
Showing posts with label Geocaching. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Geocaching. Show all posts

Wednesday, 14 September 2016

WOYWW 380 – the patched one

Another round of WOYWW hosted by Julia at The StampingGround – the chance to be really nosy at other people’s desks/stash/skill and a chance to catch up amongst old friends...
It’s another quiet week at Morti Towers, apart from the whirr of the sewing machine.  I’m still stuck behind a mechanical needle, soon to be replaced with a hand sewing session.  Nothing has changed on the main desk.  You can see here the plain black one (except it’s folded up) and the last one waiting to be made.  And a big pile of patches and fabric badges to stitch to them both. 
I’ve made three more cushions this week (two of which are proudly displayed here, and have been seen by many of you on FB) and I still have one to do. 

Seven of the patches in question are from Geocaching last year.  Or it might have been the year before that - I've lost track!  You had to complete six challenges to get certain "souvenirs", and by completing all six, you won the seventh - the "Achiever" award.  We discovered you could buy these patches and although I think you're meant to stitch them to your geocaching bag or jacket or whatever, we've opted to add them to cushions - we're likely to buy more in the future and on a cushion there won't be the faff of having to take them off when the bag breaks or the jacket wears out etc... I bought two sets - Lil Miss B has her own geocaching ID so she got her own set of souvenirs.
Once I’ve done that I’ve got an idea for the scraps left over from the printed fabric, and I need to make a makeup bag for someone who has been patiently waiting for it.... heheheh

I'm looking forward to getting back to card making and scrapbooking though, I will admit.  And some beading.  There's definitely beading on the horizon...
Hope to see you all on the hop!

Wednesday, 28 December 2011

WOYWW 134 - or.... WWUYCT

Welcome to the Betwixtmas WOYWW - and on this occasion, I'm also calling it WWUYCT, or What Was Under Your Christmas Tree?

For newbies who don't have a clue what I'm on about, the deets can be found HERE at Dunnit Dimensions.

I had a bit of a fail this week.  I had every intention of visiting everyone who visited me on last week's WOYWW, and didn't.  I simply didn't get on the computer.  I also intended to post on Christmas day, but we went for a Xmas Geocache, and were out for 4 hours, finding 18 Geocaches on a six mile walk.  It was an epic success, and made our Xmas, I have to say. 

Yes we're sad, but how many of you managed to get an 11 year old to walk 6 miles on Christmas Day without complaining, and more to the point, having only opened TWO presents???  An equal success, because it wore out some of her bounce, made Christmas last all day, and then into the bargain, the originator of the Cache ring watched us do part of it from his home, and came out halfway through to ply us with Mince Pies!  Yay!  Can I just add that Lil Miss B is as "into" Geocaching as we are, so it was no hardship for her, she enjoyed it as much as we did. 

Well, onto the main point of my blathering.

My desk this week, as you can see, is clean and pretty tidy.  All ready for the next bout of creativity. 

My fingers are itching.  Amongst my lovely presents was a signed book from Spellbound Beads on beaded baubles, and a kit of the Emperor Bauble (this will be my third bauble from SB themselves).  Having not actually done the last one I bought (The Romanov), I feel I should complete it before starting the new one.  And I feel confident to start it because I actually finished the Charmed Stocking on Boxing Day, and it now hangs on our tree after its photo shoot (see below).

As for WWUYCT - here are the gratuitous present shots:

Yes, that's a lot of presents, mostly for Lil Miss B!

I had lots of lovely craft stuff in addition to the bits mentioned above - Distress Inks, TH's scissors, 12 x 12 papers, peeloffs in attractive borders, Shapeabilities fleur de lis accents..... I could go on....

 So, I hope you all got what you wanted for Christmas, coupled with good cheer, laughter, plenty of love, light and happiness, and generally a joyous time.

I'll leave you with one last chuckle though - on his wish list, Mr B had asked for a new memory stick, a 4GB "peg".  Lil Miss B gave him this - a fridge magnet to clip his notes to.....

Catch you on the hop!

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