Heya! How are you doing? Me, I've been having fun trying out some new things - with papers, but also other kinds of crafts and I've been experimenting in the kitchen as well. I'm keeping myself busy. ;) What other things do you like to do besides papercrafting?
A short while ago a friend of ours celebrated his birthday and I had to come up with an idea fo a gift. What do you give a man who has everything for his birthday? I was scratching my head for a little bit and then it hit me ... A trip to nostalgia! I made a plan to create a basket and fill it with some of the products that were introduced the same year our friend was born - in this case that was 1982. I was also toying with the idea of creating a sort of special basket. Browsing the pinterest for ideas, I decided to make a balloon basket. So I gathered the supplies and went to work. I had to go out and buy a balloon, but everything else I needed to make this basket (a cardboard box, scissors, decorative paper, paper straws and bbq sticks) I'd already had at home.
With the help of google I made a list of the things I wanted to put in the basket. I decided to buy the following things:
- Vienetta ice cream
- Ferrero Rocher (I know that one was actually introduced in 1979, but that was just in Italy, it wasn't until 1982 that it was introduced in other parts of Europe as well, so I decided that counts too :P)
- Ritter Sport mini chocolates
- caffeine free pepsi
- diet coke
- S. King's "The running man"
Once the gift basket was complete it looked like this.
There is definitely room for improvement, but at the end of the day I was happy with how it turned out and the birthday boy liked it as well, so I think that's all that matters. I had lots of fun putting this "trip to nostalgia basket" together so I will definitely make more of them.
I'm sorry about the bad photos, but the weather was terrible when I took them.
Have a lovely day!
River of creativity: Anything goes
Simon says stamp (Wednesday challenge): Anything goes
613 Avenue create: Anything goes
Sognado scrap: Anything goes
Creative inspirations: Anything goes