Saturday, June 09, 2012 

White House Chef Sam Kass

was on NPR's Wait Wait Don't Tell Me playing "Not My Job"....
Sam Kass was working as a private chef in Chicago when one of his clients got a new job, so he moved with that client to Washington, D.C., where he now cooks in large building with an Oval Office, a rose garden ... and a tiny kitchen. He's the first family's personal chef and an important player in Michelle Obama's healthful food initiative.
Very funny. Take a listen.

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Sunday, August 28, 2011 

To have Bees or Not To Have Bees

There is no question...we MUST have the little bumbly bizzy buzzy bees. Our lives depend upon theirs.
To The Best Of Our Knowledge has a great show on "bees" tonight. Take a listen.

Bees are responsible for forty percent of the food we put in our mouths.  It sounds astonishing, but without bees, we could find ourselves facing food shortages and a collapse of the green and flowered world.  In this hour of To the Best of Our Knowledge,  a peek inside the world of bees, from the once-in-a-lifetime mating flight of the queen bee to the California almond agri-business, where most of the bees in North America go to work.  And, the poetry of bees.

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Friday, August 27, 2010 

Delicious Radio Show on Ice Cream

It will make you scream with delight!

For most of human history, frozen meant frightening. The challenge up north was to stay warm. Then came ice cream.

It was first the food of kings and queens. Who else could afford the extravagance of ice in summer? Eighteenth century etchings show it being scooped by angels. Shaped into swans. Delivered to the gods.

Now, it’s on every corner, in every supermarket freezer. Some great. Some not so great. And some downright artisanal. Exotic. Goat cheese and cherry, anyone? - OnPoint Radio

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Saturday, June 19, 2010 

On Point Radio is buzzing about Bees

and Beekeeping. Take a listen.

Backyard beekeeping is hot and cool at the same time — part environmental, part epicurean. A meditation on buzzing beauty. A path to nature, and to sweet pots of honey.

Maybe there’s a hive in your back lot, or a honeycomb fresh on your kitchen table.

Kim Flottum joins us from Kent, OH. He is editor of Bee Culture Magazine.

Jane Wild joins us in the studio. She is a ‘backyard beekeeper’ based in West Newbury, MA. She is also vice president of the Essex County Beekeepers’ Association. She has been keeping bees since 1991. She and her husband have 14 hives.

David Tarpy joins us from Durham, NC. He is one of the country’s top bee researchers –known more formally as an apiculturist and entomologist. He teaches and raises queen bees as part of his research at North Carolina State University. He is the official state judge of honey and hive products (honey, wax, mead) at the North Carolina state fair.

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Sunday, April 04, 2010 

Hunger in California

it's very real.

There is ALOT of waste....and you'd be surprised by whom and how much.

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Monday, December 14, 2009 

Still up in the land

Olallieberry Bread Pudding
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

of the Olallieberry....listening to KPIG Radio.

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Thursday, April 23, 2009 

H.H. the Dalai Lama

H.H. the Dalai Lama
Originally uploaded by arjuna_zbycho.

is Santa Barbara's special guest tomorrow. KCSB will be broadcasting his talks at UCSB live...and podcasts will be available at their site as well.


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Thursday, July 03, 2008 

A Comment on edhat says it all....

Here's what the Grand Jury had to say about radio and television as sources of emergency information:

Santa Barbara County has no single designated 24-hour radio station that residents can tune to for accurate updated emergency information. In contrast, the County of Ventura has an agreement with one designated radio station to act as its primary source of emergency information for the general public. A hotline has been installed in the Ventura County Emergency Operations Center that goes directly to the radio station, providing fast broadcast of updated and accurate information to its residents.

Santa Barbara County’s local media networks have been consolidated or purchased by large outside network companies, many of which use prerecorded broadcasting and have reduced or no staff on duty during most of the 24-hour day. Often County emergency public information personnel at the scene of an event will send out an emergency news alert to the news media which may result in limited or no response. This adversely affects the ability of emergency personnel to notify the general public of major events affecting them and increases the anxiety and confusion of the public. Events like the La Conchita earth-slide and the 2005 Gaviota fire were examples of this problem. The public was uninformed and confused due to the lack of timely and accurate information about evacuations and highway closures.

The Santa Barbara County Office of Emergency Services (OES) and emergency public information personnel need to work with representatives of our local broadcasting networks to develop a system of emergency notification and response that will allow vital information to flow rapidly from an event to the general public. The OES should establish an agreement with a local or out-of-county radio or television station that will act as our County’s designated station to provide emergency information 24 hours a day. This will require exploring new and innovative approaches to gathering and delivering information to the public utilizing our local media or even media outside our County.

These improvements should be joined with an aggressive public education program making residents aware of where to tune to in an emergency. --------------- If Ventura can do it, why can't we?

Call your Congresscritters and the FCC. It's time for low frequency, neighborhood "NON CORPORATIZED" radio to be made available in emergencies. You know...sometimes information should trump "entertainment"... safety over superficiality especially in time of wildfire, hurricanes and floods.

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