Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Surprising Update about Stu!!!!

Oh my goodness....I have some super surprising news about sweet baby, Stu. All this time, we were told that Stu was a *he* we never checked. turns out...*he* is a *she*!!! Ahahahahaha! I was shocked when Chris told me! Oh well....Stu-ette is still a part of this crazy family!!!!! ;) And....we also have a new sheep...I will be sure to get pics soon! Her name is "fitty" (because the lady who owner her previously paid fifty dollars for her and you know how an auctioneer says "fitty, fitty" when auctioneering? Well...that's how the lady gave her her name!!! hehehe). daughter is now an official sew-er! :) She made a tissue pack holder at my sister's house! You can read all about it HERE! She did a great job with it!!! :)

Well, after my terrible headache I had I am doing *much* better and got a lot accomplished! :) I hope you had a great day as well! Tomorrow (Thursday) is my dad's we will be celebrating lunch with him! I hope you all have a wonderful end of your week!!! :)


  1. Oh wow, that's quite a surprise! I can remember that happening one time with a cat for us!

  2. Haha what a suprise! Maybe you'll be having more baby lambs in the future? lol

    Gemma X

  3. Congrats! I always feel so silly when that happens.

  4. well now you definitely can't eat HER!!

  5. Oh cute!! Sorry you had such a bad headache, are they weather related?? I get migraines a couple of times a year when the seasons change...*sigh*

    Have a great dayr with your Dad!


  6. Funny! I did the same thing! I have a kitty named Tucker! I learned not to let a twelve year old decide Boy-Girl. I did'nt notice for almost three months! To late now, Tucker the terrible! knows Her name well!

  7. What a beautiful blog you have. So glad to have come across it. Our family also enjoys a more simpler life.
    Warm wishes, Tonya

  8. Some times it takes a while to tell on little critters. She's as cute as can be!

  9. We also are getting a pair of twin lambs in about 6 weeks. I'll have to show pictures of them.

  10. I just love little lambs! Even ones that happened to be named Stuette! lol.

    I hope you enjoy a wonderful time with your dad tomorrow!

    Have a blessed weekend!

  11. LOL! I'm sure she still loves you even if you gave her a boy name.

  12. I knew when I saw the title that Stu was going to be a "Stu-ette". That's funny.

  13. OM MY Goooooodness too funny! Congratulations on the new animal family member! Thanks for the smile, Angelia in TX


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