Thursday, December 25, 2008

MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Merry Christmas everyone!! Dave woke up a few minutes earlier than the girls and went downstairs to start making breakfast. Since Katelyn was born, she has woken up "starving" and can't do anything else until she's eaten. And surprisingly she wasn't the first one awake either. Kelsey heard Dave downstairs and we told them last night they weren't allowed to go downstairs until we were all awake. She did have to check the tree first to see if Santa really came or not before coming in our bed to wait for Katelyn to wake up. Fortunately, she didn't have to wait long. While waiting for breakfast the girls went through their stockings and Katelyn wouldn't eat any candy until she had breakfast first. Quite a difference from last year since all our pictures of her have chocolate running down her chin.
The best we could get with their matching flannel Princess jammis. They were just too excited to hold still long enough.
The loot!!

Katelyn's first present to open was this.
Her very own pink gun!! She opened it and said it was Kelsey's until Dave told her it was her own!! And then she wouldn't let it out of her hands to go on to the next.
Once out of the box, we couldn't get her to look at the camera. She kept saying cheese, but not looking at all.

Kelsey picked her first present to open and she got a scooter. Since Katelyn got hers for her birthday it's been a fight every time of who gets to ride it. And Kelsey is so excited to have her own.
We couldn't get it out of the box fast enough before she was off and riding it all over the house.
And the best part - it's pink.

After dragging them back over to the tree and presents, it was time for the Santa gifts.
Katelyn got her long awaited baby with a brand new stroller, infant seat, and cradle.
Taking her baby for a walk. Isn't she a great little mom?
And Kelsey got a camera. Hallelujah!! Now I can have mine back and she can take her own pictures whenever she wants.
We had to put batteries in it immediately and she became the photographer for the rest of the Christmas presents!!

Katelyn also got a dollhouse and Kelsey got a leapster. She played with her cousin's all during Thanksgiving and was so excited hers was pink. Do you see a pattern here?!
Before she opened it, we told her which one was hers and she screamed with excitement, "The big one?"
Katelyn playing with her whole set up.
As for Dave and I, his were pretty boring, new things for the bishopric, like long sleeve shirts, cuff links and a new wallet. He also got a big butcher block for making bread. For me, I got a bunch of Shannon Hale books and the best present ever - he had his brother print up the blog. So over 400 pages later it's bound and saved!! It's what the girls picked to give me and it's perfect. For the family we decided to get Playstation 3 for the blu-ray player. This is something Dave's wanted for over a year now and so we decided rather than getting anything big for each other, we did that together and got a bunch of games and blu-ray movies. Isn't it ironic now that he's in the bishopric, he's not going to have a lot of time to use it!! Looks like Christmas was a success.
We hope you all have a happy and healthy Merry Christmas.

Christmas Eve

This year for Christmas Eve since we were not traveling anywhere for or after Christmas (something we haven't done for years), we decided to really start our own traditions since the girls are really getting into it and are remembering things. Each night leading up to Christmas we either watch a Christmas movie, or read a Christmas story. Kelsey was so insistent that we couldn't watch a movie and stay up late since Santa was coming and didn't want to get skipped if she was still awake. We read When Jesus was Born in Bethlehem which quotes some of Luke 2 and has beautiful pictures to go along with it to keep the girls attention rather than just reading the scriptures. And it seemed to work out fine. We talked for a little while why we celebrate Christmas and rounded out the night opening new pajamas for everyone and reading 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. We set out some cookies for Santa and the girls were in bed at 8:00. And finally by 9:30 they were asleep. There's just something about Christmas Eve and being too excited to sleep!!

Monday, December 22, 2008

Callings and Releases

Most of you know already, but since it's finally official, I thought I should do a post about the changes that have been going on the ward. A month or so ago, I was asked to sub the CTR 5 class while the teachers were out having a baby. And after 3 weeks of subing, they decided to make it official so I was called to be their teacher. In just a few short weeks I have come to love the kids already and it's sad to think they will be moving up in 2 weeks. But it's bittersweet because in January, I will be getting Kelsey's sunbeam class and they really are a great group of kids. There are 4 of kids and 3 of them did preschool together last year and already know me. I'm so excited to be Kelsey's teacher which had me a little worried when she moved up in January because she loves her sunbeam teacher and I knew once the CTR teacher had her baby that she'd be released so I wasn't sure how Kelsey would do with the transition, but alas no concerns anymore.

Now about Dave. Since we've been in the ward he's been in various young men's callings, which he has really enjoyed because it's kept him out of high priests. His latest calling was Priest quorum advisor which has been fun since he is now getting his deacons back and has come full circle. Which usually means you get released right? Right. A couple of weeks ago our stake split and with it, released our stake president of 9 years. Splitting the stake left numerous positions available so when the stake called last Sunday to meet with the Stake President that evening, he wasn't sure what it was. And when they called back saying to bring his wife, we were a little more concerned. My fear was high council, which would take him out of the ward and the girls would never understand that so when he was asked to serve in the bishopric (again) I was nervous but still familiar territory. We later found out he would be the 2nd counselor (again) with all the shifting of callings in the ward. We made a few calls to our family and within a few hours they all decided to come up. As if him wearing a suit wasn't enough of a giveaway, we were now sitting in the front with a row filled with family support!! So here we go again, although it's a little bit different this time, because I'm not sitting alone, but have two girls to keep quiet during sacrament by myself. Heaven help us!! Thank you to all the family that drove up to support us in these changes and what a nice surprise to see you all in time for Christmas. We sure appreciate all you did to come.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Kelsey's Preschool Party

Today was Kelsey's preschool party. She has been looking forward to this day ever since Miss Kris sent out the calendar telling all about the fun activities they would be doing the whole month of December. And what was even more fun, was Katelyn got to go to and see what preschool is all about. Well, not really since they didn't do any work but she still thought it was so cool to stay at school with Kelsey. They started off with Santa coming to listen to all their hopes and wishes for this Christmas.
Miss Kris with Santa (aka Bishop Stewart), who Kelsey had figured out it was him within 5 minutes. I love that my kids are so comfortable around him and their family!! It sure makes dropping her off so much easier for her.
Katelyn and her friend Rennick listening to Santa tell the kids to be extra good this last week before Christmas and to go to bed early on Christmas Eve!! It was so cute how she sat right down in front the whole time in awe!!
Kelsey was up first and luckily for us, it's been the same thing each time she's been to see Santa. A real camera. It kind of getes jumbled up and has come out sounding like "grandma" and "crayon" so we had to clarify but she is so excited and can't wait for Christmas to be here so she can open her presents.
Next up was Katelyn (after all the preschoolers went up) and she wasn't nervous at all. Each time she's gotten better about sitting on Santa's lap and each time she's asked for a baby. I love that he is listening so intently to her, trying to understand what she telling him.

I just love my cute girls!!

All the kids, even the ones who aren't in preschool got an elf hat and candy canes. The girls ate theirs before we left. After talking to Santa it was off to McDonald's!! Miss Kris bought all of them lunch as her gift to them and then they all played together and had a great time. It was great talking to some of the other moms while the kids ran around crazy. Kelsey took a liking instantly to Hunter's mom. Hunter is a little boy in her class and he was off playing so she sat right down next to her and her friend and "hung out" talking and laughing with both of them while waiting for her food to come up. She is not afraid of anything.
Kelsey and Ellie eating lunch together. They've become known as the giggly girls in her class.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Winter Wonderland

It snowed yesterday!! They've been predicting snow and cold weather each year and each year, we hardly get a drop. But the girls were so excited when they woke up yesterday morning to find it snowing outside. It took awhile for it to stick, but by the early afternoon we had about an inch on the lawn.

I don't know if you can tell or not, but it was still snowing while I was taking these.

The whole valley got snow/rain and this morning we woke up to this!!

Isn't it just beautiful? Gotta love the palm trees in the pictures!! It was just crazy, schools were closed and today the kids were throwing snowballs. Just some things we're not used to. Driving around today has really made me stop and remember that I'm in Las Vegas and not at the base of the mountains in Salt Lake. If we were in Utah, though, I'd be on the slopes instead of posting pictures, that's for sure!!

Looks like we have survived another year with "living in the snow."

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

One of those nights!!

It's just crazy around our house this time of year with everything we try to pack into a month of festivities. And it seems that around this time of year Kelsey and Katelyn start acting out for whatever attention they can get, usually negatively. So last night while I was getting dinner ready, Katelyn was already in trouble for something and Kelsey had just gotten out of trouble, Kelsey asked me, "Mom were you happy when you were little, or were you in trouble a lot?" And behind peels of laughter, I said, "I was in trouble a lot."

So while I was cleaning up from dinner, all in a matter of five minutes, the girls slid down the stairs on some books, tore off all the flannel from the flannel board stories, and dumped a bottle of lotion all over the carpet. All I can say is they were still lucky to be alive when Dave got home.

And as of right now, Santa isn't coming and they have to earn him back.

Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Disneyland for Thanksgiving

For the Thanksgiving weekend, we always go down to see our families in California. And this year was no exception. We went down Monday after work and stayed with Dave's brother and went to Disneyland on Tuesday. This year was especially fun because we had my brother and his wife come with us. She'd never been to Disneyland before and it's been 3 years of trying to convince him to come. He finally gave in and we all had a great time. We hooked up with them around 11:30 and they hopped in line with us for Peter Pan. The girls took to them immediately and they were unseparable the rest of the day. Sorry guys, we hope they didn't ruin you from ever wanting to come back!!

Katelyn was a little unsure not going with mom and dad at first, but she soon warmed up to the idea.

Kelsey picked Rob to go with her, which we were all a little surprised because she is always talking about Jessica. But she knew what she wanted and they had a great first ride together. I think secretly he loved it!!

The girls love the carousel. I think a lot has to do with the recent affection they've found with Mary Poppins, in hopes that they will jump off the track and run a horse race, but that's just me!! We love it because it's the only ride slow enough to get good pictures on. And I'm pleased to announce that Katelyn has finally found the joy in this ride too!!

This time around, Kelsey is finally tall enough for the good rides. She went on Thunder Mountain, Space Mountain and Splash Mountain. Her responses for each:

Thunder Mountain: "That's a crazy train. It's too fast." She hasn't loved this ride but unfortunately for her, Dave isn't a fan either so she gets dragged on it with me because I love it!!

Space Mountain: We didn't buy the picture, but it said it all. Her head was pressed against the headrest and she was not loving this one either. But this is one of our favorites, often not worth the wait, but with the fast pass, we both love it.

Splash Mountain: I must admit, I don't like this one. But Dave LOVES it. And since Kelsey hates the drop in Pirates, I thought for sure she'd not like this one either. I'm pleased to report, Dave now has a new ride partner to go with. I was a little unsure, thinking she would fall out, but she held on and had the ride of her life. This and Matterhorn are her 2 favorite rides. Just see from the picture

Just waiting to see Mickey.
I love that my girls have never been afraid of these characters. They run up and hug any of them that they see throughout the day. However, you put on old guy in a red suit, she's not about that at all. Should be interesting this year.

I simply love Small World at Christmas. There is nothing better in the park. All the lights and Christmas music make it all worth it. We were standing in line at 5 and I noticed the lights hadn't come on. And just as I was asking why they weren't on yet, the whole thing lit up. It was amazing and so perfect!!

The infamous Autopia ride. Something about this ride and kids. Every kid I've ever known loves this ride. I remember begging to go on this when I was little, but now I just don't see the point to drive a car around a track when I can drive (and fit) in my own car. So we bribed (it wasn't very hard) Rob & Jess to take the girls. Let's just say from the comments from Rob, I fear when Kelsey can start driving on her own.

I love the castle at Christmas too, with the lights and icicles. It's so pretty. And we were successful to finally get a picture in front of it.
After the fireworks, we walked over to Nemo, which ended up only being a 20 minute wait. It was raining again by this point and the girls fell asleep while waiting in line. And we weren't wakiing them up for it. After Nemo we tried to see Fantasmic but it was raining too hard and they cancelled it so we headed out. The girls rode this way all the way back to the truck, and when we got them in their jammis and were headed home, Kelsey said, "We didn't ride Nemo."
Oh well, if that's all we didn't do the whole day, we're good. Guess we'll just have to go back again. I can't speak for Rob & Jess but we had a great time. I hope they did so maybe they'll come with us again. Maybe we loved it more because they didn't have kids and the girls wanted to go with them more than they wanted us. On second thought, maybe they won't come again!! The girls were so well-behaved and never even had one slight little breakdown!! I was so impressed, it made me even want to take them back again. Sorry Mark & Heather. We missed you guys coming with us, but we hope you had fun in Park City.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight at midnight Part 2

No spoilers, don't worry. My great friend Mary and I went to the new Aliante Regal theaters for the showing. Since they just opened last week, they weren't advertising the movie showing at midnight until they did open. We got there at 10 and to our pleasant surprise there weren't that many people in front of us, maybe 100 or so. From the time we got in line, till we went in to the theater, they added 4 more showings and who knows how many more after that. When we bought out tickets, it was only on 2 screens and apparently ours was the less filled. Better for us anyway.

With going to see it at midnight our husbands watched the kids, and we were able to get out for just a girls night. Totally fun and we should do that more often.

About the movie, well let me just say I hope to go see it again when we go down for Thanksgiving. However, since we're only going to be there a couple of days I'm not sure it it will work out or not. For me, well I wasn't expecting anything great so with that expectation I was pleasantly surprised. Until more of you out there have seen it and we can discuss, that's all I'm going to say on the subject.

Seeing it at midnight - so totally worth it. I wasn't thrilled that Katelyn was in my bed at 6:30 especially since she was awake in her bed when I came home, but Dave took them downstairs before heading off to work and put a movie in so I could get a few more minutes. We'll just see how the rest of the day goes.

And to all you skeptics out there, our theater wasn't full and there was only one incident of screaming (but not during any dialogue) and then I think they got it out of their systems.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Christmas Lights, Part 1

All of you remember last year. Well, apparently that wasn't good enough this year for Kelsey. When Dave went back upstairs to head out and do the lights, Katelyn was headed out the window head first. I should've been warned when he asked me if I could keep an eye on Katelyn and not Kelsey too. I just thought she was listening and not heading out the window too. But when Katelyn finally fell asleep and I went looking for Kelsey, this is where I found her.

She was under strict instructions not to move and to sit there handing Dave new light bulbs to replace the burned out/broken ones. She told Dave a few times, "Dad, it's boring not moving." But when he asked if she wanted to get down she quickly replied, "No."

As you can see, she stayed up there till it was done, with only one bathroom break for fear that after coming in, I wouldn't let her get back up there.

Dave's only response, "She was begging to come up. It was either follow her up and help her or have her heading out the window head first too."

I can hear you all speed dialing CPS right now!!

Friday, November 14, 2008

Salt Lake City

Last weekend, my mom, the girls and I went up to Utah to surprise my sister and see all our family that lives up there. Not quite the weekend away I was thinking of, since I really want to get away without the kids (although I love them dearly, sometimes I need a break too), but it was still nice to see everyone.

Micaela came back to Salt Lake with us on Friday and Saturday we went to Temple Square. We took a quick tour of the Conference Center and then over to see the temple.
Playing in the fountains on the grounds of the Conference Center. Oh, to be a kid again and be attracted water like that? I think my mom was just there to catch them if one of them fell in while I reached for my camera!!

The girls wanted there picture in front of the fountains cascading from the roof, but I couldn't get back far enough to get it all in, so the top got chopped off. Just goes to show how big it really is. Ooops.

The view from the top with the temple in the background. Such a beautiful day and so many brides there.
Kelsey has been so fascinated with the temple lately, so about a month ago, I took the girls to the temple to see the girls come out after getting married. Unfortunately it was the coldest, windiest day, clearly letting us know that winter was here, so we didn't stay more than 5 minutes. So being in Utah, Kelsey wanted to see the temple up close, instead of just in her scriptures. And there were brides everywhere. She cannot wait to get married in the temple. She also got to see the Logan temple (which she so affectionately refers to as the "old temple" since it's not white), and the St. George temple too.
My mom headed down to watch her brother's road shows so on Saturday night I took the girls bowling. Which is no small feat with Katelyn having to run back and forth to the bathroom constantly and being the furthest away from them. Kelsey was a trooper and packed up each time we had to make the trek.

Such good form and follow through.

Katelyn wouldn't let me help her get the ball or even throw it down the lane. Needless to say, there were many balls that had to be rescued from the middle of the lane. But a great time had by all!!