Time to get back on my feet with a new direction and I'm hoping you will follow me over there.
My Grandma S gave me this book when I was 11 or 12. This is my original copy dated 1906. It's now available online through Harvard Edu here. I'm sure you'll enjoy the chapter entitled " Aunt Janes Album".
"How much piecin' a quilt is like livin' a life. Many a time I've set and listened to Parson Page preachin' about predestination and free will and I said to myself, if I could just get up there in the pulpit with one of my quilts, I could make life a heap plainer than Parson's making it with his big words. "You see, to make a quilt, you start out with just so much calico. You'll go to the store and pick it out, n' buy it, but the neighbors give you a piece here and a piece there and you'll find you'll have a piece left over every time you cut out a dress and you just take whatever happens to come. That's predestination. "But when it comes to cutting the quilt, why, you're free to choose your own pattern. You give the same kind of pieces to two persons and one'll make a nice patch quilt and the other one'll make a wild goose chase. There'll be two quilts made of the same kind of pieces, but just as different as can be. That's the way of living. "The Lord sends us the pieces, we can cut 'em out and put them together pretty much to suit ourselves. There's a heap more in the cutting out and the sewing than there is in the calico." –Eliza Calvert Hall, 1898
While fishing around for info on Eliza, I found this sweet poem....
Dan pulled the the slip with Anita from Florida on it. I don't know Anita but her blog is full of colorful quilts. You can find her at Margret Marys Place. I'll be having another giveaway with Crazy Quilt items in the next 6 weeks or so, if you're interested in that, do visit again. Give aways are always fun to do.
This was looking East the other evening at about 5:30... the moon gaining momentum for being Full tonight
The same evening about an hour later in the Western sky.... It's hard to catch sunsets here being so deep in the woods... horizons obscured but this red sky at night was NOT a "sailors delight" the next morn. Just like March... "Coming in like a lion and out like a lamb" ? Who made that one up?
Welcome March any way!
Just leave a comment here, blog site or email address in comment box necessary to enter... comments must be posted by midnight, USA Eastern time, Saturday, February 27 . Recipient will be picked and announced on Sunday, February 28 . (Barring any issues with my ISP that day, Newtons Law, LOL) 1 entry per person
Lots of samples, history and CQ books piqued everyones interest. I also made little folders with block diagrams, stitch samples and finished block photos for them to take home.
Plenty of fancy fabric scraps got the fun going ( this was the end of the pile which thankfully, I had none to take home... I may win the war of spring cleaning yet)
Roselyn and her " bedspread block" ... LOL
Joanne working a tricky long piece
We're enjoying a balmy and quite snowless winter here with totals of a mere 123.9 inches to date up in the high country of Herman and in the low country, 34.0" . A real draught.