Ava comes out dressed in Viviann's overall dress with no pants and her rain boots on and says, "I am ready to go dig in the garden Mommy!" Interesting since we have no garden...she never fails to crack us up and keep us guessing at what she will do next.

Viviann hit the two month mark today, and we are just loving having her around. She has started to laugh a lot and is really ticklish which is adorable. Her favorite thing, besides eating, is getting her diaper changed. She LOVES it! She will smile, coo and laugh through the whole thing.
We love our girls!
I think that Ava and Abby have a lot in common! Your girls are so cute. I love the fonts...I might need a tutorial.
I love the funny stories about Ava. The one where she plays "grandma" and the garden one. They keep me laughing for days. She is truly one of my favorite girls! Viv is darling. So lucky that she holds still for her diaper to be changed. I am sending Lincoln over for a lesson from her! ;)
Kinda makes you wonder what Mom wears when she gardens, 'cause that is really the only time Ava has been "exposed" to one. Haha, i'm hilarious!!!!!
I love the dress! SO funny is what Kendal says as I laughed when I saw it. Sweet girls Gotta love them.
They most definitely are cutie patooties. LOVE it!!!
Soooo cute Lindsay...I love that Ava is such a litte diva...She did greaton dressing herself...I bet you laugh everytime she comes out in her different outfits! I love your little family!
I love this! Ava is so dang cute! Can't wait to get there and give her a squeeze! And then we've got to get our Vivi 'fix'! What a doll. Oh, we are all SO LUCKY!!!
Gramma (the one that calls Ava 'sweetheart')
Oh my goodness Linds!! What a cutie for sure! She is so funny! I just love that girl!
HAHAHA! Heather - I was going to write the SAME thing! HA!
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