Well, I've been tagged a couple of times so instead of posting twice, I figured I'd just combine them into one.
What is his name? Dave
How long have you been together? Officially 8 1/2 years but we knew each other long before that. 2 years while on his mission and 2 years before that
How old is he? 29
Who eats more? Depends - usually him, but I can put it away when it comes to ice cream
Who said I love you first? Dave
Who is taller? Dave
Who sings better? I think we both sing pretty well, but I sing more.
Who is smarter? We're a pretty good balance, but he is filled with "useless" information and he'll be the first to admit it.
Who does the laundry? I do because he claims his mom made him fold clothes when he was younger (and folding for 8 is no cake walk) so that is one thing he refuses to do. Unless I've just had a baby or he's completely out of clothes for work and it's Sunday night (which has happened once or twice because I refuse to do laundry on the weekend - it's my time off).
Who pays the bills? I do, Dave makes all the money in which to pay them.
Who sleeps on the right side? When looking at the bed? I do. That's so if someone came into our house, he can get out (or be gotten first).
Who mows the lawn? Before kids, I did more, until he caught me mowing it 8 months pregnant and then he did it. But now he's hired two teachers to do the yard work to save for their mission.
Who cooks dinner? I do it during the week and he does it on Sunday - usually bbq
Who drives? Evenings and dates Dave does, otherwise it's me.
Who is more stubborn? We are equally stubborn but he's usually the first to say sorry. Unless I know I'm in the wrong, then it's me.
Who kissed who first? He kissed me first
Who proposed? Dave
Who has more friends? I do, he just has more aquaintances through work
Who is more sensitive? I am
Who has more siblings? Dave - 7 to my 3
Who wears the pants? For the most part I do, but he does in some cases. If I didn't, I'd be scared to see what shape our house would be in - oh wait - it would be like it is when I'm sick, a disaster. When it comes to big or important things we discuss them together
Now 3 random things about me...
1. I sing every song I hear. I can't help it. In fact when I was younger I was often asked by my friends "Who sings this song?"
2. I love to play volleyball. I completely embarrassed myself in grade school with this sport, but I absolutely love to play it. Not great at it, but can't get enough of it really. Our stake has a women's volleyball league from September to November and after having Katelyn, and being cleared by my doctor two weeks later, I was trying to figure out how my body would bounce back enough to play. However, I only got 2 weeks out of 2 months to play - one before and the last week of it.
3. I passed my college math class in 3 weeks. The teacher I had, had every test in the testing center and you could take them whenever. So to get it out of the way and to focus on more important things, I took them all in a 3 week period.
Now I tag Jessica, Lindsay, Debi, Camille, Rachel, Susan, Tara, Mical, Brianne, and D'on.