Showing posts with label TheRdLessTrvldQlt. Show all posts
Showing posts with label TheRdLessTrvldQlt. Show all posts

Sunday, May 17, 2009

The Road Less Traveled: Row 7 - Block # 2

It still seems strange to be making such 'big' blocks. The six blocks in Row 7 finish at 8 3/4" square and 9 1/4" unfinished... lucky for me, my blocks are these measurements. Whew! That's a relief. lol. Here is block # 2 of Row 7:Time to switch gears for a day or two. The weekly meeting of our CWD quilt class is tomorrow, so I better get a block or two finished and then pack the car for Monday's trip.
More later. . . thank you for stopping by,
PS: Do you think the 4 little blue-lavender squares look out of place in this block?? I was trying to repeat some of the blue from the fussy-cut red square in the center, but maybe the final Red HSTs [in the corners] should have been a print with a mix of Red & Blue???

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Road Less Traveled: 1st Block - Row 7

This is a 'quickie' post to share the pic of my first block in Row 7 [above]. Would you believe that this block actually began its life in Lavender? lol... the fabrics sure did change as the block progressed. But that's how it mostly is with! Auditioning various fabrics in multi-fabric blocks is one of my favorite things to do. Didn't use to be, but is now. Hey, I like Red/Purple/Lavender combos, so I'm happy with this block. It's a keeper.
So far: Rows 2 & 6 are complete, with ten blocks in each row, and Rows 5 and 7 each have one finished block. This quilt has been fun to work on.
All for now... thank you for stopping by,

Saturday, May 9, 2009

The Road Less Traveled... Row 5

About a dozen like-minded quilters meet at the Temecula Quilt Company every Monday to work on The Road Less Traveled quilt - a Lori Smith design. It is a *row* quilt of seven rows of various sized blocks from 5 1/4 to 8 3/4 inches square, with horizontal sashing separating the rows. This is my first block in Row 5. The center didn't meet up as well as I'd like, so a little un-stitch and re-do will be necessary. lol.
Civil War repro fabrics from several different lines seem to be playing well together, so I will continue mixing them. I'm loving these colors and fabrics!
All for now... back to sewing;-)... thank you for stopping by,
PS: The blocks in this row finish at 7.5 inches. It feels really strange to make such big blocks!

Friday, April 24, 2009

A New Project: "The Road Less Traveled" . . .

Several of us are getting together at the Temecula Quilt Company on Monday mornings and working on "The Road Less Traveled." A quilt designed by Lori Smith. It is a very scrappy quilt made up of blocks in several different sizes--a good skill builder. Oh gee, I know, I need another project like. . . well, I'm sure you can fill in the blanks. lol.

I am making these blocks in a series of component parts. Today's block is basically a nine-patch after the component parts are sewn.

Notice the huge difference in the two photos above and below, and all that changed was the center square.

Working this way gives me the opportunity to 'audition' the different colors and values and how they work together. Like they say, a picture is worth a thousand words and these are the pics I took while rearranging some of the block elements.

The two component elements I changed were the center squares and the outside half-triangle corner squares.

It made a HUGE difference in a couple of the blocks. . . others, it didn't matter much.

I am happy with the last two units below, so will sew them together into blocks. There are a total of 10 blocks in this row, so I will continue making more component parts, auditioning them, and finally sewing into completed blocks. Also, working this way is faster--in the long run--as there is no 'laboring' over color choices. Following a suggestion by our teacher Linda, I chose to begin with these QSTs units. To begin, only make three choices: b/g, star point, and what I'm calling my 'zinger'. After that, deciding what to put in the center and finally the corners was easy.

I found this exercise very interesting in regard to color and value placement. I will do this again; it was time well spent. My camera has become an important quilting tool! *vbg*
All for now. . . thank you for stopping by,