Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Chrismas festivities

We all were awake before Kelsey was and she finally woke up around 7:30. I asked her if we should go downstairs to see if Santa came and she said, "No, he didn't," without even batting an eye. But when we finally convinced her to go downstairs, here's her reaction when she saw the presents under the tree.
Here's the present that everyone has asked what Kelsey thought about her gun. Well, as you can see, she wouldn't take her eyes off it. The look on her face is like she's trying to let it all sink in.
Here's Katelyn's little pony. She wasn't sure of it, but at least she didn't cry when we put her in it.
But somehow, I think Kelsey will get more use out of it for a little while before Katelyn actually enjoys it. We told her to bounce on it and then she just went to town. She'll be the one to show Katelyn how to play with all her toys.

Christmas Eve

The girls in their Christmas dresses. They got so many comments from people at church. We sure love these two little girls.
Grandpa Hawkins tells the story of Peter Elf to the grandchildren. And then they all get to open one present before going to bed. After the story, grandpa asked Kelsey if Santa Claus was bringing a trampoline for Christmas because she was jumping on the couch. And she simply replied, "No, ponies. I didn't tell him ponies."

Saturday, December 09, 2006

The Halloween photos are here

The long awaited (for some) photos are here. I need to stress how much fun Kelsey had, no not trick or treating, but "pushing buttons" as she called it (making things jump and move) to scare the kids. And the bigger the people, especially girls, the harder she laughed. Oh this was just great!! She's a little Dave in training. He's so proud. I know, it's kind of twisted, Cinderella scaring people and playing with ghosts and goblins!!

This is what our yard looks like on Halloween. Dave takes the day off work to put it all up and set things out. But we think it's well worth it.
This is the greatest picture, she wasn't even scared. How great is that. Like I said, a little worped.
Just more of the yard, a clearer view.
Pay close attention to Dorothy in the bottom right. That was a mild reaction for most of the night. I can't tell you how much candy we had left over because people wouldn't even make it to the door. We were handing out handfuls just not to have so much for me to eat.