Hi all!
Head on over to 28 magazine and check out their new Fifth Chaos God challenge, inspired by Mhorrigot, the patron deity I cooked up a few years ago. I'll serve as supreme judge, jury and executioner for the contest entries.
A Nurgle contest would perhaps have been even more fitting during the pandemical circumstances, but everybody should at least have plenty of hobby time these strange times.
Really looking forward to see what people come up with!
Stay safe and wash your hands!
Showing posts with label Mhorrigot. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Mhorrigot. Show all posts
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Tuesday, September 30, 2014
Heart of iron
Many cultists of Mhorrigot ritually replace their hearts with mechanical implants, making them - quite literally - heartless.
Some go ever further and rid themselves of their soft human bodies altogether and implant their living brains into robotic bodies. While superficially resembling servitors, these hulking constructs retain all their free will, though the process leaves them cold and utterly void of human emotion.
Wednesday, September 24, 2014
Work on the mhorrigotii mech continues. Changed the marine head to a scion helmet and added a cowl with that distinctive widows peak that's becoming a signum for the mhorrigotii cultists.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
We can make him stronger, faster... Eviler.
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
League of Assassins
The cult of Mhorrigot grows...
Here's a groupshot with the rest of the gang. I think that should be enough spears and scythes...
And here's a work in progress death cult assassin:
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Spiky bits
Well, guess I'm back in grimdarky territory...
Here's a new mhorrigotii cultist to complement the one I did last year. I intentionally stayed pretty close to the first cultist, using the same sickle arm and wraith helmet, but made him less hunched and frail-looking.
Friday, August 30, 2013
Here's an early glimse of the first daemon of Mhorrigot. Not the first daemon of Mhorrigot made though - Igandris over at the Ammobunker beat me to the punch with his groovy Herald: http://s3.zetaboards.com/The_Ammobunker/single/?p=8308829&t=7637326
I start out small with a basic lowly Sickle-kin. The plan is to do this guy and perchance a herald before moving on to the big stuff - Scythe Lord, Scythemare & Shrouded Stalker.
I'm not especially happy wih the current Stalker concept so it'll probably get a redesign. Nothing major but it just lacks a certain something...
Saturday, August 17, 2013
Is it about the hedge?
...aaand... finished!
The base needs a touch up but apart from that I consider this one done.
He came out slightly redder than I had planned, but there you go. These things often take a life of their own it seems...
Name? Lugubrious I think.
Thursday, August 15, 2013
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Spiky bitz
Well, that's the mhorrimarine finished. Gonna let the greystuff cure a while and then it's painting time!
Replaced the groinplate with a tattered tabard as that felt more in tune with the reaper theme.
Friday, August 09, 2013
Swing it!
The mhorrimarine is coming together nicely. The only major thing left is how to position the scythes blade. Originally I posed it pointing forwards, Dave Taylor suggested it might look better pointing backwards.
I can't decide so I pinned it to be easy to swing around and snapped a few shots of it pointing in every direction. What do you folks think?
Thursday, August 08, 2013
All you need is skive
When I'm on a roll I'm on a roll...
Hot on the decadent tails of the slaanmarine comes the next in what might eventually end up as a series of true scale renegades:
A rather lugubrious follower of Mhorrigot. (Or just Mhorrimarine for short.)
Friday, July 26, 2013
Thursday, July 25, 2013
Hack 'n slash
The reaper-cultist of Mhorrigot is nearing completion.
Unfortunately the sprays came on a bit too thick, creating a very textured surface that didn't lend itself to any advanced paintjobs. So this one was done in a very muted almost monochromatic paint scheme. Lots of drybrushing and then washes to create different hues.
Not what I had hoped for the first Mhorrigotii themed mini, but there you go. I do like the conversion itself though - win some - loose some I guess...
Thursday, July 18, 2013
The Sickle-Kin
Hi again!
Here´s some background and rules I cooked up for the lesser daemons of Mhorrigot.
If you have any ideas on how to improve these guys (points cost, are they too powerful etc.), or have suggestions for the other daemons please leave a comment. I have tried to keep them balanced but would love some input!
The Sickle-Kin are the dread executioners of Mhorrigot. They collect the souls of those who has given up on empathy and compassion and unwittingly turned themselves into servants of Mhorrigot.
Sadly for his followers, patience is not his strong side and the Heartless One has no intention of waiting to claim these souls until the wrongdoers die of natural causes. The Sickle-Kin are there to speed up the process... They also act as his foot- (or rather float-) soldiers in times of strife.
Truly horrifying to behold they have gaunt bodies covered in tattered robes with iron nails hammered straight into their shriveled flesh. Their tortured bodies have long since lost the ability to feel pain. Merged with a corpse-like appearance are disturbing insectile features - jointed secondary limbs jut out from their abdomen and beneath their sunken eyes mandibled mouthparts replace a human jaw. Lanky arms end in taloned hands grasping a large two-handed sickle with a wicked curved blade, so black it appears less a solid object than a tear in reality itself. They lack legs entirely and float in the air as if the ground itself is repelled by their very existence.
In spite of their gloomy countenance the sickle-kin have a surprisingly sprightly disposition. One of the lessons of Mhorrigot is that life shouldn´t be taken too seriously - especially not the lives of others - and his lesser daemons embrace this philosophy fully. The have a sarcastic sense of humor with tounges truly as sharp as their blades. In battle they constantly try to out-wit with each other coming up with sardonic one liners as they dispatch their prey.
Here´s some background and rules I cooked up for the lesser daemons of Mhorrigot.
If you have any ideas on how to improve these guys (points cost, are they too powerful etc.), or have suggestions for the other daemons please leave a comment. I have tried to keep them balanced but would love some input!
The drifting death, Harvesters of Mhorrigot, Snigger-tounges
Sadly for his followers, patience is not his strong side and the Heartless One has no intention of waiting to claim these souls until the wrongdoers die of natural causes. The Sickle-Kin are there to speed up the process... They also act as his foot- (or rather float-) soldiers in times of strife.
Truly horrifying to behold they have gaunt bodies covered in tattered robes with iron nails hammered straight into their shriveled flesh. Their tortured bodies have long since lost the ability to feel pain. Merged with a corpse-like appearance are disturbing insectile features - jointed secondary limbs jut out from their abdomen and beneath their sunken eyes mandibled mouthparts replace a human jaw. Lanky arms end in taloned hands grasping a large two-handed sickle with a wicked curved blade, so black it appears less a solid object than a tear in reality itself. They lack legs entirely and float in the air as if the ground itself is repelled by their very existence.
In spite of their gloomy countenance the sickle-kin have a surprisingly sprightly disposition. One of the lessons of Mhorrigot is that life shouldn´t be taken too seriously - especially not the lives of others - and his lesser daemons embrace this philosophy fully. The have a sarcastic sense of humor with tounges truly as sharp as their blades. In battle they constantly try to out-wit with each other coming up with sardonic one liners as they dispatch their prey.
Mortal life is but a cosmic joke and they are there to deliver the punchline.
Sickle-Kin WS: 4 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 4 A: 1 Ld: 7 Sv: -
Sickle-Elder WS: 4 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 7 Sv: -
UNIT TYPE: Infantry, Sickle-elder is Infantry (character)
DAEMONIC GIFTS: Spitesickle (see below)
SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Mhorrigot (see below), Daemonic Instability, Deep strike, Fleet, Move through cover, Kindred Spirits
The heralds of Mhorrigot are the Sickle-Kin champions, tasked with collecting the vilest, most ruthless, souls and bring them screaming back to the Iron Citadel. Unlike their lesser brethren, who constantly gibber and exchange witticisms amongst each other, the Heralds are silent as the grave as they drift across the battlefield, twin Spiteblades in hand.
Herald of Mhorrigot WS: 6 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 3 W: 2 I: 7 A: 3(4) Ld: 8 Sv: -
UNIT TYPE: Infantry (character)
DAEMONIC GIFTS: Twin Spiteblades (see below)
SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Mhorrigot (see below), Daemonic Instability, Deep strike, Fleet, Move through cover, Independent Character.
Daemon of Mhorrigot: Daemons of Mhorrigot have the Daemon, Hatred (daemons of Khorne and Slaanesh) and Feel no Pain (5+) special rules.
Spitesickle: range: - / S user +1 / AP 2 / Type: Two handed melee weapon
Spiteblade: range: - / S user +1 / AP 2 / Type: melee weapon
Sickle-Kin WS: 4 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 4 A: 1 Ld: 7 Sv: -
Sickle-Elder WS: 4 BS: 3 S: 3 T: 3 W: 1 I: 4 A: 2 Ld: 7 Sv: -
UNIT TYPE: Infantry, Sickle-elder is Infantry (character)
DAEMONIC GIFTS: Spitesickle (see below)
SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Mhorrigot (see below), Daemonic Instability, Deep strike, Fleet, Move through cover, Kindred Spirits
Kindred Spirits: Sickle-Kin will never willingly attack or charge a Death Jester - they find a certain kinship in the Harlequin warriors dark, cynical, sense of humor. They will however fight back if attacked by one, but at -1 WS.
The heralds of Mhorrigot are the Sickle-Kin champions, tasked with collecting the vilest, most ruthless, souls and bring them screaming back to the Iron Citadel. Unlike their lesser brethren, who constantly gibber and exchange witticisms amongst each other, the Heralds are silent as the grave as they drift across the battlefield, twin Spiteblades in hand.
Herald of Mhorrigot WS: 6 BS: 5 S: 4 T: 3 W: 2 I: 7 A: 3(4) Ld: 8 Sv: -
UNIT TYPE: Infantry (character)
DAEMONIC GIFTS: Twin Spiteblades (see below)
SPECIAL RULES: Daemon of Mhorrigot (see below), Daemonic Instability, Deep strike, Fleet, Move through cover, Independent Character.
PSYKER: A Herald ugraded to a psyker chooses its powers from the Biomancy and Telepathy disciplines.
Spitesickle: range: - / S user +1 / AP 2 / Type: Two handed melee weapon
Spiteblade: range: - / S user +1 / AP 2 / Type: melee weapon
Thursday, July 11, 2013
This time I have something a bit meatier than my standard update.
For quite a while I´ve been toying with the idea of creating a new chaos deity. This using the old "Realm of Chaos: The Lost and the Damned" book, which apart from information and background concerning Tzeentch and Nurgle, also has an entire section devoted to guidelines and tables (lots and lots of lovely tables...) for randomly created minor chaos powers and their pantheons.
When I came back from my adventures in Warhammer World I was brimming over with inspiration so I managed to find a good PDF online ( I unfortunately don´t own the book myself) and set to work. Won´t post the link here because of copyright issues - but if you´re interested I hear of a magical soothsayer by the name of "Google" who can aid you in your quest for this unearthly tome...
Picking up a handful of d10 and d6 I started with deciding what creature my nascent god would be based on. I was quite liberal in interpreting my dice rolls - when rolling a d1000 for instance I rolled all three dice at once and which gave me a few choices depending on how you ordered the results. A result of 3, 5. 9 could be interpreted as 359 or 953 or 593 and so on. I rolled up a assassin on the generic creatures table, which I found interesting He was spliced with a cockatrice and received lots of nice little attributes. Many of them concerned with consuming the souls of his champions: a belt with a pouch wriggling with tiny champions, a cauldron full of tiny soulfigures he sometimes feeds on, a tiny former champion imprisoned in his mouth frantically trying to get out. Also spikes/nails and and a neck iron, which is cool.
As he was based on a assassin the idea of a patron god of killers of some sort started to form. I gave him a sickle as his weapon of choice and based the symbol of that. I didn't roll for a name (there´s of course a table for that) - instead I decided on "Mhorrigot", which is a mix of the celtic death godess Morrigan and also a nod to Morgoth the god of evil from Tolkiens Middle-earth
I liked this image so much that it became the basis for his greater daemons as well (just like Great Unclean Ones are the spitting image of father Nurgle).
For the lesser daemon I rolled up a Zombie who recieved an extra pair of louse arms, lost his legs entirely and got a fly´s mouth. Pretty good combination. Attributes turned out as staff, cloak and nails.
I added levitate as that would:
A) look good
B) allow me to use Brians wraith for another conversion.
As a weapon he recieved a spear which I incorporated into the staff to make a sort of sickle-scythe.
For the daemonic steed I rolled up a ghoul. Made quadrupedal it also lost its hands in the process so they were replaced with skewers. It also received a skeletal skull - I went for a cockatrice skull to keep in line with Mhorrigot himself. Attributes were broken body, belt/pouch and neck iron. I also added nails to keep it thematically uniform.
The beast started as a werewolf who lost both his snout and eyes - already a pretty nasty looking creature. He recieved the legs of a boar and a extra pair of ant legs. I decided to fuse them into four sort of cloven hoofed ant legs, centaur style and keep the upper body more werewolf like.
I then rolled up a shroud as attribute covering most of its body and decided give him iron claws and teeth. And, of course, a healthy sprinkle of nails.
So now the whole pantheon was complete. I then set about sketching them out on paper and then took them into Photoshop to make minor adjustments and a simple greyscale rendering.
I really had fun doing these. It was a very interresting design experiment - the lists provide wierd combinations that I never would have thought of otherwise. I might actually start using these tables as a working tool when concepting creatures for games...
Here´s a small background text I cobbled together along with the final concept sketches:
The Heartless one, Lord of Indifference, Iron-heart, Reaper of Reapers
In a vast and uncaring universe mortals must do what they need to survive. Though a majority somehow manage to cling on to their humanity and compassion, many succumb to disillusion and cynicism. The constant warfare of the 41st millennium also breeds hordes of mercenaries and paid killers. This has led to a new nascent power stirring in the warp. A god of callousness, cynicism, ruthlessness and indifference.
Mhorrigot is the patron god of the stone cold killers, cut-throats, the gun-men and the mercenaries - the soul of every man or woman who kills others only for the sake of worldly gain belongs him in the end. As reaper of reapers the sickle or scythe is his symbol, along with the image of an iron heart.
He has the final answer how to survive in a universe teeming with horror and suffering. Survival becomes all the easier when you have no qualms about dispatching those who stand in your way. Forget about compassion, adopt the nihilists creed and care only for yourself. From this worldview also follows a laconic sense of of humor - the world is a joke and humanity bares the brunt of the punchline.
While Khorne´s adepts revel in bloodlust and warfare and followers of Slaanesh take a perverse pleasure in unspeakable acts of brutality, Mhorrigots scions does not kill for joy or martial honor. They take no pleasure in the taking of lives, but on the other hand does not think twice about committing the most heinous atrocities if it can bring them the slightest worldly gain or further their own objectives. There is a fine balance between this utter ruthlessness and the "The end always justifies the means" -philosophy of many inquisitors and other imperial servants. Many of these seemingly devout servants of the Emperor slide closer and closer to becoming unknowing servants to the Heartless one.
Mhorrigot himself quite literary has a heart of iron - his real heart is locked away in an iron chest in a vast citadel somewhere in the warp. To attain the status of daemon prince, his champions must quest for this citadel, fight the horrors that guard the casket and leave their own heart there after they tear it out of their chest. His followers often have their hearts taken out and replaced with mechanical implants as a symbol of their disdain for compassion and devotion to their patron.
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Scythe-Lord |
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Sickle-Kin |
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Schythemare |
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Shrouded Stalker |
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