Showing posts with label Adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adventures. Show all posts

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Decembers Strays

This is one of the ornie pillows I made. Thats Dad standing by the US Geographical marker that sits atop Mount Arvon. The ties were ones he wore to church and for his stint being a realtor back in the early 80's.
This is Decembers Blotto block... I didn't get to guild last month cuz I've been working afternoon and midnight shifts. I'm sure I'll be able to get the one I missed, tho.
This was my Christmas present from my outhouse hunting buddy, Rox. It was so funny to open this up and remember all the privys we scouted out this past summer. I'm not sure we'll stick to this same theme this year but what ever we decide to scavenge hunt for, we'll have lots new of adventures finding it

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Outhouse Hunting 10/17

My friend Roxanne has a hobby of photographing and documenting the outhouses around Skanee. Hunting camps, old farmhouses, vacation cottages and wayside parks all have them. We've spent many hours entertaining ourselves with treks through the woods .

The weather was a mix of anything you want... it's like that in Michigan, hour to hour, you never know what you're gonna get. The colors are past peak but there were still lots of splashes in sheltered spots.


We ended up out at the St Cyr cliffs on Lake Superior, this is where the Huron Bay begins off the big water.

This is looking out to the Keweenaw Peninsula. The mountains on the horizon are 50 miles away.

The southern shore of Lake Superior hosts many areas of rock cliffs and outcroppings created during the Glacier Age. Trees grow horizontal out over the water defying natures gravity and in spots its quite dangerous.

On the way home we took a detour down a logging road. The farther we went the softer it got until it turned into "quick mud". There was no good place to turn around, but because I picked the place to do it, I was the fall guy, Rox ( THE DRIVER, LOL) ended up alittle far to the right and we sunk to the undercarriage. We were able to walk out to a farm across the road and get a pull out of our mess. The guy who helped us had his arm in a sling so I was the one who had to climb under the front and hook up the tow rope. We were covered in mud from hair to shoes but hadn't laughed that hard in awhile. We officially called "Outhouse Hunting Seaon" over for the year.

Last week Dan and I drove over to the Aura side of the bay exploring.

We found a little hidden pond

The stream to the pond was flowing with little falls and pools formed in mossy recesses

Up the road we found this little cabin

Though small, it had a sleeping loft, full kitchen, bar and living area. What an awesome little studio it would make.

The view of the bay so tranquil.

So despite yesterdays shitty little dilemna, all is well!
Till the next time...
(PS.... I won't tell about backing over the big log in the ditch, whose fault was that, hee-hee!)