeks out of 2 months to play - one before and the last week of it.

3. I passed my college math class in 3 weeks. The teacher I had, had every test in the testing center and you could take them whenever. So to get it out of the way and to focus on more important things, I took them all in a 3 week period.

Now I tag Jessica, Lindsay, Debi, Camille, Rachel, Susan, Tara, Mical, Brianne, and D'on.

Super Tuesday was not so super

Warning: I am not usually one to openly discuss political views, but I will make an exception. However, in light of the recent events in which I feel strongly about, I couldn't help but to publish a post. So if you are not interested, please do not proceed.

Well, after the Nevada caucus, with Dave as the Romney chair, spokesman, delegate, and the landslide win over McCain, Huckabee, and Ron Paul, things looked pretty promising for the Romney campaign. That is, until Super Tuesday came around. After participating in our first caucus, Dave and I were pretty excited about this election and really couldn't wait for November to come around for us to decide on a new president. So imagine our surprise with the results from Super Tuesday and then the announcement today that Mitt Romney is withdrawing from the election. After listening to his speech, it was disappointing but understandable for why he withdrew. I think he would have led our country in the right direction and I hope he returns to the race in later years, for a much needed victory.

Monday, February 04, 2008

That men will be punished...

Last Sunday the primary secretary asked me if Kelsey would be willing to do something in primary the following Sunday. I agreed simply because I'm told she sings solos and is just a little sponge in there that I didn't think it would be a problem. So when I saw the note on her wrist after sunbeams I wasn't at all surprised. I was however surprised at the content. I just thought it would be a scripture or prayer, but it was to say the 2nd Article of Faith. K, thinking back to my primary days, it was a little shady, but came up with it before cheating and looking it up. We read it for family night and talked about it and then practiced it all week long. By Wednesday she was saying it with a little bit of prodding from me and by Thursday afternoon, she was asking what she had to say on Sunday, meaning she wanted to tell me what she had to say in primary. So from Thursday on, that's all I've heard but she was pleased with herself and her ability to remember things. Fortunately for her she gets her memory from me and not her dad.

She told it to everyone and anyone that would listen to her, my mom 2-3 times each time she called, mainly because my mom asked her to, and then to my sister as well. I only had a few trepidations about it because the thought crossed my mind that she might get up to the microphone on Sunday and freeze. Only time would tell.

Katelyn came down with a bad case of bronchitis Friday so Dave opted to stay home with her so I could go with Kelsey. Besides his brother and wife were coming over to watch the superbowl and I was asked already subbing in primary anyway. And I can only assume that Kelsey was acting quite differently because I was in there. She kept looking back at me and smiling, waving, not singing or signing I Am a Child of God, etc, etc. One time the chorister asked a question, she waved her hand and answered, "That men will be punished." It had nothing to do with the question but she thought that was her que. Not quite. I was trying not to laugh but it was just too funny.

When they took her up front, she was a little nervous about the whole thing, but went. Her friend Bradley had the scripture and his mom helped him say it so that made things a little better. When it was her turn, she climbed up the stool, looked out at everyone and then back at me. I think she forgot what she was supposed to do until I reminded her by saying, "How does it start?" She replied, "We believe... (long pause)... and then went on with the rest of it just like we had practiced. It was perfect. She wasn't scared and everyone was so impressed that she had it memorized. When we were driving home, she asked if she could say it again, next Sunday. I told her it would be someone else's turn to get up next time, but that she would get her chance again.

That may be the only thing she says for a while, but hey, at least she won't forget it. One less thing she'll have to memorize to graduate primary. And thanks to my mom for always making me memorize everything I had to say in church.