Showing posts with label Give-A-Ways. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Give-A-Ways. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

GIVE-A-WAY... GIVE-A-WAY: FREE classes to win!!!

There's a new GIVE-A-WAY in blogland... hop over to Island Hame Crafts to visit Tich's blog and enter. Do not delay... there are FREE classes to win!

The closing date for this giveaway is Saturday, 14th September at 12 midnight GMT

CLICK HERE to enter the give-a-way on Tich's blog.

Good luck, everyone!

Quilty Hugs,

Thursday, October 4, 2012

GIVE-A-WAY & A Nifty Corner Technique

Today I'd like to share with you one of the ways I snowball a square: I use my B-60 C-Thru Ruler b/c it is thin and a drawn line is more accurate. I lay the ruler exactly point-2-point diagonally across the smaller square and draw a line with a .005 Micron Pen. The tip of this pen is very fine but "off sets" the line by a tiny smidge. This smidge is important.  Now just stitch "right ON the line" you drew and your corner will be perfect... NO fudging is needed.  I use this technique when accuracy is really important, otherwise I give the little square a casual finger press and sew next to the pressed line.
Marking diagonal line to snowball a square
After stitching, press seam flat to set the stitches and fold over to create the perfect corner - both grainlines will remain true. Trim excess 1/4" away from stitching line.  But, unless I am in a big hurry, I usually stitch a second time 1/2" away from the first line to create tiny HSTs to throw into my Crumb Box.
This technique produces a square corner
Now it's back to the machine to snowball a few more squares for a placemat project.

A new Give-A-Way is happening over at the Quilting Lodge blog. Go have a look see and check out the great quilt Vickie just quilted on her LA. Good luck, everyone!

 Vickie asked what our favorite notion is and although I have more than just one, a current fave is absolutely hands-down the Clover Needle Threader. It makes easy work out of threading a size11 needle and sure helps these old eyes.  What's your fave notion???
Needle Threader by Clover - great notion!
Until next time. . . what are YOU working on today???

Quilty Hugs,

Sunday, September 16, 2012


The new BlockBase Sew-A-Long will be starting October 1st. There is a button on my left sidebar. Sounds like fun to me. For extra fun there is a give-a-way for FIVE copies of BlockBase. Wow! Good luck everyone.

All the pics from the San Diego Quilt Show aren't quite ready. I am editing each pic to include owner/quilter info. I hope to get them up later today, or maybe tomorrow. Fingers crossed.

Want a super quick & accurate 1/4 inch sewing guide, especially for hand piecing? Go HERE and check out what Emily came up with. Brilliant!
That's all for now. Until next time. . .  let's go stitch something: I'm making a DJ block today. What are YOU making?

Quilty Hugs,

Monday, August 27, 2012

BLOG HOP: Another PRIZE Added!!!

The current Back To School BlogHop is going full blast and is  hosted by Michele at QuiltingGallery - thanks, Michele! Lot's of activity and hopping about! lol.  Because there have been so many comments, I've decided to add another PRIZE!
2nd Prize: HoneyRoll + Scissors
** Stainless Steel Scissors on a Pink Lanyard **
** Moda HoneyBun SweetRoll:
"ZippityDooDah" by SandyGervais**

I will draw TWO names on September 4th:
Winner # 1: Batik fabrics and Gingher Scissors, and
Winner #2: HoneyRoll and Scissors [pictured above]

I will ship International. Please understand - if the winner is International, I will have to unwrap the HoneyRoll to get it to fit inside a Priority Mail Envelope! This will keep the postage costs manageable. lol

Remember to be eligible for the drawing, you must comment on original post by CLICKING HERE.

Good luck everyone and Happy Hopping!

Until next time. . .
Quilty Hugs,

Saturday, August 25, 2012

GIVE-A-WAY: Gingher Scissors, Batik Fabrics..."Back To School Blog Hop Party"

It is GIVE-A-WAY time.
The Back To School Blog Hop Party begins this weekend!

My gift to one lucky Blog-Hopper is:
* Gingher Stork Scissors w/Leather pouch *
* Moda Charm Pack, Sonnet Collection, 45 pieces*
* 2 Batik FQs*
* 20 Batik charm squares*

Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways

It is real easy to ENTER:
1) Leave a COMMENT on this post saying you are a FOLLOWER, or have become one.
{NOTE: Subscribing by email is very nice, but doesn't show up in the public Follow Chart thingy... please add yourself there to be eligible for the drawing. Thank you and welcome to my blog!}

That's it! What could be easier?!

**EVERYONE may enter:
Give-A-Way runs from Saturday, 25 August - through Monday, September 3rd at NOON, Pacific Time. 
Winner will be announced here on Tuesday, Sept 4th. The winner will be notified by email and has 48 hours to respond with their name and address. Or, a new comment will be drawn. Please be sure I have a way to contact you!  If you are a no-reply blogger, please leave your email addy in your comment!  Example: "your name [at] yahoo [dot] com."  I will ship International so everyone can enter.  Good luck, everyone, and happy hopping!

Click over to the Quilting Gallery blog HERE.  A list of all participating blogs is shown there... thanks, Michele! Let's go have some fun!

A second PRIZE package has been ADDED to the BlogHop drawing! You can see it by clicking HERE.  But, FIRST, before you click away, please remember to leave your comment right here on this original post to be in the drawing for both prize gifts. I just thought with so many comments, that another prize was a good idea!

CONGRATULATIONS to LAURA who became the 100th follower yesterday!! Thank you, Laura - a special little thank you gift has been sent to you.

Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Thursday, August 23, 2012

FMQ the QAYG Crazy 9 Patch. . .& BlogHop Party starting soon!

Today has been productive. Yippee... love that! Was able to get the last three borders basted for my UFO-Crazy9P. Here's an easy trick: open two brown paper bags to protect ironing board cover; baste using 505 Spray. Worked great... no glue mess. Yeah!  Even got one more border quilted. That makes two down; two to go.
 QAYG Crazy9Patch - Basting the borders
I can't tell you how much FUN I am having FMQing these borders. First I warm up on a potholder, then just go at it! I'm having the time of my life and the whole time I'm telling myself, "self... you are actually doing this!". Unbelievable. I am Happy Dancing. Golly, why in the world did I procrastinate so long??
Blog Hop Party with Give-Aways
More fun news: very very soon the Celebrate Back To School Blog Hop Party will open!! Blog hops are always fun and this time there will be loads of FREE goodies given away. Love that! The button is on my upper left sidebar... check it out! I will be offering some nice gifties on this blog... so do come back on August 25th!

Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

IT'S HERE! Happy Mail all the way from Australia

Yesterday's Happy Mail brought lovely goodies all the way from Kris in Australia. I was the lucky winner of the June OPAM drawing. The fabric is so soft and pretty and comes with coordinating embroidery floss and a pattern! Wow. THANK YOU so much Kris and Peg. I will treasure this gift and put it to good use!

A darling pattern designed by Kris
Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

I WON - Wow! Batiks Galore

WOWZER!  Last week I was one of three lucky winners at Connie's blog: Quilting By The River.  Connecting Threads sponsored the give-a-way - three of them! Thank you so much, Connie!  And thank you, Connecting Threads!
24 Gorgeous batiks from Connecting Threads
As I was folding the fabrics into little squares, I just couldn't get over the soft touch. Gorgeous gorgeous fabric and I will definitely be ordering more fabric from Connecting Threads - especially Batiks!! Hmmm, now to decide how to use these beauties. Any ideas?
All the fabrics came rolled together... so yummy looking

This are EXTRA! Odd bits from cutting the FQs - they included them, too! Wow!
That's all for today. Thank you so much for stopping by to visit. Until next time. . .

Linking to: Connie @ Quilting By The River Tuesday Linky Party

Quilty Hugs,

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

WOWZER . . . I WON!!!

OMGosh... I won the wonderful group of "Rich and Muted" Batiks over at Connie's recent give-a-way! What a thrill -- surprise doesn't even come close to how I feel! lol.  Thank you, Connie, and thank you Connecting Threads for sponsoring the goodies.
Connecting Threads Batik Sampler
Until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Friday, June 29, 2012

GIVE-A-WAY Happening at Quilting Lodge

Hurry on over to the Quilting Lodge - a
is just beginning. Lots of chances to win, just follow the easy rules. The drawing will be July 4th and winner announced on July 5th.
 Good luck, everyone!

That's all for now... until next time. . .

Quilty Hugs,

Saturday, April 7, 2012

I WON! Wowzer...

OMGosh! I WON the March Give-A-Way at Connie's blog. A gorgeous Ruler Rack made by Builder Bob himself and even signed on the back! Wonderful -- love that! Connie even included a 6 X 12 Olfa ruler. Great! A gal can always use one of these.

Thank you again so much, Connie and Builder Bob. This Rack will have a special place in my new-soon-2-b-sewing space. I will treasure it. I am so excited; I feel like a kid who wants to jump up and down with glee.

Thank you for stopping by to visit. I hope wherever you are that you have time and space to create something you love. Until next time. . .

Happy Spring and Happy Easter,

Quilty hugs,

Sunday, May 15, 2011

BLOG CANDY GIVE-A-WAY -- hurry, you only have 8 days!

Hurry on over to Cattinka's blog and enter to win one of her lovely handmade Key Caps! This is her Blog Candy in celebration of reaching more than 200 regular readers/followers. Go congratulate Katrin and leave a comment -- YOU could be the lucky winner!

Aren't they wonderful?? Good luck to all. . .

I've been working on embroidery lately and will get some pictures up very soon. Until next time -- thank you for stopping by and I hope you have the time and inclination to create something that makes you happy!

Cyn; -)

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New GIVE-A-WAY! ...

Kaaren, at The Painted Quilt, is having a Give-a-Way for an AccuCut GO cutting machine & three dies!

WOWZER, this is not to be missed.  Also, Kaaren offeres a beautiful BOM embroidery showcasing Raggedies [see the button on my sidebar]... just lovely... go ck it out! I have no financial offiliation with her patterns, but I do think when someone goes to all the trouble to make, post, and offer tutes and free patterns that we should all make an effort to promote their blogs. Just my opinion.
Good luck,
Cyn; -)
ps: There's a cute little vid about a another new product... click on the link at Kaaren's blog... no, I have no affiliation, but love their products.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

GIVE-A-WAY. . . . Gorgeous Mug Pouch!

If you want a chance to win a Mug Pouch, made by Susan of Season's From My Window... hurry on over to her blog and SIGN-UP!  Susan does beautiful work... you'll love it! Drawing is next Friday... don't wait.
Made by Susan of Seasons From My Window, Sep 2010

More later... I'm sewing a ton of squares together and only have about 100 more to go! lol
Cyn; -)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

GIVE AWAY !!!!!!!

WOW! Go visit Rhonda at: , she is doing a give-a-way! How fun is that? Here's what ya do: 1) Click on the link above to visit Rhonda's site; 2) Leave a comment there; and, 3) If you want an extra 'entry', add yourself as a follower. . . that's it! Easy, peasy! Oh, and it's fun!
Hope everyone is having a wonderful and happy day! Me? I plan to finish up the applique on DJ block #D-8, Dee Dee's Delight. I hope to post a picture of it later today. . . That will bring me current for this week's BOWs. . . happy dance!
Toodles. . . and thank you for stopping by,