All Hallows Eve is coming up quickly...time for ghosties and ghoulies and things that go bump in the night. Lately, around here it's been the long leggedy beasties we've had to worry about.
Don't know if it was the earthquake 2 weeks ago or Irene or the week long buckets of rain drenching the east coast, or maybe a combination of all of three, but those spiders are growing pretty big around here.
This lovely creation fills the door frame going out the laundry room to the backyard. It spans the entire width of the door and is almost four feet tall. Definitely not an Itsy Bitsy Spider... Thank goodness it didn't reach the floor or Lucy could have been the beastie's breakfast.
This amazing iridescent piece of art is on our porch. Just love the way the web has a purple tint to it. Maybe this guy is a Ravens Fan.
Just hoping the Beasties stay outside.