Friday, August 31, 2007

Too much swimming?

Is there such a thing as too much swimming? Well until yesterday I didn't think so either. However, Katelyn will probably disagree, but only temporarily. We had a thunder storm roll through here a few days ago and it cooled everything down, for a little while anyway. But one day later, we were back in the hundreds, well above normal. So we've been in the pool everyday in the afternoon and Katelyn has just discovered how much fun the pool really can be. Unfortunately it came with a price. After cleaning up from the pool yesterday I found one of the towels to be covered in blood. After checking everyone over, none could be found; until Katelyn woke up from her nap. I went in to get her and her crib, wall and bed were covered in blood as well. I started to look closer and found that she had little blisters on her middle toes of both feet that had popped due to walking on the bottom of the pool for 3 days. She was very traumatized with the bandaids wrapping around not one, but 2 toes to stop the bleeding. I never knew toes could bleed that much, but alas everything is better today. She just now has to wear shoes everywhere which is difficult because she hates them and begins removing them as fast as they get put on. It's tough to be 11 months. But here's some pictures from their latest adventures.

Katelyn loves using this little ring we bought for Kelsey last summer. The only problem is that it's not approved for children under 3. We've had power struggles in the pool lately with her because she thinks she can walk and doesn't want to be held any longer. However the approved floatation device that is hers, she hates. It's too big around that she can't get anywhere and just screams the whole time she's in the pool. So we came to this conclusion. Dave added some more air to the tube and it keeps her afloat. She can now walk all over the step and off it as well without drinking too much water. And the best part about it is that she thinks she's swimming with her sister. Little Miss Daredevil herself!!
Isn't she cute? She's become quite our little fish and can swim from the big step over to the spa. Slow, but she gets there by herself. She no longer wants us to even follow her and tells us to get away anytime we try to sneak up on her.

Our two little fish. Such cute girls

Friday, August 24, 2007

Officially old...

Well, some of you know that I was elected to be the one to take my sister up to college because my parents are on a cruise (a surprise for my dad because he never takes time off work). We went up to Utah State last weekend and had a great time, for me reminiscing and for Micaela getting newly acquainted. Although I never did make it to Utah State, it was very much the same, with the big exception of wireless internet and cell phones. Not to date myself even more, but my roommates had one computer between all of us to share and we had to pay for internet use, it was not free. And she's going up with a cell phone. I never got to take my phone to school. The dorm doesn't even come with a phone. There's a phone jack, but nothing attached to it. So imagine the shock I experienced when after checking in to her room that the girls we met in her dorm all had laptops with internet access. After moving her in she got her internet hooked up and has access anywhere on campus.

So, it was great time had by all laughing because I never considered myself to be old until now. It was all very sad and eye opening. Sorry no pics to tell the tale.