
Showing posts with label Needlecrafts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Needlecrafts. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 June 2017


WOYWW 419 is here – where did that week go???  One minute it was last Wednesday, now it’s this!  I do know that I’ve packed an awful lot into this week, and now that my course has started I can kiss goodbye to being free at any given point in the day/week/month.  Year even.  No, I joke, it’s not quite that bad!  However, it’s definitely a struggle getting back into studying and crafting is taking a little bit of a back seat now.  Not that it wasn’t before, but now it’s intentional rather than just avoidance!
So, here is my room!


Bit of a difference to last week when you saw it all of a clutter, eh?  I had to tidy it up to move the laptop back upstairs to give myself some study space back, and I finished off the WOYWW 8 ATCs as well.  Can’t show those yet, as the recipients have yet to receive them…

 The craft desk does have something on it though….


Not my own work, unfortunately.  Lil Miss B has two half-sisters, and their Mother is renowned for not having sentimentality as a trait.  Thus, she doesn’t generally tend to hang onto stuff.  Many, many years ago, Mr B rescued these two samplers from the rubbish bin, and saved them away.  We were having a general clear out at the weekend and found them, so they’ve had a gentle wash, and are here having dried.  Next step is to press them lightly, and then frame them before giving them to the eldest sister (for whose birth they were stitched).  I’m a little sad that neither of the other two girls had samplers stitched for them, and if they are truly disheartened by that, I will have to make something up for them! 


So there you have it for this week….

My apologies that I don’t seem to be able to get back to you all when you comment, I have precious little time these days.

Happy Hopping!




Wednesday, 7 September 2016

WOYWW 379 - the one with all the WIPs

Greetings and salutations my fellow WOYWWers!  Welcome to another round of WOYWW as hosted by the lovely Julia over at Stamping Ground.  If you don't know what it is, come on over and join in - I don't think it HAS to be a crafting desk, I've certainly posted my work one often enough, as well as my sofa!  LOL
So, this week, I've had a busy desk.  Here's the current shot:

A busy mess of beads and buttons and pliers etc...
Close up:

I'm actually making a button ornament.  The long standing WOYWWers amongst you will recognise that the buttons in question are the same colour as those in my wedding bouquet from Jun 2013 - and that's exactly what they are.  Well, not from the bouquet itself but extras.  I wanted to make something with the "leftovers" as it were and plan on covering this polystyrene cone with them.  It'll be a lovely way to display them and easy to dust - the bouquet itself is languishing in a box until such time as we have a glass display case to put it in, and somewhere to put said case!
I see that my WOYWW 7 ATCs have made it into the shot - I still have a couple of these left if folks are interested!
Earlier this week (Sunday in fact) saw me industriously beavering away with fabric.  

It wasn't actually that industrious.  I only managed to turn out two cushions, and I have another 4 to make yet, but these are the two I made that now reside on Lil Miss B's  bed.  Along with Batman and a wolf.  Humourously enough, the two red cushions at the back are actually the rear view of two Christmas cushions she has - but as her room is red and black, she still wanted them on her bed.  Guess I'd better find some red fabric too...

I also have to make two plain black cushions onto which both she and I can stitch all the patches we've been awarded in the past - for Girl Guides/Girls' Brigade and Geocaching!  LOL
I'll leave you with a gratuitous shot of last night's sky - I took this as we went out to walk the dog once it was a bit cooler.  So very pretty....

Hope you all have a good day and I'll try to get around to as many as possible in my lunch!
Happy Hopping!

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

WOYWW 106.....I think...

As I type this it's Tuesday evening and I'm wondering where in the heck the week went.  Aside from into the past, that is.  I know what happened to Sunday - I think most of you that live in the UK had the same Sunday as me - cold, wet and miserable.  Go on, hands up, who succumbed and put the heating on?  I know we did, but then not only did we have a child in the house, but we had washing to dry.  Ho hum.

Well, we're here today for another round of WOYWW, and if you're a newbie at it, head over to Dunnit Dimensions to buy your ticket for the blog hop.... metaphorically speaking that is!.

My desk this week is less interesting than last week, if that is at all possible.  I have to confess that it's this tidy because it had an attack of the killer kid - Lil' Miss B needed to make a birthday card for her big half-sister, and of course a Fathers' Day card.  I have one yet to make, but desperately need some gloss paper to print onto first, and I keep forgetting to seek it out. 

I have done a little bit to my hardanger, but I've actually stitched twice as much as you see - having unpicked and restitched the whole of the bottom right hand corner.  God bless adding in one too many stitches, and not noticing for ages, eh...?  That'll teach me to try and watch a film at the same time!

Now, remember back at the start I mentioned last Sunday being wet?  Well, as I was housebound for the day, I managed to accomplish something that has been waiting about 7 years to happen.  Back along in '01, when I got married, my then 70 yr old mother made all the bridesmaids' dresses, and my wedding dress.  Oh, and the cake.  Ah yes, she also did some of the bridesmaids' flowers.  And head-dresses.....  Anyway, the point is that she made herself very busy for 7 months, and the dresses in question had a LOT of beadwork on them.  The wedding over and done with, she found herself at a loss for what to do.  In effect, she was bored (!), so she found herself something to keep her brain and fingers occupied, and took up cross-stitch.  She'd done a little bit here and there, the occasional card, but had left the big projects to my sister and I, up till that point.  Well, she found a book with five small patterns in, and leapt right in.  No small measures for her, no siree!  Mum took those five designs and made them into one big one, adding in-fill around them to tie them together. 

Upshot was the picture below.

I can't quite recall how long it took Mum to do it, about a year I think, and then she handed it over.  The house we were in at the time was an ex-showhome, and came complete with some awful botanical prints in very expensive frames and mounts, so Mum had deliberately made her work to fit one of them.  I've trawled around the country (and indeed continent) transporting said frame and the finished needlework from house to house ever since. 

So what was so great about Sunday?  I finally framed the piece.........  better late than never Ma!

Catch you all on the hop!

Wednesday, 11 May 2011

WOYWW # 101 - the aerial shot


Welcome to WOYWW 101 (that's number 101, not the Americanism on all things to do with WOYWW).  For those new to this malarkey, please visit our desk diva extraordinaire JULIA for more info etc....

I managed to get around about a third of last week's desks, and a fab selection they are too.

So, what's on my desk this week?

Well, I thought I'd ring the changes, ape our glorious Mrs Dunnit, and show you the bird's eye view of my space.  The delicately shrouded object in the right hand side of the desk is my PIF for WOYWW 104, but of course, we can't be showing that yet, can we?

On my desk, not a lot.  Just a piece of Hardanger work that is in grave need of finishing.  Wouldn't be so bad except I started it three years ago and have only got one quarter done.  Definitely high on my list of UFOs that need completing!

Ok, onwards and upwards - to the workdesks and beyond...........!
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