Hello guys!
Craft Heaven Shop svoja vrata odpira tudi tujini.
Povejte naprej!
I'm so excited!
We are going international!!
You can finally change the main language in the store to english..
It's gonna be so much easier to do some shopping now, right? LOL!
We offer WORLDWIDE SHIPPING and of course you can pay with PayPal..
You're more than welcome to take a look at all the gorgeous products we have for you..
I've just added the new Magnolia stamps.. I'm talking about the Sakura Collection 2015..
These are all soooooo cute!!!
Check them out!
V ponudbo smo pravkar dodali tudi novo Magnolia kolekcijo Sakura 2015..
Vse so takooooo lepe!!!
Morate si jih ogledati!
And don't forget to take a look at all the new Maja Design Vintage Baby and Pion Design Palette papers too.. These are just the latest collections.. But we have much much more..
In ne pozabite pokukati tudi med papirji.
Nova Maja Design kolekcija Vintage Baby, Pion Design Palette papirji in še veliko, veliko drugih novosti v našem svetu papirja..
We will be having a DT call soon and I want our monthly challenges to start as soon as possible..
Excited? I am for sure!
V kratkem bomo imeli tudi tako imenovani DT call (iščemo ustvarjalke in ustvarjalce, ki bi bili pripravljeni nekajkrat mesečno objaviti izdelke, ki so jih naredili s pomočjo produktov, ki se dobijo v naši trgovinici)..
Pa tudi z mesečnimi izzivi upam, da začnemo čimprej..
This is all for today!
Become a follower of the Craft Heaven Shop Inspirational Blog to make sure you won't miss any new products and giveaways.. And spread the word!
The more the merrier!!
Torej.. Če še niste, postanite spremljevalec našega bloga..
Le tako boste prepričani, da ne zamudite novih krasnih artiklov in nagradnih iger..
Have a great day everyone!