Showing posts with label university. Show all posts
Showing posts with label university. Show all posts

Saturday, May 3, 2014

Graduation Ceremony @ Sunway Resort Hotel & Spa

That significant day that marks a new phase in my life.

A big thank you to my family who have always been my pillar of support all these while.

Parents, you have taught me well. I will not cease to make you proud.

Siblings, I still fight with them occasionally over which clothes belong to whom. But our love for each other deepens regardless.

Best friends for life who have been with me throughout my ups and downs.

Your absence does not make you any less important. I still think of you all the time :)

Uni besties, I would not have done it without you. You both have truly made my campus life worthwhile.

It might be an end to an old chapter, but we have only just begun to live.

While I step onto this path of uncertainty, I could not thank you all enough for your love and support.

| Pampered | Loved | Blessed |

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

NUS Class of 2013 Commencement

Have you seen my convocation photos???

Macam yes!

HAHAHA just kidding! It was Aldrich’s convocation at NUS.

When I posted that selca, I checked into NUS and I guess some people might think that I graduated from there XD

Flew to Singapore just for his graduation because Tiger Airways was quite cheap even though it was a last minute booking. RM88 inclusive!

It also gave me an excuse to go to Singapore la, until I realized everything is so expensive and I had like $2 in my wallet before I left. LOL.

Matching glasses with Yau Ming. Dunno why my hair so pong and messy that day.

It was my first time attending convocation. Felt really happy when I look at the proud faces of the graduates. They’ve finally earned the reward after those few years of hard work. Especially in Singapore, I believe it must have been quite some stressful years for them.

And the proud faces of the parents of course. Must be an emotional moment seeing your kids graduate and eventually transforming into a working adult after all those years :’)

I’ve recently graduated too! But it kinda sucks that I have to wait 1 year for my convo. By the time I would have probably started work and lost all that fresh grad feel.

Okay my turn my turn!

Bullied the star of the day by making him zip up the robe for me. He made a funny comment that zipping a girl up is weird because guys are used to zipping down for others HAHAHAHA wtf.

Super oversized FML.

And there you go, my convo photos! In case I can’t make it for my own.

Happy commencement, class of 2013! Teehee.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

First Post-Exam Meal of Freedom

Hello peeps! I’m done with my final exam of final semester, which means I’m a graduate now!!! Provided I pass all the subjects la, which I will, duh (overconfident wtf) because I’m aiming for high distinction. LOL.

Right now I’m sitting at Starbucks drafting as many blog posts as possible. It feels good not having to worry about anything except perhaps which Frap to order from Starbucks. Or what to wear everyday XD

There were a million things I wanted to do during my study break when I was struggling with exam revision. Now I finally got my hands off study and can do whatever I want!! Can you feel how excited I am?? Okay lah don’t wanna brag too much because I know you’re still stuck at study or work or whatever mundane routine you have to live with. I have to face that very soon too but as long as I don’t start looking for work, I won’t have to. .  Okay nvm let’s not talk about that first because I know my dad is reading this. HAHA.

I can take my time to put on make up everyday now that I have all the free time in the world!

I can apply mascara like nobody’s business!

You’re probably thinking wtf this girl make up also want to take picture. Too free apparently. Ngek ngek.

Frowning picture because my eyes look less imbalanced when I frown. Teehee.

The night after we finished our last paper, Angela and I joined our Indonesian classmates for dinner. Probably our first and also last dinner together since some of them will be flying back soon. Will only be seeing them next June during our graduation ceremony. Yea my graduation is next year. Have to wait 1 whole effing year can you believe it?! Jeez.

How do you like my new studded denim dress? Bought it for quite a while but didn’t have the chance to wear it until now.

Oh and my cutest pair of platform heels so far! Love it cause the base is thick so it won’t make me fall.

Dinner was at 3 Little Pigs and the Big Bad Wolf which I’ve always wanted to try. Sorry no picture of the restaurant this time since I wasn’t planning to do a proper food review. Nice classy ambience. The restaurant is full even during weekdays. Don’t even hope to get a table on weekends if you don’t make a reservation.

Garlic roasted pork was really good albeit there was a strong babi taste wtf. The garlic taste makes it more bearable though.

Ordered a bottle of red wine to go with the food :)

Most of us ordered the Wolf’s Favourite (cream sauce spaghetti with pork bacon, mushroom and poached egg). Read some review about this dish but I was quite disappointed. The taste was so bland I had to shake the salt bottle for like 10 times! Added lotsa cheese powder too to make it better. I guess the only nice thing was the bacon.

Angela’s Big Bad Wolf Pork Burger was good! The patty was quite soft and juicy and woah look at those mouth-watering bacon! I would highly recommend this dish if you happen to go there.

Compulsory selca with the wine glass. Teehee.

Red as usual T_T

All of us that night :)

Babe and I.

Studded denim dress – Honey Bibi
Belt – F Block
Clutch – Miss Selfridge
Platform heels – F Block
Socks – Cotton On
Bracelet – Marc Jacob
Ring - Asian Avenue