Merry Christmas everyone!! Dave woke up a few minutes earlier than the girls and went downstairs to start making breakfast. Since Katelyn was born, she has woken up "starving" and can't do anything else until she's eaten. And surprisingly she wasn't the first one awake either. Kelsey heard Dave downstairs and we told them last night they weren't allowed to go downstairs until we were all awake. She did have to check the tree first to see if Santa really came or not before coming in our bed to wait for Katelyn to wake up. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long. While waiting for breakfast the girls went through their stockings and Katelyn wouldn't eat any candy until she had breakfast first. Quite a difference from last year since all our pictures of her have chocolate running down her chin.

The loot!!

Before she opened it, we told her which one was hers and she screamed with excitement, "The big one?"

Katelyn playing with her whole set up.
The best we could get with their matching flannel Princess jammis. They were just too excited to hold still long enough.
Katelyn's first present to open was this.
Her very own pink gun!! She opened it and said it was Kelsey's until Dave told her it was her own!! And then she wouldn't let it out of her hands to go on to the next.
Once out of the box, we couldn't get her to look at the camera. She kept saying cheese, but not looking at all.
Kelsey picked her first present to open and she got a scooter. Since Katelyn got hers for her birthday it's been a fight every time of who gets to ride it. And Kelsey is so excited to have her own.
We couldn't get it out of the box fast enough before she was off and riding it all over the house.
And the best part - it's pink.
After dragging them back over to the tree and presents, it was time for the Santa gifts.
Katelyn got her long awaited baby with a brand new stroller, infant seat, and cradle.
Taking her baby for a walk. Isn't she a great little mom?
And Kelsey got a camera. Hallelujah!! Now I can have mine back and she can take her own pictures whenever she wants.
We had to put batteries in it immediately and she became the photographer for the rest of the Christmas presents!!
Katelyn also got a dollhouse and Kelsey got a leapster. She played with her cousin's all during Thanksgiving and was so excited hers was pink. Do you see a pattern here?!
As for Dave and I, his were pretty boring, new things for the bishopric, like long sleeve shirts, cuff links and a new wallet. He also got a big butcher block for making bread. For me, I got a bunch of Shannon Hale books and the best present ever - he had his brother print up the blog. So over 400 pages later it's bound and saved!! It's what the girls picked to give me and it's perfect. For the family we decided to get Playstation 3 for the blu-ray player. This is something Dave's wanted for over a year now and so we decided rather than getting anything big for each other, we did that together and got a bunch of games and blu-ray movies. Isn't it ironic now that he's in the bishopric, he's not going to have a lot of time to use it!! Looks like Christmas was a success.
We hope you all have a happy and healthy Merry Christmas.