Showing posts with label Cush. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cush. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Universelles Leben: worshipping LEGION through 'vegetarianism'?

  Above image - "unbloody sacrifice" decoded by Alexander Hislop: "The child she brought forth was He-Siri, "the Seed," or, as he was most frequently called in Assyria, "Bar," which signifies at once "the Son" and "the Corn.".

 *   *   *

".....Hieronymus had at his disposal all the still existing scriptures about the teachings of Jesus available at that time. He knew very well, for instance, that Jesus ate no meat and also taught that one should love the animals and not kill them.....
The Jesuit abstention from meat was Absolute Law­ways a thorn in the side of the church. Pope Pope John III (561-574) even cursed vegetarians. He proclaimed this anathema (= curse) at the 1st Synod of Braga (Portugal).
“If anyone holds meat dishes, which God gave the people to enjoy, to be impure and ... abstains from them ..., may he be excom­municated.”
Did Hieronymus translate an ancient original gospel?

    Well I too could be a Nazi-animal lover. Not a month ago I saved a wounded bird bringing it to the seat of the League for Protection of Animals. I too believe that a wicked person usually doesn't love animals, but I don't have the cult of animals and I don't believe that religious devotion to animals to be adherent to the Holy Scriptures (and I find it enough perverted). There are many examples of wicked people loving animals:


Was Hitler a Vegetarian? The Paradox of the Nazi Animal Protection Movement
What can we learn from Hitler's love of animals?
".....In 1933, Hermann Göring announced he would "commit to concentration camps those who still think they can treat animals as property." The feared Heinrich Himmler once asked his doctor, who was a hunter, "How can you find pleasure, Herr Kerstein, in shooting from behind at poor creatures browsing on the edge of a wood...It is really murder." Sax chronicles many other examples in his fascinating book Animals In the Third Reich: Pets, Scapegoats, And The HolocaustPerhaps the most chilling episode in the bizarre annals of Nazi animal protectionism was a 1942 law banning pet-keeping by Jews. As a result, dogs and cats owned by Jews were rounded up and humanely euthanized according to the German regulations pertaining to pets. But unlike their companion animals, Jews themselves were not covered under the humane slaughter legislation.
Was Hitler a Vegetarian? Does It Matter?
Back to my argument with Laura....There is no doubt that Adolf Hitler claimed to be animal lover. In his 1938 autobiography, Mein Kampf, he describes how, when food was scarce, he would share his meager meals with mice. Hitler had a particular fondness for ravens, wolves and dogs. He abhorred hunting and horse-racing and referred to them as "the last remnants of a dead feudal world."
Was he a vegetarian? Arluke and Sax think so. Hitler once told a female companion who ordered sausage while they were on a date, "I didn't think you wanted to devour a dead corpse...the flesh of dead animals. Cadavers!" Hitler claimed that meat-eating was a major factor of the decline of civilization and that vegetarianism could rejuvenate society. His henchman Goebbels wrote in his diary, "The Fuhrer is a convinced vegetarian, on principle. His arguments cannot be refuted on any series basis. They are totally unanswerable."The extent of Hitler's vegetarianism, however, is a matter of dispute. Laura, for example, tells me that Hitler occasionally ate sausages. (See Rynn Berry's Hitler: Neither Vegetarian Nor Animal Lover.) I suspect that she is right and that Hitler was an inconsistent vegetarian. But so are most modern American "vegetarians", 70% of whom sometimes eat meat. (See this PT blog post.) More importantly, she and I agree that whether Adolf Hitler ate no meat, a little meat, or a lot of meat is completely unrelated to the arguments against eating animals. Simply because Hitler was (mostly) vegetarian in his dietary habits does not undermine the case for animal rights. ........"

Above image - "[Jesuit trained] Goebbels  said, famously, 'The only real friend one has in the end is the dog. . .The more I get to know the human species, the more I care for my Benno.' Goebbels also agreed with Hitler that 'meat eating is a perversion in our human nature,' and that Christianity was a 'symptom of decay', since it did not urge vegetarianism. Rudolf Hess was another affectionate pet owner. 
Nazi leaders harboured affection towards animals but antipathy to humans. Hitler was given films by a maharaja which displayed animals killing people. The Fuehrer watched with equanimity. Another film showed humans killing animals. Hitler covered his eyes and begged to be told when the slaughter was over.
In the same passage in his diary from the 1920s quoted above, Goebbels wrote, 'As soon as I am with a person for three days, I don't like him any longer. . .I have learned to despise the human being from the bottom of my soul.'

    Also the Gospel confirm that if you kill an animal you could cause the unpleasant relocation of a spirit (demon) within:

 Lu:8:32: And there was there an herd of many swine feeding on the mountain: and they besought him that he would suffer them to enter into them. And he suffered them.
Lu:8:33: Then went the devils out of the man, and entered into the swine: and the herd ran violently down a steep place into the lake, and were choked.
    Therefore: do a 'good' work and be a vegetarian.
    Animal have to be loved not only because they can be considered a sort of biological 'barrack' hosting LEGION, but also because having they a very little consciousness and awareness they are condemned to NOT know the Gospel and the word of the Lord contained in the Bible; therefore, due to their  very limited abstract 'intellectual' functions, they cannot absolutely understand the concept of Salvation. They understand no concept. For this reason also Satanism elected the animal at the rank of object of worship because in loving them "like your neighbor", you love their complete alienation from and impossibility to gain salvation. For this reason also in the paganism/heatenism (Satanism for the whole family) there's plenty of animal figures especially mixed with human figures creating cross overs: Satanism elected the animal of model for the human behavior and spiritual faculty, to counter the model of Jesus and the saints and all the righteous souls after Adam and Eve. Just in this precise theological Satanic goal there are the roots of the Evolutionist Science.

    Are these ones the  pagan and Satanist roots of the "unbloody" meal? A Continuing Sacrifice of the Mass?

"...He was, as we have seen, represented as delighting in blood. But she, as the mother of grace and mercy, as the celestial "Dove," as "the hope of the whole world," (BRYANT) was averse to blood, and was represented in a benign and gentle character. Accordingly, in Babylon she bore the name of Mylitta--that is, "The Mediatrix." *
by women with peculiar secrecy. In India the goddess Lakshmi, "the Mother of the Universe," the consort of Vishnu, is represented also as possessing the most gracious and genial disposition; and that disposition is indicated in the same way as in the case of the Babylonian goddess. "In the festivals of Lakshmi," says Coleman, "no sanguinary sacrifices are offered."
Thus, St. Alphonsus Liguori tells his readers that the sinner that ventures to come directly to Christ may come with dread and apprehension of His wrath; but let him only employ the mediation of the Virgin with her Son, and she has only to "show" that Son "the breasts that gave him suck," (Catholic Layman, July, 1856) and His wrath will immediately be appeased.
If the Hindoo story exhibits its "god of gods" in such a degrading light, how much more honouring is the Papal story to the Son of the Blessed, when it represents Him as needing to be pacified by His mother exposing to Him "the breasts that He has sucked." All this is done only to exalt the Mother, as more gracious and more compassionate than her glorious Son. Now, this was the very case in Babylon: and to this character of the goddess queen her favourite offerings exactly corresponded. Therefore, we find the women of Judah represented as simply "burning incense, pouring out drink-offerings, and offering cakes to the queen of heaven" (Jer 44:19). The cakes were "the unbloody sacrifice" she required. That "unbloody sacrifice" her votaries not only offered, but when admitted to the higher mysteries, they partook of, swearing anew fidelity to her. In the fourth century, when the queen of heaven, under the name of Mary, was beginning to be worshipped in the Christian Church, this "unbloody sacrifice" also was brought in.
From The Two Babylons by Alexander Hislop;  Chapter IV Section III The Sacrifice of the Mass.

   See, about intestines & animals, the following my previous posts:

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Paul was right [Philippians 3:19 and Alexander Hislop] 


Sunday, December 15, 2013

Were dinosaurs Satan's beings?

Monday, April 21, 2014

Pedophilia and Genesis 3:15


    The only problem is to be very  careful of false witnesses/victims who could have been purposely sent inside the movement against the Vatican and the Jesuit order with the clear goal to dramatically refute their witnesses and therefore to present also true victims and true witnesses as "fabrication" against the church of Rome.

    From the other point of view pedophilia - of course not only the one of the Catholic church of Rome - in his extension today confirms the religious agenda of Satan. To murder, torture, rape children today it is only the contemporary children sacrifice of Moloch. Who was Moloch? He is only another name for Nimrod, the "mighty hunter", the "deliverer". Immediately after the Flood the Satan's front did everything in order to build around the Word of God a religious system where the role of God and of the Serpent (Satan's embodiment) were exchanged and the message of God totally distorted, with the aim to spread and render acceptable such manipulation and degradation, thanks to the at-those-times 'marketing' strategies. The degradation and perversion of the divine tradition was spread in the large masses in order to spiritually vaccinate them against the Word of God. Paganism/heathenism, Satanism, esoteric knowledge, Masonry etc. were finally born. After reading verse 3:15 of Genesis [KJV] the wicked spiritual content lying under the abuse on children emerges:

And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. 

    I believe this is the reason for which they have continually to rape children and cannot stop. It is the true essence of Satanism and Paganism that is not well understood and psychologists, sociologists, antropologists etc, cannot substitue the spiritual exposition of the evil phenomena eliminating God from the discourse and therefore doing a service to the same Satanists (remember they are living of secrets and discretions).  If the Seed is bruising the head of Satan, Satan orders to his servants, mostly of the Roman churches, to "bruise the heel" of the greatest number of children, because having children a 'free ticket' for heaven they all have inside a little grain of Jesus, the seed.

 Above image - since the fall of the Babel's tower, 
the Cushites don't forget their origin.


Reported in:


Kevin Annett Francesco Zanardi . Press Conference Savona 23/05/2013May 24, 2013 - Chronicle News - Tagged: argentina , children, Benedict XVI, boycott , campaign , church, catholic church , citizens, community , condemned, Funds , Francesco Zanardi, genocide , Giorgio Napolitano , itccs , Joseph Ratzinger, kevin annett , Patti , Rome , Savona - commentsPRESS RELEASE OF KEVIN Annett , SECRETARY OF THE INTERNATIONAL TRIBUNAL ON CRIMES OF CHURCH AND STATEMay 23 2013Savona, ItalyGood morning. My name is Kevin Annett and the Secretary of the International Tribunal for Crimes of Church and State , known as ITCCS , which represents more than fifty organizations of survivors of torture in nine countries , including Italy .It is an honor for me to be here today with Francesco Zanardi and organization The Network Abuse, grateful for the invitation to join them in a historic campaign to stop torture forever religious children. For years , Francis led a heroic struggle here in Italy for the same things for which the Court is doing a campaign today : to obtain , via the dissemination of acts of torture of children by the Roman Catholic Church , to bring those responsible to justice. I sincerely hope to work with Francis and many other people in Italy in the coming months .I have been authorized by the Central Office ITCCS to issue the following public statement :1. As the Court of Conscience Town, under the cover of international law , we urge the Italian President Giorgio Napolitano to call for the immediate extradition from the Vatican and the arrest of the former Pope Benedict XVI, Joseph Ratzinger, to the fact that Ratzinger is a fugitive from justice and a wanted criminal who has been duly found guilty of crimes against humanity February 25 of 2013 by a Court of Justice International Law .2 . Urge , also , President Napolitano and his government to make with the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court in ceasing any additional aid , tax exemptions or subsidies to an organization guilty of crimes against humanity and children , call the Vatican, and to cancel and annul the so-called " Lateran Pact " between the Government of ' Italy and the Vatican.3 . If President Napolitano celebrates with international law and denied to take these measures, the Court , its worldwide subsidiaries and Italian citizens will initiate an international boycott of Italian goods , trade and tourism and , in Italy , begin peaceful occupations of churches, civil arrests and other actions directed against the Vatican and its officials . The campaign will begin on September 20th 2013, the day of the 143rd anniversary of the liberation of Rome Garibaldi and the expulsion of the papacy.4 . The goal of this campaign will be the one to fulfill the legal verdict of the International Court of Justice of the Common Law of February 25 of 2013 , which condemned thirty officials of church and state for genocide and criminal conspiracy , among them the Pope Benedict XVlI and senior Catholic cardinal . (see ) . This verdict has condemned these officials inmediato arrest and imprisonment for a period of twenty-five years, in addition to confiscation of goods and property of the church.5 . Vatican and the Catholic Church represent a clear and present danger to children all over the world , due to their current policy known as " Crimen Sollicitationis ", which actively protects the abusers of children in the church and pervert justice and the law protection of minors in other countries. The present Pope , Francis, is active accomplice in these war crimes for his position as head of the Church of Rome and its implications for personal crimes of this kind in Argentina. By this law , the Vatican is constituted as a global criminal conspiracy that moves a permanent war against children, the sovereignty and the laws of all nations , and according to the law of nations (ius gentium ) , and obstructed and must be fought should be restricted his power for the welfare of people around the world.The ITCCS and its affiliates and allies in other governments are compromised to do so. Therefore we ask all the people of Italy to withdraw their funds and their loyalty to the Roman Catholic Church to demand that President Napolitano requesting the extradition of Joseph Ratzinger and the cancellation of the Lateran Pacts , and that joins our campaign of September 20 to put an end forever to the criminal actions of the Church of Rome.We also make a formal request to the police forces of Italy, which will help the Italian citizens in protecting their children and their community abusers of children by Catholic clergy , arresting those predators known or suspected , and in denying help or assist the Church Catholic and his officials in the escape justice or judgment for their crimes .The Government 's Italian President Napolitano and have until September 20 of 2013 in order to respond to this statement and fulfill these requests , and a recorded message that has been sent to the Office of the President and Parliament of Italy' s .Posted May 23 2013 by the Central ITCCS in / ICLCJ

Friday, January 24, 2014



Above image - "Sir Fred Hoyle et Mgr G.H. Lemaître"

".....Sir James Jeans, in the 1920s, was the first to conjecture a steady state cosmology based on a hypothesized continuous creation of matter in the universe.[1][2] The idea was then revised in 1948 by Fred Hoyle, Thomas Gold, Hermann Bondi and others.......". [ ]

From a physicist point of view the energetic equation of ZPE will boggle their mind. Despite the massive energetic potential for clean free energy in ZPE power conversion, the ZPE energy conversion field is still not "popular" or studied in the mainstream science, physics or engineering curricular.

In particle physics it is well known that the active vacuum is incredibly energetic. Calculations by leading physicists such as Wheeler show that a cubic centimeter of vacuum (about the tip of one's little finger in volume) has so much raw energy in it that, if condensed into matter, there would be more matter than is observable in the universe through the largest telescope! So even a tiny efficiency of tapping could and will extract all the energy anyone could wish. -Tom Beardon
......" [  ]

 Above image - "....Georges Lemaître between Robert Millikan (on the left) and Albert Einstein (on the right). The Big Bang theory of the "Primeval Atom" triumphs. California Institute of Technology. Pasadena, 10 January 1933...."
 ".......Please, notice the timing. This Belgian priest is thinking on the lines proposed by Albert Einstein and suggests Big Bang in 1927. This pipe smoking American publishes the velocity-distance facts observed in Mount Wilson in 1929 confirming Lemaître's basic ideas with accurate and reliable facts about star from distant galaxies.

Who is this guy?

Does anyone know that a priest was the first one to propose that there was a Big Bang?

His parents sent the boy to the classical Jesuit school, Collège du Sacré-Coeur in Charleroi in Wallonia, western Belgium. He was a brilliant student and already at the young age of 17 he was accepted to the University of Leuven to study civil engineering........" [    ]

After Arthur Eddington died in 1944, Cambridge University became a center of opposition to Lemaitre's theory of the Big Bang. In fact, it was Fred Hoyle, an astronomer at Cambridge, who sarcastically coined the term "Big Bang." Hoyle and others favored an approach to the history of the universe known as the "Steady State" in which hydrogen atoms were continuously created and gradually coalesced into gas clouds, which then formed stars.
But in 1964 there was a significant breakthrough that confirmed some of Lemaitre's theories. Workers at Bell Laboratories in New Jersey were tinkering with a radio telescope when they discovered a frustrating kind of microwave interference. It was equally strong whether they pointed their telescope at the center of the galaxy or in the opposite direction....[etc. etc. etc.]...............
Is there a paradox in this situation? Lemaitre did not think so. Duncan Aikman of the New York Times spotlighted Lemaitre's view in 1933: "'There is no conflict between religion and science,' Lemaïtre has been telling audiences over and over again in this country .... His view is interesting and important not because he is a Catholic priest, not because he is one of the leading mathematical physicists of our time, but because he is both."
......." [  ]

...OH ... look why the "Free Energy" must NOT exist... No, no, that's not for the "greediness" of the energy companies.... but the true reason is because Free Energy which relates on original Maxwell's equations (asymmetric ones, quaternions) implies the creation of energy from the "void" (= ether)... but in this manner it gives substance to the Fred Hoyle's theory of the Steady State universe... prof. Hoyle conjectured that the universe like it is – is always existed, in a stationary (maybe in some variations with also a slightly) expanding form... in the enormous emptied distances the matter could arise spontaneously... and if we know that matter and energy are linked by an equation we understand that the Free Energy theory would give validity to the Fred Hoyle's theory.... But who would be the Greater Loser?... It would be the Big Bang Theory which is born with the precise goal to oppose to the theory of the Steady State theory... Remember that the true ghost-father of this theory was as jesuit, Lemaitre.... let's put aside Einstein, evidently simply a front man of this order.... Meanwhile the Steady State theory – even if paradoxically born with the intention to deny Biblical creation - is not a sworn enemy of the Biblical Creation (because Universe could have been created by God 6000 years ago as it is now), the Big Bang theory, with billions of years of obliged evolution under which we cannot go, is an absolute enemy of the Biblical Creation... look, … in years of surfing in sites about Aliens,... when I the same was an enthusiast supporter of prof. Malanga's theory of the Alien Abductions... I actually dont remember of a single episode where I could have met someone affirming that the precise goal of the Aliens is to keep the planet earth in the obscurity respect the existence of the science of “free energy” (ether etc.)... this is for a clear reason... the Alien hoax must not reveal the true finality for which has been engineered... Free Energy, Direct Beam technology, the s.c. “anti-gravity” etc. must be kept hidden... if the establishment puts in the mouth of Aliens the purpose of keep the planet in an underdeveloped condition you obtain two negative collateral effect.... 1) you give evidence about the existence of Free Energy etc. science,.... 2) you give evidence about the falsity of the Alien and UFO phenomena, at that point a clear fabricated masque behind which to hide the interests of multinationals of energy, governments, lodges, Vatican, etc.... “.

Sunday, December 29, 2013

"...of about 14 lunations" [on the age of the universe]

Thursday, January 23, 2014

".... we are LEGION".

Bye bye...

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Obsessed with the Flood - I

Thanks to Христо Стилиянов who, in a comment, pointed out to me the logo of the International Day of Peace, of course a bird:
John 17:9
I pray for them: I pray not for the world, but for them which thou hast given me; for they are thine.

"The Roman Catholic religious conception of "Consecration of Russia", related to the Church's high-priority Fátima Marian apparitions, promises world peace as a result of this process being fulfilled."

Notice the Ark's dove and the bird alluding to it:

NEW YEAR FEAST OF VATICINIUM/DIVINATIONS ---> "Look, things are much simpler, than "Jesus was only a disguised Bacchus" etc.....Why so to pour sprinkle wine and champagne etc. for New Year feast??.... But in honor to CUSH, head (together with the son in the CUSH & SON company) of all the pagan and false-christian systems on earth...CUSH is the "hidden god", aka (word from Chaldean --->) SATURN.... the symbol of CUSH is the cup.....and the act of POURING IN THE CUP represents the worship of CHUSH/SATURN....In fact CUSH is (present time verb) considered also the god of the DIVINATIONS, .... of VATICINIUM related to the NEW YEAR..... Not in vain the first day of the NEW year is consecrated to the 'peace' (which "only believing in him you can achieve") and has as symbol a DOVE, is obvious the allusion refers to the DOVE OF THE ARK.....(like Twitter, see the three crosses in the word, "t", being the "christian" cross truly a symbol already used in Babylon)......Dear friend, the satanist-pagan systems knew all that perfectly,... paganism/heathenism is NOT born in the ignorance of the God's word (as usually it is thought to be)..... but in the COMPLETE awareness of the GOD's existence and of the Story of the Eden,.....just for this reason they have to be mocked, representing them in a theater where the role of God is exchanged with the one of Satan in order to offend the former ("occult" systems, satanism, heathenism/paganism, esoteric, Eleusinian mysteries, etc.).....So from where it originates the name "Vatican"? It is so named because it lays on the hill of VATICINIUM (divination), there the pagan priests were questioning the future from the FLIGHT OF THE BIRTHS which obviously were only a purposely and with awareness degraded symbolic representation of the Ark's Dove....a bass-relief shows a pagan priest of Rome holding in hands the typical stick of the divination (they were doing divination for the NEW YEAR also...), a stick with the top at the guise of spiral exactly like the pastoral one of the bishops, except it was shorter.... at his feet a bird,....significantly with its feet RESTING ON THE GROUND and not flying, to underline the obsession with which the pagan-satanist systems - and among the which the Ancient Roman one, considered the Ark's Dove and desired to take possession of her "magic" power.... in other words to force in blasphemy the Story of Genesis book pretending that the soil on which the Dove landed and therefore in this way become 'sacred' by divinity, was ROME THE SAME.......It is obvious that the NEW WORLD of the after Flood age would have started from ROME and therefore the Catholicism could be nothing else than ROMAN.....
Satan saw wiped away by the Flood a mob which, with great efforts, he succeeded in to make so wicked that God was constrained to take such a decision, reason for which it is understandable the shock for him (Satan), a shock from which he tried to recover in the immediate after Deluge age, shaping the paganism/heathenism, re-modeling it after 4500 years in the "Cult of saint Alien Martyr" and of the Queen of Heaven, aka Evolutionist Science,...".
[edited: of course the above "the NEW WORLD of the after Flood would have started from ROME" is intended after the previous projects of the Babel's tower, of Babylon and of Egypt failed; the definitive Babylon/Babel's tower is Rome since 2500 years]

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

"Pouring out of the drink-offering"

Wednesday, January 1, 2014


Above image - taken from the video "Morgan Freeman the NUMBERER..." [URL:].
From left to right are represented two or three seconds of the video from 00:19 to 00:20.
[The video posted also in "Sunday, December 29, 2013 - Morgan Freeman the NUMBERER... [short trailer Italian version]", URL:]

*   *   *

Sunday, December 29, 2013

"...of about 14 lunations" [on the age of the universe]

"Pouring out of the drink-offering"

"....Now, Hermes (that is Cush) is said to have "first discovered numbers, and the art of reckoning, geometry, and astronomy, the games of chess and hazard"....(.....)......
As the cup was peculiarly the symbol of Cush, hence the pouring out of the drink-offering to him as the god of the cup; and as he was the great Diviner, hence the divinations as to the future year, which Jerome connects with the divinity referred to by Isaiah. Now Hermes, in Egypt as the "numberer," was identified with the moon that numbers the months. He was called "Lord of the moon" (BUNSEN); and as the "dispenser of time" (WILKINSON), he held a "palm branch, emblematic of a year" (Ibid.). Thus, then, if Gad was the "sun-divinity," Meni was very naturally regarded as "The Lord Moon."

[from: The Two Babylons, by Free Church of Scotland minister Alexander Hislop]

vaticinium,' an oracle or prophecy; for tradition says that Numa chose the Vatican hill as a sacred place from which to declare to the people the messages he received from the gods.”


Tuesday, January 01, 2013


    Think not that I am come to send peace on earth: I came not to send peace, but a sword.

[Matthew 10:34 KJV]

*   *   *
".....Pope on World day of Peace 2013: 
“Blessed are the Peacemakers”

2013-01-01 Vatican Radio
......(Vatican Radio) The Catholic Church marks the World Day of Peace each January 1st. In his 2013 message for the day, entitled “Blessed are the Peacemakers,” Pope Benedict XVI says peace is possible in today’s world but everyone must work together as a family to achieve it. ...."

"......Patriarch: Lets force Israel into “peace deal”
Patriarch Archbishop Fouad Twal urged President Barack Obama to take “immediate action” for a two-state solution........."

 Above image - original caption: "Carrying a greenish idol of “Jesus of Rome”, making a mockery of the true faith in the Messiah.".


  *   *   *

    But why every 31 dec the whole world must stop? And to participate without exclusion to the rite of the "best wishes"?

"Auguri" ["greetings", "wishes", etc.] and twitting birds:

"...The augur was a priest and official in the classical world, especially ancient Rome and Etruria. His main role was to interpret the will of the gods by studying the flight of birds: whether they are flying in groups or alone, what noises they make as they fly, direction of flight and what kind of birds they are. This was known as "taking the auspices." The ceremony and function of the augur was central to any major undertaking in Roman society—public or private—including matters of war, commerce, and religion. The Roman historian Livy stresses the importance of the augurs: "Who does not know that this city was founded only after taking the auspices, that everything in war and in peace, at home and abroad, was done only after taking the auspices?"[1] ....".

    Above image - original caption: "An augur holding a lituus, the curved wand often used as a symbol of augury on Roman coins"; URL:,_Nordisk_familjebok.png

     Above image - "Mario Monti Uses Twitter" - URL:
As regard Mario "double-M" Monti, See also my: Monday, December 31, 2012
"The International of the Jesuits" or: Hunger & Starvation, the best aid for the miracles of Satan.  URL:



  • vaticinium,' an oracle or prophecy; for tradition says that Numa chose the Vatican hill as a sacred place from which to declare to the people the messages he received from the gods.”

Ave Roma Immortalis, Vol. 2 Studies from the Chronicles of Rome

"...Numa was said to have authored several "sacred books" in which he had written down divine teachings, mostly from Egeria and the Muses. Plutarch[7] (citing Valerius Antias) and Livy[8] records that at his request he was buried along with these "sacred books", preferring that the rules and rituals they prescribed be preserved in the living memory of the state priests, rather than preserved as relics subject to forgetfulness and disuse. About half of these books—Plutarch and Livy differ on their number—were thought to cover the priesthoods he had established or developed, including the flamines, pontifices, Salii, and fetiales and their rituals. The other books dealt with philosophy (disciplina sapientiae). According to Plutarch,[7] these books were recovered some four hundred years later (in reality almost five hundred years, i. e. in 186 BC according to Livy) at the occasion of a natural accident that exposed the tomb. They were examined by the Senate, deemed to be inappropriate for disclosure to the people, and burned. Dionysius of Halicarnassus[9] hints that they were actually kept as a very close secret by the pontifices....".

    In consequence of the "vaticinium" [the 'greetings',  'wishes'] at the midnight of 31st December, the sequent day - first January -  has been declared World Day of Peace.

    The "best wishes" of everyone to everyone must be declared as not discernible part of the common world wish/greeting for the establishment of the world....


    ...the PAX/peace aka the submission of every soul to "...MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH." [Revelation 17:5 KJV:]

Vaticinium of January or Januarius:

"...Januarius, Bishop of Naples, is a martyr saint of the Roman Catholic and the Eastern Orthodox Churches. While no contemporary sources on his life are preserved, later sources and legends claim that he died during the Diocletianic Persecution,[2] which ended with Diocletian's retirement in 305. Januarius is the patron saint of Naples, where the faithful gather three times a year in Naples Cathedral to witness the alleged liquefaction of what is claimed to be a sample of his blood kept in a sealed glass ampoule.

Above image - original caption: "The miraculous liquefaction of the blood of Saint Januarius.".
..... Thousands of people assemble to witness this event in Naples Cathedral three times a year: on September 19 (Saint Januarius day, to commemorate his martyrdom), on December 16 (to celebrate his patronage of both Naples and of the archdiocese), and on the Saturday before the first Sunday of May (to commemorate the reunification of his relics).[12]

Saint Alphonsus Liguori wrote regarding Saint Januarius:

 The Neapolitans honor this saint as the principal patron of their city and nation, and the Lord himself has continued to honor him, by allowing many miracles to be wrought through his intercession, particularly when the frightful eruptions of Mount Vesuvius have threatened the city of Naples with utter destruction. While the relics of St. Januarius were being brought in procession towards this terrific volcano, the torrents of lava and liquid fire which it emitted have ceased, or turned their course from the city. But the most stupendous miracle, and that which is greatly celebrated in the church, is the liquefying and boiling up of this blessed martyr's blood whenever the vials are brought in sight of his head. This miracle is renewed many times in the year, in presence of all who desire to witness it; yet some heretics have endeavored to throw a doubt upon its genuineness, by frivolous and incoherent explanations; but no one can deny the effect to be miraculous, unless he be prepared to question the evidence of his senses."[18]


 " frivolous and incoherent explanations":

For there shall arise false Christs, and false prophets, and shall shew great signs and wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they shall deceive the very elect.
[Matthew 24:24 KJV]

“We don’t teach to not respect and worship the virgin Mary and the saints… To make out of them images of idols and gods, to pray them for clemency and mercy for the sins in every disgrace, to build them churches, donation offer, all that God, angels and saints severely forbid.....
But demons, which assume the image of angels, goddess virgin Mary and saints and appear to ignorant popes, bishops, parishes and monks, to old witches and to the prostitute of the parishes and of the monks, impose them to be bigot, to torment themselves, to fall to the ground,… and to all these people the demons announce that now on this, now on a different mountain, on the field, or in the forest, churches have to be built, in order to bring there donations and to celebrate masses, in order to bring there wealth from everywhere, and every kind of cattle; and if they don’t do that, the goddess Mary and the saints will destroy with lightning all the corn-fields and the vineyards and will kill them with the plague.”
Primož Trubar, (father of the modern Slovenia and founder of the Slovenian Protestant Church, 1508 - 1586).


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    Januarius, Satanic demon ruling the "auguri" or "Vaticinium", with the 'reading' of the liquefation of the 'blood', in despise of Jesus the Saviour, Who shed His precious blood to save mankind from Satan and the eternal death.

    The birth of the Ancient Roman Empire has no more secrets. Roman empire as preventive action of Satan to try to stop the arrival of the message of the Lord in the continent. The gods as masques for demons of Satan, today re-elaborated by the church of Rome under the guise of 'saints'.


    Again Jesuit Vatican deception? Describing Twitter and Facebook as "CIA controlled" meanwhile at the same time "CIA" is spreading in the world the Roman Catholic PAX ROMANA? In an article issued with a perfect timing after the December American shootings and before the World feast of 'saint' Janurius? Isn't  this article an elaborate Jesuit-CIA ideological deception scheme??!

"Facebook, Twitter and other social media sites are an elaborate CIA spying scheme Friday, December 28, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

...and reported in:

"..... Thousands of people assemble to witness this event in Naples Cathedral three times a year: on September 19 (Saint Januarius day, to commemorate his martyrdom), on December 16 (to celebrate his patronage of both Naples and of the archdiocese)," 


Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Merry Christmas - II.