Wednesday, August 21, 2013 

Gopher Glen Apple Farm is Open

Head on up to SLO and pick some terrific varietals, including Gravensteins!

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Saturday, October 20, 2007 

Don't miss this NPR story

highlighting Dorie Greenspan
October is high season for apples, which makes master baker Dorie Greenspan very happy.

In celebration of the season, the author of Baking: From My Home to Yours shares a recipe for tarte Tatin with Michele Norris. - NPR

Be forwarned...listening may induce drooling.

Did you know...

Tarte Tatin became a universal darling after the Tatin sisters, French innkeepers, famously forgot to line a pan with crust before they put in the apples and started baking. Rather than begin again, in a flash of thrift and ingenuity, they decided to put the crust on top and serve the tart upside down.

Dorie writes about getting interviewed on her own blog! You might want to bookmark Dorie's blog, In the Kitchen and On the Road with Dorie. Quite the title. Quite the blogger.

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