Friday, August 23, 2013 

Whole Foods Santa Barbara - the newest BAR in town

Yep. That's right. Looks like our local Whole Foods is creating a bar for beer and wine on-tap like some of their other stores, such as Austin (pictured below.) It will be located right in front of the meat department, so when you are waiting for them to grind up your beef, you might be able to savour a glass o' brewski.

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Friday, March 29, 2013 

Caveau Wine Bar & Merchant in Santa Barbara

Caveau Wine Bar & Merchant

is set to host a wine futures tasting

In Santa Barbara, the soon-to-open Caveau Wine Bar & Merchant is hosting a tasting of local wines from the 2012 vintage with more than 50 wineries taking part, including the Ojai Vineyard, Brewer-Clifton, Sandhi and Au Bon Climat. The beauty is that it’s a futures tasting and wines will be offered at 20% off retail if purchased before they are released, i.e., in the future. 

...Founded by two enormously qualified sommeliers, Eric Railsback and Brian McClintic (star of the film "Somm"), Caveau specializes in European wines — and in local Santa Barbara wineries. - LATimes

Saturday, May 18, 2013
11:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.
Admission: $70
For tickets click HERE.

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