Tuesday, November 3, 2009

"Arrrrrgh! I'm a Pirate!"

Finally a Halloween post! We have been experiencing quite a bit of technical difficulties with uploading pictures. Finally I just uninstalled the internet filter...and Vola it worked! (Thanks Emily) so now every time I want to upload pictures I have to uninstall the filter...sounds great! ha.
We started out a few days before Halloween carving a big family pumpkin and painting Ava's little pumpkin. Ava had a blast! We realize now that we never got a picture of the finished product, but Riley is quite the carver! Ava just like posing for the pictures.

Halloween started out with a bang this year. Riley had been up until 4 am the night before finishing up everything for school so he could spend the WHOLE day with us! WOO HOO! So he was sleeping in, and I was up with the girls. Everything was going well until little Ms. Ava decides to take apart part of her costume and stick one of the beads up her nose. It was so far up her nose you could hardly even see it, and it was a pretty large bead. So I wake up Riley and we pin her down to try to get it out. She was wiggling and saying it hurt, so I thought we were going to have to go to the Immediate Care for sure! We were stressing out because we already have enough medical bills with Viviann's birth that we didn't need more for a stupid bead extraction. We continued with the tweezers, but I didn't want to push it further up there and she was too wiggly. We all got ready to go, and as we were heading out the door Riley had the great idea to try to blow it out....duh! Genius! It worked! You can totally tell we are first timers. Needless to say it shot out across the room, which Ava thought was SO funny! We caught her trying to stick another one up her nose a few minutes later! SO I checked the whole apartment for any beads so she cant do it again. I think the bead might have given her brain damage...she's not too bright sometimes! So no doctor after all...few!After all the hoopla of the morning, she had a Haloween cookie, ate the frosting off of it and crashed on Viv's boppy. She is a true older sister...She can use Viv's anytime, but if Viv were to lay on her boppy it would be war! Oh memories of my childhood with an older sister :) haha just kidding Heather!Ava picked the family theme this year, which of course was a pirate! (She's pretty obsessed with them) She went everywhere saying , "Arrrrgh! I'm a Pirate!!" She got such a kick out of Riley and I dressing up as Pirates as well. She really loved Halloween this year. Here she is with her parrot sidekick. They both looked too cute! I tried my hand at making their costumes this year, and luckly they were really easy to make. I had a lot of fun doing it too, so I think I will try it again, at least until they get too old and it becomes and imbarrassment for your mother to make your halloween costume!

Here are her serious pirate pictures....she didn't take this dressing up thing lightly...she scowled and Arrrgh'd all night long.

Signs your child might have OCD...she organizes everything! haha. She went through all he candy and threw away everything but what is shown below. As parents, we didn't object. She unwrapped all her lollypops and lined them up by size. She takes a lick of each and throws them away as well. Riley and I are both a little guilty of over organization sometimes, so she comes by it naturally...and it runs in the family...haha dad!


Tamar and Trevor said...

Wow...I thought my kids had OCD but they have got nothin on Ava. I love the costumes. I have never seen such a cute pirate!

Porter Family said...

She's the most adorable pirate I've ever seen, and Viv is the cutest parrot. You're so lucky to have learned from the best oldest sister on the planet. :)

Erin said...

I love that you and your husband dress up. I couldn't get my husband to even think about it.

Camille English said...

I love Viviann's costume your so crafty. And I LOVE the candy organization from Ava. So funny! I wish my kids did that they are too much like Chris and hear a wrapper and come running. SUGAR!

Marilyn & Steve said...

CUTE!!! These are MY grandkids, right? I thought so! What cuties! Miss you guys!