Showing posts with label bionic. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bionic. Show all posts

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Converting Grukk! Warboss Conversion Complete.

So this Grukk conversion is complete.  My intent is to use him as a cheap HQ or as part of a greater formation.  I like the idea of running 3 Warbosses, 3 Big Meks and a Weirdboy in with a bunch of other orky mayhem.

 Kept him pretty simple:

Monday, October 20, 2014

Converting Grukk! Warboss Conversion Part 1

GW makes crappy Warbosses.  There, I said it.  They are very derivative of each other.  The AoBR Boss is solid, especially for a "Starter" figure, but not much variety.  Grukk, from Stormclaw, was a great  opportunity to do something different, and they blew it.  The best thing about the figure is the back (it's not covered in equipment), but no pose ability at all.  But it is different then the AoBR boss, and not the classic, weedy boss we've had forever so choppy chop!
Here's where I'm at so far:

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Iron Hands Sarge

Yes, I've been away.  Vacation actually.  I did get a few things done though.  I got my first squad of Irons hands complete, and boy can I tell I haven't painted in a while.  Ignore the shoulder pads for now, I'm working on a press mold to cover up my lousy freehand.  Anyway I envision the Irons Hands Sarges to be almost like junior Tech Marines.  So I did some kitbash On this guy:

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Iron Hands Bionic Limbs

Today, Bionic limbs for marines.  I looked at several aftermarket bits and they either are not available anymore or just a bit too small.  Time to make my own!
I started by cutting down a set of marine legs and an arm.  I then placed a bit of tube in as a base: