Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts
Showing posts with label holidays. Show all posts

Friday, February 11, 2011

Valentines Sneak Peek

I just sent a Valentines swap to my partner Robin.  Valentines Day is one of my favorite holidays to create for.  So here are a few sneak peeks for the box I sent.  It's a combination of Valentines & some Kuwaiti goodies.  I have some slightly funnier gifts in there as well.  I hope Robin enjoys all the goodies.  I had a blast putting it together.  Once she receives it, I'll post full pictures.  
Special Thanks to Tara for hosting & putting all of this together!

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year

I took a few minutes to go by my favorite mosque (Imam Muhammad al-Baqir Mosque) last night.  I was on my way to the co-op & it was around dusk so I wanted to snap a couple of pictures.  Most of my pictures are during the day.  I love the lights shining out.

Who knows how many pictures I'll take of this mosque this year.  It's been a favorite subject of mine.  Some days I get out of my car, others I stick myself out my sunroof or window.  I drive around to get all angles  I always find something new.  Here's to a creative 2011!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas

Christmas Brush: Rhonna Farrer House of 3

Christmas Eve

Our day started out with brunch at the Radisson.  (That's our table up front)

I don't consider myself a portrait photographer.  I do so much better with "stuff" but sometimes I get a photograph that captures a moment.  This is one of them.

After our church service & brunch we headed to the beach.  Two weeks in a row of the beach & pretty pictures!

May you & yours have a Merry Christmas!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

You're Invited

To my local friends, the bazaar season is in full swing.  With all I have going on I've only decided to do two this year, granted they are in the same week, but I couldn't be more excited.  The big one is tomorrow - the British Ladies Society bazaar.  Last year I went as a shopper & was impressed by the mix of vendors.  Although I'm not sure how much shopping I'll get done as a vendor this year!

BLS Holiday Bazaar Monday December 6 1:30 - 6:30
Airport Road 55 Farwaniya off 6th Ring Road
Tel: +965 1848111
If you like sushi, there's a great sushi restaurant there.  One of my faves!!  I've already packed my copy of the menu & will have some delivered to me :)

I got a bit of creating done on Friday night with the Meet & Bead group.  Have I mentioned how much I love those LB o J'zazz women?  I am so thankful to have a local bead store & group of bead friends.  

The other bazaar I'm participating in is the TES Holiday Bazaar.  It will be my first year doing this one.  I participated in the Spring one & made enough to make it worth my while.  Hopefully this one will be a success with the Christmas season.

TES Holiday Bazaar Saturday December 11 2 -5
Mousaed Al-Azmi Street Block 12 Salmiya

If you're here locally come visit me!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Thankful - Year 4

Thank you Graphics Fairy

So, this has become sort of a tradition for me, blogging about what I am thankful for.  I looked at last year's Thanksgiving post & I realized my title is not as creative as I thought it was!  I'm a little late, but oh so thankful.

  • What would I do without my camera?  I've been lucky to be able to record our adventures & travels.  I've always enjoyed photography but living here in Kuwait has opened up my eyes & heart to new things.  Confession: I am a Europe snob - obsessed with Europe!  I just recently realized how much I am influenced by a culture I had previously had no interest in. 
  • This year we've been to 3 three countries.  How many people can say that?  My kids have such a cool life & full passport!  That in itself is something to be thankful for.
  • We celebrated another Thanksgiving with a houseful of people & lots of food.  I never thought I would become a party hostess.  Over the last year I've been able to host quite a few parties for deployed soldiers here in our area.
  •  I've been preparing for a couple of holiday bazaars.  How lucky am I to be doing what I love!

    Friday, December 25, 2009

    Sunday, December 13, 2009

    Decorate Much?

    No, not really! In the 11 years I've been married I have not ever really decorated the houses we've lived in. I've always liked clothes & crafts, but I never got the house gussied up. Man, I've had house envy of all my friends & family. I just wasn't ready to do it. I was too busy working. I was too busy working & pregnant. I was too busy with postpartum depression. We only lived there for 8 months, twice ... Yea, I could go on, but the time is right this time.

    For Christmas, I've put out various handmade decor I've received from a past swaps & some of my own goodies. Look at this awesome garland I received from a recent swap! Thank you Jackie & Target - oh how I miss Target. This little swag is staying up year round.

    I got inspired by2 friends, hi Jo & Jackie! Jackie is always decorating & has a great sense of style. She's helping someone else prep for a Christmas party. There will be pictures to follow!

    I went to Jo's house & stole this lovely idea from her. Mine is on a much smaller scale but yea, I did it!

    Our Christmas tree is even themed this year. It's hard to replicate my mom's Christmas decor when she's known as Filipino Martha Stewart. So this year is the first year to just put up my decorations & enjoy. I can list & plan all my ideas of grandeur for next year & start all my projects in February!

    Thursday, November 26, 2009

    Thankful - Year 3

    This seems to be a tradition on my blog so I'll keep it going. (Here & Here)
    Thank you Melissa

    This time last year I was pretty bummed & anxious. This year I am full of thanks for the abundance & joy this move has given me.
    I am thankful to be on this journey in our new home. I am thankful to be able to share it with my family. I've learned to take the good with the frustrating & chalk it up as an experience.

    I am thankful for the new friends I was able to spend this holiday with. Nothing like full house & lots of food on Thanksgiving day.

    Thankful for my blog friends - new & old. You bring joy & inspiration into my world everyday. Sometimes you bring me views of home that I miss - Thank you
    My hope is that everyone is as full of joy as I am on this day!

    Thursday, November 19, 2009

    A Little of This & A Little of That

    I'm headed into that time of year when I'm juggling a million things. I keep reminding myself what's important. I'm a mom & wife first - party planner, business person, creative crazy woman all follow. I've always struggled with balance.

    Just one earring for now. I got tired wire wrapping!

    I keep wanting to put stuff in my store, but I have some important visitors coming for Thanksgiving that I've been preparing for. I don't have time to create, so I find pockets here & there & end up with lots of things started & not a lot done. It's all a balancing act.
    Here are some peeks of the artwork I've been working on. I've got more pics on flickr.

    Oh yea, a little holiday bazaar coming up & I don't have enough inventory & will they even like my stuff & ... I've decided to just enjoy it. I had no idea coming to Kuwait I would have the opportunity to show my wares. There are quite a few holiday bazaars to look into for next year. Seriously, I'm starting to plan for next Christmas in February :)

    Wednesday, February 18, 2009

    Puppy Love ~ Young Love ~ Crafty Love

    Thanks to Miss Karla for hosting this wonderful swap.

    This is the puppy cover I received from Karla & some of the embellishments attached to my book.

    This front & back had no artist listed. If it's yours, let me know so I can add your name or link.

    The tag on the left is from Jenny. The tag on the right is from Cheryl.

    This tag set is from Carrie.

    This tag set is from Marilyn.

    Last by not least, this set is by Shawn

    If you want to see some other tags you can take a peek at the flickr group or from those who have blogged about it.

    Saturday, February 14, 2009

    Happy Valentines Day ~ Happy Pink Saturday ~ A Party!

    Happy Pink Saturday & Valentines Day! What a perfect combo. Go visit Beverly to see how many of us are celebrating today. I bet there are quite a few.

    Let's Get Dolled Up! Several lollishop bloggers are hosting a virtual party. It's a fun one!

    Visit Chelsea Ann's Blog (she's the hostess with the mostest & some of the cutest party favors in her store) Itty Bitty Birdie on February 14th and visit all the participating blogs for your chance to win some fabulous Door Prizes!Each Blog Party will have an item from their LolliShop hidden in their Party Photos. You will find each vendor's item and comment "I found it" to win! If your comment is chosen, you will be asked to name the item you found to win your Door Prize.

    If you want to meet more lolli friends go here to the networking site. To see some pictures of the event you can check out the flickr group.

    I've been sick off & on this week. I bet some of you know how it is when your little ones bring all sorts of germs home & all of you just share for weeks on end. I'm there! I didn't have a chance to get my party pictures done, so I'm not able to participate as a vendor. I hope you do visit those participating. There are so many talented artists involved.
    My sweet hubby got me the cutest pink watch for Valentine's day. I told him not to get me anything & he told me it was a practical gift I needed. I'll post a picture of it later. I don't have one yet! I'm so glad this week is over. Hopefully I'll be back to my well self after the weekend. I miss my crafting & taking photos & stalking flickr.

    Saturday, January 24, 2009

    Pink Saturday ~ Swap Sneaky Peeky

    I'm going to have to keep this post short & sweet. I've got a bit of a headache & need to put the computer down & walk away.

    I joined Heidi's Very Vintage Valentine Swap. Oooh what fun I had!! I was paired with Molly of Fleur de Bee. Here are some sneak peeks of what I did for Molly. I made a collaged wall hanging, some cards, & ornaments among other things. I don't want to spoil all the goodies, so I'll wait to tell you about all the things I made & full pictures of everything.

    Thank you to Beverly for hosting Pink Saturday. Go check out her blog to see a list of other participants. There have been over 100 of us showing our pink.

    PS If you haven't already, go visit the One World One Heart blog. I'm giving away a bracelet below. I've made some wonderful friends & found some great inspiration the last 2 years. I've had an incredible 315 visitors enter my contest. I'm so excited to make new friends :)