Saturday, August 24, 2013 

Firefighting Pilots

Have my respect....

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Tuesday, June 07, 2011 

We know these wildfires

arizona_fire_13 by urbancn
arizona_fire_13, a photo by urbancn on Flickr.
all too well here in Santa Barbara.
Our thoughts go out to those in Arizona.

arizona_fire_21 by urbancn
arizona_fire_21, a photo by urbancn on Flickr.

arizona_fire_15 by urbancn
arizona_fire_15, a photo by urbancn on Flickr.

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Wednesday, February 02, 2011 

Santa Barbara Firefighters

coming soon to a local TV station. "On Duty with Santa Barbara  Firefighters"

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Tuesday, October 12, 2010 

Fundraiser for the Santa Barbara Equine Assistance & Evacuation Team

Santa Barbara Equine Assistance and Evacuation Team, Inc.
2nd Annual Fundraiser BBQ

October 16, 2010

Santa Barbara Equine Evac invites you to support the equine community and individuals in need of their services in times of natural and other types of disasters involving horses and other large animals. Please join them at their 2nd Annual BBQ and Fundraiser on Saturday October 16, 2010 for an afternoon of fun, friends, good food, demonstrations, and entertainmentat at the Santa Barbara Carriage and Western Art Museum from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

The Santa Barbara Equine Assistance and Evacuation Team, Inc. is a 501(c) (3) non-profit organization, which assists all Santa Barbara County emergency responding agencies and large animal owners in the evacuation, temporary care and sheltering of large animals in time of fire, flood, earthquake and other disasters or accidents. Equine Evac also provides education and demonstrations for many local public events, agencies and organizations.

Support of this event will allow them to support individuals and animals in time of disaster and other needs, purchase equipment necessary for the rescue, and care of animals, and maintain the high standards of training of their volunteers in Santa Barbara County.

Santa Barbara Equine Assistance and Evacuation Team, Inc.
P.O. Box 60535 ~ Santa Barbara, CA 93160

Buckskin again
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

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Wednesday, May 05, 2010 

One Year Ago Today

Jesusita Fire - Santa Barbara
Originally uploaded by james prola.

The Jesusita Fire began it's rampage.

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Sunday, September 27, 2009 

Not the news we want to hear

here in Santa Bar-B-Que.
California's once-acclaimed mutual aid system among local fire departments, key to fighting the state's increasing number of massive brush fires, is being undercut by tight budgets, fire officials warned a legislative hearing Wednesday. - Latte Times

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Saturday, September 05, 2009 

Dreams of a CSA.....scorched

along with pastures and possible future of Soul Food Farm, that provides the best chicken and the best eggs in the Bay Area according to SF Magazine.

Bonnie Azab Powell at The Ethicurean heartwrenchingly relays the sad news.
The Bay Area’s well-known, much-loved Soul Food Farm was devastated by a fire...

...It would be a terrible shame if the future of Soul Food Farm went up in smoke along with the beautiful grassy pastures in which these birds have pecked and foraged for worms for several years. I say this not only as Alexis’s and Eric’s friend and supporter of several years, but because they are a truly vital part of the still-nascent food chain for local, sustainably raised meat in the Bay Area. Even here, where people get up at dawn for the chance to pay $6 per pound for pastured chicken at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market before Marin Sun Farms sells out of them, getting a pastured chicken to your plate is a tricky business.

...To help get Soul Food Farm access to cash, whether for rebuilding the chicken houses and ordering enough replacement birds to meet their obligations to their existing customers or frankly whatever, with her reluctant permission I’ve set up a PayPal donation account in Alexis’s name, under the new email account Please consider donating whatever you can spare via the PayPal button. You can also go to and send a donation directly via the preceding email address. [Update: Don't be alarmed if PayPal says the account is not yet verified; I need to get Alexis to fill in some details. Also, please note that those who dislike PayPal can also mail a check made out to Soul Food Farm to 6046 Pleasants Valley Rd., Vacaville, CA 95688.]
Hope you can toss a little money...a little chicken scratch their way. It's rewarding to honor and support those who farm "the old fashioned" way...where lives are honored and valued instead of completely commodified.

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Sunday, August 30, 2009 

Say a little prayer today

La Cañada fire
Originally uploaded by McDeez.

Firefighters will need all the help they can get.

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Saturday, August 29, 2009 

Say some prayers for the Vedanta Temple

Vedanta Temple - La Crescenta, CA
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

serving the La Crescenta / La Canada-Flintridge area.

The area is ablaze and the temple is located in the foothills just west of the major portion of the Station Fire burning uncontrolled in the San Gabriel mountains.

Say some prayers for the residents of the 210's not looking good.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009 

We're on fire....

Originally uploaded by firegrounddave.


Originally uploaded by firegrounddave.

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Sunday, July 26, 2009 

Santa Bar-B-Que isn't on fire

Terrace Mountain Fire 3 - Kelowna, BC Canada
Originally uploaded by repetry.

BC Canada is.

and so is the Mediterranean.

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Sunday, June 28, 2009 

Love the headline in the San Francisco Chronicle

Fire's out! So is welcome mat in Santa Barbara.

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Monday, June 22, 2009 

A 16 year old

Gap Fire
Originally uploaded by scottlondon.

admits to starting the Gap Fire.

Wonder how he's going to repay the State, County and the Feds for the $22 million + it cost to fight it.

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Friday, May 15, 2009 

Wondering how to thank the firefighters

Your Santa Barbara Firefighters deserve kudos for a job well done. It was an honor for Los Angeles Fire Department personnel to work alongside them.
Among the non-profit charitable groups that can directly help them (and all of the many California fire agencies that responded), is the Fire Family Foundation.

To learn more, visit:

Respectfully Yours in Safety and Service,
Brian Humphrey

Public Service Officer
Los Angeles Fire Department

or they can always use some baked goods and cold drinks at their staging areas:
Earl Warren Showgrounds, Tucker's Grove, The Mission and Westmont College.

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Sunday, May 10, 2009 

Great Ash Cleanup Tips

from someone who has done it a number of times.
Wood ash is alkaline. The easiest way to make lye is putting wood ash in water. It has a pH of about 11, just a little lower than household ammonia so it is important to clean it up.
Read Bryan's entire post over at his blog "Why Now?"

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Saturday, May 09, 2009 

Music to go home to

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Thursday, May 07, 2009 

Saint Barbara

Originally uploaded by NEWSMAN91.

seems to have abandoned her namesake city. send prayers...and fireman.

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Wednesday, May 06, 2009 

To quote Alannis....

"Isn't it Ironic"

Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger has declared May 3 through 9 Wildfire Awareness Week, to remind Californians to be vigilant as the state approaches peak fire season and to highlight the importance of the homeowner's role in preparing their property ahead of time to survive a wildfire.

CAL FIRE will be conducting fire safety inspections throughout the state over the coming weeks to educate homeowners of the importance of wildfire safety and to ensure that homes have 100 feet of defensible space. - Ledger Dispatch

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These guys are GODS

I tell ya...
The job of roughly 900 firefighters was hampered by poor access to the fire area, officials said, as well as winds of up to 50 mph and thick brush that hadn’t burned in a half-century.

"We are in a state of extreme emergency,'' said David Sadecki, a spokesman for the Santa Barbara County Fire Department. "We're running very, very thin.'' - Latte Times

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Spoke too soon. Evacuated yet again. at least this time my friend got the humane society to come pack up the tortoise (with duck tape i.d. tag) and the chickens.

Everyone safe...but scattered to the winds. Just like the flames.

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