Monday, June 23, 2014 

Martha Stewart visits the Santa Barbara Farmer's Market

and picks up some items and the current issue of Edible Santa Barbara. It's a good thing.

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Tuesday, December 04, 2012 

Harry's Berries' Salsa, Beans Recalled Due to Botulism Risk

Head's up on a food recall that was available in our local area...

The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) is warning consumers not to eat Harry’s Berries Salsa (mild or hot flavors) or Harry’s Berries Dilled Beans, packed by Gean Farms, Inc., because they may have been improperly produced, making them susceptible to contamination with Clostridium botulinum. No illnesses have been linked to any of the affected products at this time.  
Gean Farms, Inc., of Oxnard, California, is voluntarily recalling the products after CDPH discovered they were produced without the required controls to prevent botulism toxin. Ingestion of botulism toxin from improperly processed foods can lead to serious illness and death. These products were sold under the Gean Farms, Inc. label and packaged in one-pint glass canning jars with screw-on metal lids, labeled as “Harry’s Berries Salsa” and “Harry’s Berries Dilled Beans.”  
These products do not contain production or date codes. Additional product information, including photos of affected products, can be found on the CDPH website. The products were sold between May 2011 and November 2012 at certified farmers markets in Los Angeles, Ventura and Santa Barbara counties. - Marler Blog

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Monday, April 23, 2012 

Tom Shepherd Farm leaving Carpinteria?

Rumour on the foodie street is that Tom Shepherd will be closing down the Carpinteria farm.
Yule Lake, Carpinteria – 6701 Casitas Pass Rd
Located on Highway 192 at the base of Shepherd Mesa, this forty acre farm sits on the richest alluvial soil in all of the Carpinteria Valley. The mild climate is perfect for tender salad greens, sweet strawberries, root vegetables, and all row crops. It also includes an avocado and persimmon orchard
CSA Sign ups are paused until further notice.
No more amazing "salad mix?"
Say it ain't so!

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011 

Harding School Farmer's Market - today!

Mobile Cafe Food Truck by santa barbarian
Mobile Cafe Food Truck, a photo by santa barbarian on Flickr.
Don't forget to visit the Harding School Farmer's Market and stop by the Mobile Cafe Food Truck for some great burgers...AND MORE!

Support your local neighborhood Farmer's Market!

Support your friendly local Food Trucks, too!

View Larger Map

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Saturday, July 09, 2011 

Have you voted for Santa Barbara Farmer's Market Yet?

Local Food and Local Farms

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Monday, June 27, 2011 

Support Harding School's Farmer's Market

Mobile Cafe Food Truck by santa barbarian
Wednesday, 3–7pm
1625 Robbins St. (at Valerio)

The Mobile Cafe Food Truck will

be there on 6/29 with delicious food at great prices that you can knosh there or take to go:

Grilled Chicken Tacos — $5

Organic Beef Hamburger — $5
Old Fashioned Grilled 3 Cheese Sandwich — $4
Farmers Market Salad w/ Grilled Balsalmic Veggies — $5

Busy doing other things on Saturday mornings and can't get to the Farmer's Market? 

Have no fear....the Harding School Farmer's Market is there on Wednesday.

Parking and traffic downtown Santa Barbara a drag on Tuesdays? 
Have no fear...the Harding School Farmer's Market is there for you on Wednesday.

Majestically nestled at the foot of the Mesa, Harding School has a storied past and a bright future. 
Did you know that Harding School was built in 1927? 
Did you know that former Mayor Marty Blum taught at Harding and that local celebrity newscaster, Paula Lopez of KEYT went to Harding? 
Are you aware of the partnership that Harding has with the Gervirtz School at UCSB?

Come. Eat. Get your veggies. Relax.
Come support your local farmers. 
Come support a wonderful neighborhood. 
Come taste some delicious Mobile Cafe food.  
Come help save a truly local Farmer's Market.

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Saturday, March 26, 2011 

Edible Santa Barbara Spring 2011 Issue is out now

look for the issue at fine establishments throughout town. They ran out of them at the Farmer's Market hurry before they're "gobbled" up!

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Tuesday, July 13, 2010 

Michigan has the right idea

Commerical kitchen space is difficult to find and expensive should one be so lucky to find it. Isn't it time California takes a look at allowing certain foods to be prepared in one's own kitchen for sale at Farmer's Markets, etc.?

...This afternoon, Gov. Jennifer Granholm is to sign into law two cottage food operation bills that will allow individuals to make or package certain foods in their kitchens instead of having to use a commercial food operation as they do now.

Baked goods, jam and jellies, candy, vinegar, dried fruit, herbs and mixes made in your kitchen could all be sold publicly provided they are properly labeled to reflect that they are homemade and identify all ingredients under guidelines provided by the state.

The new measures will allow people to sell their goods publicly at farmers markets, roadside stands, county fairs, flea markets and festivals without a state Department of Agriculture license. An individual residence could make up to $15,000 gross annually from such sales, which could help some families with good bakers and cooks make ends meet or spur the creation of entrepreneurs.- Detroit Free Press

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Tuesday, June 15, 2010 

Vote for Santa Barbara as America's Best Farmer's Market

Local Food and Local Farms

It’s summertime and that means two things: 1) There are loads of delicious farm fresh produce available at our local Santa Barbara farmers market every week; and 2) American Farmland Trust’s America’s Favorite Farmers Markets™ contest has kicked into gear and we need your votes to win!

The process is simple. To vote for our market, all you have to do is:

1.) Go to

2.) Type in Santa Barbara ; and,

3.) Click “Vote”

That’s it. That’s all it takes to bring Santa Barbara Certified Farmer's Market one step closer to being America’s favorite farmers market!

According to American Farmland Trust (AFT), the purpose of this contest is to re-connect local consumers to local farms, with the ultimate goal of keeping our nation’s farm and ranch land productive and healthy! Buying at the farmers market keeps money in the local community and helps farms and ranches remain economically viable. By voting, you’re helping support farms and communities across the nation. As American Farmland Trust says, “No Farms No Food™!”

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Saturday, May 08, 2010 


Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

Strange, alien looking on the outside...but deliciously creamy on the inside. At the Farmer's markets...try one...or two!


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Tuesday, March 23, 2010 

Farmer's Markets

Pleeeez don't squeeeeez
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

an interesting article on them in Miller-McCune. (the magazine started by local Barbarian, Sara Miller McCune.)

In the United States, research suggests it costs significantly more to eat healthy than to eat processed. As Food, Inc. points out, when a family has a few dollars to spend on food per day, why would they buy a few apples if they can buy a Big Mac for the same price?

Farmers markets may help mitigate that problem. In Canada, Kristian Larsen and Jason Gilliland found that the addition of a farmers market to a “food desert” — an urban location with poor access to healthy and affordable food — significantly reduced the cost of eating a nutritionally balanced meal. Another team of Canadian researchers found that local food environments can lead to obesity and suggests that improving access to natural food — farmers markets, anyone? — can combat this trend.

Plus, as Jaydee Hanson argues, eating locally has food safety perks because it minimizes the number of places your food has been. “It won’t keep you from getting sick,” she said, “but at least you’ll know who made you sick.” - Miller McCune

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Monday, November 02, 2009 

New Tuesday Farmer's Market Hours

Herbal Essence
Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

Start on this Tuesday. (November 3)

3:00 - 6:30 p.m.

Set your clocks!

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Wednesday, August 12, 2009 

Good Magazine offers up some homework

How can better design ensure that food grown by local farmers is delivered and distributed to urban residents?

A contest sponsored by GOOD, The Architect’s Newspaper, The Urban & Environmental Policy Institute, and The Los Angeles Good Food Network.

We want designers, architects, farmers, chefs, vendors, and farmers’ market shoppers to think about how good design can improve upon the modern farmers’ market experience.

Design a new venue, product, distribution method, or marketing mechanism that increases both financial returns to farmers and access to healthy foods for consumers of all scales—from the home cook to food service chefs. Innovations should help small family farmers bring good food to market and/or provide consumers access to good food.

By September 1, 2009, send us an email at projects[at]goodinc[dot]com with the following:
—At least one image: sketches, drawings, three dimensional renderings, scaled technical drawings, photographs, altered photographs. Your images do not need to be high res to submit to GOOD, but you must have high res images ready for printing and/or publication should we want to publish and print yours.
—A brief narrative, up to 500 words, that explains how the design enables food production and/or delivery methods that support both the needs of small- to mid-sized family farmers and/or distribution to urban residents.
—Your name, city, and local farm or farmers’ markets.

More at GOOD.

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Monday, August 10, 2009 

America's Favorite Farmers Market votes are in

and the winners are:

Large -Davis Farmers Market (Davis, CA) - Votes: 3032
Medium- Williamsburg Farmers Market (Williamsburg, VA) - Votes: 725
Small - Collingswood Farmers Market (Collingswood, NJ) - Votes: 1027

Santa Barbarians didn't come out and vote in storm - our market only received 101 votes. Dang.
But, I have enjoyed the Davis Farmer's Market when I lived up in that area. So congrats.

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Monday, August 03, 2009 

August 2 - 8 National Farmer's Market Week

Originally uploaded by santa barbarian.

The US Secretary of Agriculture Tom Vilsack has declared that "farmers markets are important nationwide outlets for agricultural producers," and that thousands of markets "across the country offer consumers affordable, convenient, and healthful products sold directly from the farm in their freshest possible state, and so...." August 2-8 is National Farmer's Market Week!

Which Santa Bar-B-Que Farmer's Market do you frequent?

Stop by and wish them a "Happy National Farmer's Market Week" and give a nod to the Santa Barbara Farmers Market Association folks, too. (805) 962-5354.

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Saturday, July 18, 2009 

For mixed salad in Santa Barbara

go no further than Shephard Farms booth at the Farmer's Market. I think the Santa Barbara Independent agrees, and has shown a literary spotlight on Tom Shepard and Shepard Farms.
A fifth-generation Santa Barbaran, Shepherd has been farming organically since 1973. The owner of Shepherd Farms started his first garden, which he intended for use as a community garden for members of All Saints by the Sea, on a plot of land near the church. Unfortunately, no one from the church community expressed interest, so Shepherd developed the space into his own personal garden. Over the next few years, he continued establish small farms all over Santa Barbara.

Tom Shepard also knows, very well, the truth to the catch phrase "No Farms. No Food" and the benefits of being "organic."

Shepherd is passionate about promoting the idea of protecting Santa Barbara’s precious farmland. “What are we going to do when we have no farms left and all we have is houses and malls covering the most fertile land in our country, maybe even world?” he demanded.

Shepherd has always been very conscious about health issues, and started farming on his own out of concern over the abundance of chemicals on the majority of mass-produced foods. He swears by the high nutritional value of local produce, which retains more of its content when eaten fresh.

“The food loses vitality when it sits around for a few days,” Shepherd said. “And when it comes from Mexico or Argentina, it’s just dead. It’s filler. It’s like chips.”

It's Saturday morning...and it's Farmer's Market day. I'm off to get some of Tom Shepard's mix of greeny goodness. How 'bout you?

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Tuesday, June 23, 2009 

Vote for the Santa Barbara Farmer's Market

as America's Favorite Farmer's Market!

America’s Favorite Farmers Markets

ONLY 34 votes cast? Oh, come on on the badge above and VOTE! The Farmers Market gets some goodies to share with its customers if it wins, too. San Luis Obispo is beating us now...can't let THAT happen! HA! :-)

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Sunday, June 21, 2009 

Huell Howser was at the Santa Barbara Farmer's Market

huell howserOriginally uploaded by Joits.

(Flickr photo by Joits.)

and seemed to be really interested in filming a segment of California's Gold out at
LaRonna Organic Jojoba's ranch out in Desert Center.

There's no way you can mistake Huell's heavily accented voice, rather imposing presence and boisterous laugh.

Hope he found the Farmer's Market and the Solstice Parade a real "tweet."

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Monday, June 01, 2009 

Just a reminder to vote for SB Farmer's Market

for top market! On June 1st, American Farmland Trust is starting a vote for the Country's best Farmer's Market.
American Farmland Trust is sending a message to food shoppers everywhere that food decisions are important, and as consumers we have the opportunity to support local farmers and communities-just by shopping at farmers markets.

Our three-month outreach campaign will ask Americans across the country to show support ofr their local market by voting in our America's Favorite Farmers Markets contest. The top three vote-getting farmers markets - one small, one medium and one large - will win a free No Farms No Food tote bag giveaway for their market customers.

per CAPTAIN HALEY - The new and improved link is:
However, the Santa Barbara Market is not available as a choice at this time. The Market Management must enroll in the contest before their name shows up...(thanks!)

Let's get on the horn to the SBFarmer's Market and tell them we want to vote for them!

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Monday, May 04, 2009 

Get ready to vote for the Santa Barbara Farmer's Market

for top market! On June 1st, American Farmland Trust is starting a vote for the Country's best Farmer's Market.
American Farmland Trust is sending a message to food shoppers everywhere that food decisions are important, and as consumers we have the opportunity to support local farmers and communities-just by shopping at farmers markets.

Our three-month outreach campaign will ask Americans across the country to show support ofr their local market by voting in our America's Favorite Farmers Markets contest. The top three vote-getting farmers markets - one small, one medium and one large - will win a free No Farms No Food tote bag giveaway for their market customers.

Go to

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