Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts
Showing posts with label meme. Show all posts

Saturday, October 25, 2008

7 Things Tag

Taken from

I was tagged by Sue from Paddys Daughter to tell a few things about me...

1) I dispise clothing tags... as soon as I get clothing of any kind, I have to cut the tags out... they irratate the heck out of my skin, especially the back of my neck. Love how Hanes came out with their logo and care instructions printed right on the fabric, an awesome idea.

2) I collect maps and atlases. I have a whole drawer full of maps from places I've been and places I'd like to travel to. I love reading about the geograhies of other countries and while reading books and blogs, will pull out maps to get the feel of locales.

3) I get sad and mushy when I see a little kid with glasses. I think it started along time ago when I saw Hitchcocks movie "The Birds". In the school yard as the kids were running away, this poor kids glasses fell off and were smashed. There's just something about seeing a small childs eyes behind glasses, their vulnerability. (even tho' I know that it's a good thing and that the parents were able to know (and afford) the correction).

4) I CAN NOT eat tuna or egg salad made any where other than home. I just don't trust it. LOL

5) I prefer being barefoot and can not clean house with shoes on.

6) I worked in the interior plantscaping business in metro Detroit for over 20 years. I worked for several different companies including Planterra and Artscape. My favorite assignment was the First Center in Southfield. It was a 40 hour week job just maintaining the greenery in this one building . I had my own office (a revamped janitors closet LOL) for tools, hoses, and record keeping. It was a 5 story complex with 3 wings, each being the length of a football field. There were 15 bridges connecting each floor that had cascading pothos and ivy in side planters. Numerous fica trees and underplantings, color rotations of mums and seasonal flowers . It was my all time dream job and I was never at a loss for meeting people! ( Very similar to pic above)

7) I have to have my feet out of the covers at night ( and a window open, even when its freezing). Might stem from being rolled in a blanket head to toe like a hot dog bun by the neighborhood kids when I was about 7 or so. I am extremely claustrophobic when I can not move my arms or legs.

In loo of passing this on , I would love (or would have loved) to know 7 random things about these 7 people... my Great Grandma Pearl, Amy, Julie Gardner Fountain, Eliza Calvert Hall, Opal Whitely, Mort Neff , and of course Lily Tomlin. If you'd like to play along, I'd love to read your 7 things, once a voyeur, always a voyeur!

Monday, September 1, 2008

So Nice to be Recognized ...

Susan from CQ4 Fun and mother of the crazy quilt ring Around the Block has passed this Kreativ Blogger award my way. She also has a quilting site Desert Sky Quilting where she's been very busy this summer with American Hero Quilts. Thank you Susan for thinking of me.

We tend to run in blogging circles, visiting our favs online and the sites that stick with our interests. But I'm stepping outside the box here and am posting 5 blog writers that are totally different and inspiringly "Kreativ" to me with what they do and how they live... I hope you have fun checking them out.

Creative Organizing - Aby- how to ideas and inspirations for organization

Wings and Things - Birdlady -musings and nature photography

Daily Coyote - Shreve - words and photos of life in Wyoming with a rescue coyote

Natures Parkland - Anna - blog of weaving, dyeing and living in Canada

Uncommon Artistic Endeavors - Vickie - great recipes and party ideas

Heres the rules for keeping it going:
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog.
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from.
3. Nominate 5 blogs
4. Put links to the blogs.
5. Leave a message for your nominees.

(I'll get around to commenting on their blogs tomorrow, it's bad enough doing the links in one sitting, LOL)

My camera did take the big poop and I'm waiting to get a new battery so I can show the pics of what I've been needling on. I had a good start with the smokes, a considerable cut in quantity but yesterday and today, not so good. The accountability is there and the falling and reclimbing back on that stink wagon is a lame exercise. One day I'll write a candid retrospective of these past few months, the stressors are legitimate.
The weather has been ferociously hot, 2 days now at 90 degrees and highly unusual for Labor Day here. The snow and frost bets are on now though . Happy Spring down below!