Showing posts with label Vatican Bank Claims. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Vatican Bank Claims. Show all posts

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Vatican Bank Claims Holocaust Litigation - October 16, 2014

Vatican Bank Holocaust Litigation
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+1 202-318-2406

For Immediate Release October 16, 2014
Pope Paul VI Beatification Overshadowed by Involvement in Nazi Ratline
Rome: On October 19, 2014, Paul VI (Monsignor Montini) in a solemn ceremony at the Vatican is to be beatified which is the first step to sainthood  A miracle, the curing of an unborn baby’s illness, has been attributed to Paul VI.  However, Holocaust Victims and their families from Eastern Europe who are locked in a decade’s long legal dispute with the Vatican over looted assets from the Second World War, question the saintliness of the man who as Vatican Secretary of State supervised the infamous Vatican ratline funded with Holocaust era loot.
The Vatican Ratline was a post war system of escape routes for Nazis fleeing Europe at the end of the Second World War.  The Vatican version was centered at the Croatian Confraternity of Saint Jerome located in Rome at Via Tomacelli 132 just a block away from the Tiber River bridge and next to the sprawling Tomb of Augustus. 
San Girolamo.jpg
The so called “Golden Priest” Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic, the Apostolic Vistator for Croatian matters, was the chief conductor of the Vatican ratline whose beneficiaries included major war criminals like Croatian mass murderer Ante Pavelic who escaped to Argentina in 1947 despite being responsible for the deaths of 500,000 Serbs, Jews, and Roma. Other ratline escapees included the Nazi war criminals Klaus Barbie, Josef Mengele and Adolf Eichman.
The funds that ran the Vatican ratline were obtained from the treasuries of defeated Axis allies like Croatia, Hungary, and Romania and often contained victim loot transformed into Church property through a complex scheme involving deposits at the Vatican Bank.  Since 1998, the Holocaust victims have been seeking an accounting from the Vatican which has so far successfully resisted on grounds of sovereign immunity a long running lawsuit in the United States, a more recent EU Commission inquiry and direct claims lodged with the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy.
Declassified documents obtained by Holocaust Victims’ attorneys link Paul VI, then Vatican Secretary of State, to Draganovic and Pavelic. Former US Special Agent, William Gowen, who investigated the Vatican ratline in Rome 1946-1947, testified that Draganovic was supervised by Montini and that Draganovic boasted of a clandestine ten truck convoy of looted gold and valuables that pulled into St. Peter’s Square in 1946 right under the nose of the Allied authorities. The Holocaust Victim group is seeking an accounting and restitution of the looted assets used to fund the ratline. 
The Holocaust Victims’ lawyers have now released the transcripts of the entire Gowen deposition in hopes of bringing attention to the case. According to lead counsel, Dr. Jonathan Levy: “The real miracle is how the Vatican made countless millions in victim loot and major Nazi war criminals disappear with apparent impunity.  The Vatican must open its archives once for all.”
William Gowen who as a young Army CIC Special Agent fluent in Italian infiltrated the ratline and almost captured Pavelic at San Girolamo in 1947, endured four days of cross examination by Vatican attorneys in 2005 and 2006 and never wavered from his position.  The deposition in its entirety is now available.
William E W Gowen, Deposition December 12, 2005 Volume I Alperin v. Vatican Bank

William E W Gowen, Deposition December 13, 2005 Volume II Alperin v. Vatican Bank

William E W Gowen, Deposition December 14, 2005 Volume III Alperin v. Vatican Bank

William E W Gowen, Deposition March 9, 2006 Volume IV Alperin v. Vatican Bank

William E W Gowen, Deposition Exhibits

Declassified Document on Montini’s Meetings with Pavelic

Appeal to the Vatican Secretariat for the Economy for Restitution of Roma Property

For more information contact:

Dr. Jonathan Levy, Legal Representative for Holocaust Victims Group
+1 202-318-2406
Jonathan Levy PhD
Attorney & Solicitor
Brimstone & Co.
Attorneys & Solicitors
1629 K Street NW Suite 300
Washington DC 20006 USA
Office 1-202-318-2406
Fax 1-202-318-2406
Direct 1-843-338-8604

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Vatican Bank Claims: Vatican Turns Blind Eye While Their Minions Gouged Out Eyes

Vatican Turns Blind Eye While Aiding And Abetting in 1940's Croatian Genocide

"These innocent Serbs have been impaled, fire has been lit on their bare chests, they have been roasted alive, burned in their homes and churches while still living, covered with boiling water and then their skin peeled off..."
By Greg Szymanski, JD
Sept. 19, 2007

In a federal court case filed in San Francisco, the Vatican has admitted
to taking part and helping to organize The 1940's genocide in Croatia,
killing more than 800,000 innocents including woman and children.

In Alperin v. Vatican Bank, the pope's attorney admitted to the Vatican's
involvement in the genocide but said it was justified under international

This motion was made in Nov. 2006 but the judge in the case still has not
made his ruling.

Besides admitting to its involvement in the Croatian massacre, the Vatican has never condemned the actions of the political leaders involved in the genocide. Further, testimony has shown that Dominican priests, including high-level bishops, were directly involved in the physical torture and killing.

Although the Croatian genocide has never been fully reported to the
American people, the extent of the violence in which the Vatican has
admitted complicity is graphically shown through a letter written by
Croatian politician, Prvolsav Grizogono, on February 8, 1942 to
Archbishop Dr. Alojzije Stepinac. As it turned out, Stepinac actually
aided the perpetrators of the genocide.

Here is a portion of the letter and Americans beware this could happen to you if you do not question stop the Vatican and Jesuit Order's assault on U.S. freedoms:

"I am writing to you as a man to a man, as a Christian to a Christian. I
have been meaning to do this for months hoping that the dreadful news
from Croatia would cease so that I could collect my thoughts and write to
you in peace.

"For the last ten months Serbs have been killed and destroyed in Croatia
in the most ruthless manner and milliards of their property is being
destroyed. The blushes of shame and anger cover the faces of every honest Croat.

"The slaughter of Serbs began from the very first day of the establishment of the Independent State of Croatia (Gospic, Gudovac, Bosanska Krajina, etc) and has continued relentlessly to this very day. The horror is not only in the killing. The killing includes everybody, old men, women, and children. With accompanying barbarian torture.

"These innocent Serbs have been impaled, fire has been lit on their bare
chests, they have been roasted alive, burned in their homes and churches while still living, covered with boiling water and then their skin peeled off and salt poured into their wounds, their eyes have been pulled out, their ears, noses and tongues cut off, the priests have had their beards and moustaches raised together with their skulls, their sex organs severed and put into their mouth, they have been tied to trucks and then dragged along the ground, nails have been pressed into their heads, their heads nailed to the floor, they have been thrown alive into wells and abysses and bombs thrown to them, iron nails have broken their heads, children thrown into flames, into boiling water, into lime klilns, their legs thorn from them, their heads smashed against walls, broken backs against rocks and tree stumps and many other horrible torture was perpetrated, such as normal people can hardly imagine.

"The rivers Sava, Drava, the Danube and their tributaries have carried
thousands and thousands of their corpses. Dead bodies have been found with the inscription: 'direction Belgrade - traveling to king Peter'. In a boat which was found on the Sava river there was a heap of children's heads with the head of a woman (who could have been a head of one of the mothers of the children) with the inscription: 'Meat for the Jovanova Market in Belgrade'.

"Horrifying is the case of Mileva Bozinic from Stabandza whose child was removed from her womb. There was also the case of the roasted heads in Bosnia, the vessels full of Serbian blood, the cases of Serbs being forced to drink the warm blood of their slaughter kin.

"Countless women, girls and children, mothers in front of their children
and children in front of their mothers were raped or else sent off to
Ustashi camps to serve the Ustashi, rapes even took place on the altars
of Orthodox churches. In the Petrinja county a son was forced to rape his own mother.

"The slaughter of the Serbs in the Glina Orthodox church and the murder of Serbs on the altar of the Kladusa church is without precedent in history.

"There are detailed and original accounts of all these horrors. Even the
Germans and the Italians were astounded by these crimes. They photographed a huge number of cases of such slaughter.

"The Germans are saying that the Croatians did this also during the
30-years War and that is why there has been a saying in Germany since then: God save us from the plague, hunger and the Croats.

"The Germans despise us because of this and behave in a more human
fashion with the Serbs.

"The Italians photographed a vessel with 3.5 kilograms of Serbian eyes as well as a Croat who wore a necklace strung with Serbian eyes and another one who came to Dubrovnik with a belt on which cut Serbian tongues were hanging."
Vatican Bank Claim News

Monday, September 10, 2007

Vatican Bank Claims Extension: Prussia Trust?

Wlodimir (Vladimir) Ledochowski's Counter Reformation Fallout 2006-2007

Rudi Pawelka, head of the supervisory board of the Prussian Trust. The organization wants compensation for Germans expelled from Poland after World War II.,1518,455183,00.html

There is widespread resistance to the idea that Germans too could have been victims of World War II. So it comes as no surprise that the decision by a group of Germans to file compensation for property they lost when they or their relatives were forcibly expelled from Poland after World War II is extremely controversial.

On Friday the Prussian Trust (Preussische Treuhand), a group representing post-1945 German expellees from Eastern Europe, revealed that it had filed 23 individual claims against Poland with the European Court of Human Rights in Strasbourg. The group has said it intends to increase this number to around 50.

The move by the Düsseldorf-based group has been sharply criticized in Germany, and it risks harming German-Polish relations (more...), which have been strained in recent months.

Gesine Schwan, the German government's coordinator for relations with Poland, said there needed to be a clear sign that Germany opposed the Prussian Trust and that the authorities in Poland shouldn't pay too much attention to the organization. "I expect other politically relevant forces will distance themselves from this action," she told the Berliner Zeitung Saturday.

Markus Meckel, a foreign policy spokesman for the junior coalition partners the Social Democrats (SPD), said the government should withhold all support for the action. "The government's position is clear," he said. "It opposes this claim, because it is poisonous for the German-Polish reconciliation process."

German Chancellor Angela Merkel and her predecessor Gerhard Schröder had repeatedly attempted to reassure the Poles, saying the German government would not lodge any claim against Poland for compensation -- although it could not stop individuals or organizations from doing so. In 2004, a joint Polish-German commission ruled that there was no legal foundation for claims by Germans regarding property in Poland.

Nevertheless, the Poles were far from happy with the Prussian Trust's move. President Lech Kaczynski said on Friday that, "Such legal proceedings would have a devastating influence on the relations between two European states." On Saturday his twin brother Prime Minister Jaroslaw Kaczynski went one step further, saying the move marked Germany's return to nationalist ideology. "We observe in Germany a process deeper than a simple attitude of one government or another," he told the newspaper Rzeczpospolita. "It's a re-nationalization of politics, an exceptionally radical calling into question of historical judgements."

Polish Foreign Minister Anna Fotya said the complaint "may adversely affect Polish-German dialogue, and in the long run, could disrupt Polish-German relations." Wladyslaw Bartoszewski, a former foreign minister of Poland, told the newspaper Rzeczpospolita, "If the Germans want money for the property they lost, they should address their demands to the US, Britain and the heirs of the Soviet Union," referring to the Allied powers who met in Potsdam in 1945 to carve up post-war Europe.

And at The War That Would Not Go Away:

Poles fired back this week at recent German attempts to reclaim property lost after the Second World War. A group spearheaded by Dorota Arciszewska-

Mielewczyk, an MP representing the sea- side Gdynia district, has said it would form a Polish Claims Society, a carbon copy of the Prussian Claims Society that has gained notoriety trying to get Poland to pay for land and buildings left behind by expelled Germans.

The group, which says it has German lawyers ready to provide assistance, wants to win compensation for property from which the Nazis forced Polish citizens after the German invasion of Poland in 1939. “The lawyers are going through the docu-ments,” Arciszewska-Mielewczyk told the daily Gazeta Wyborcza. “I think we will begin the legal battle by the end of the year.”

The controversy reached fever pitch in Poland last month after Rudi Pawelka, the head of the Prussian Trust, said that within weeks his group would file up to 10 lawsuits in international courts for the return of lost real estate.

Warsaw Mayor Lech Kaczynski has also pitched in, calling up a team of experts to estimate the city’s war losses, which could then be presented to the Germans if they go ahead with their claims. The bill, which includes only physical damage to the city, comes out to a staggering $39 billion in today’s terms. Authorities in other cities have voiced interest in estimating their losses as well.

Instead of suing Poland, the Prussian Trust ought to arrange a law suit with governments of Poland, Belorussia, Ukraine, Russia against the Vatican for the crimes against humanity of Wlodimir Ledochowski’s 20th century counter reformation.

Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goals Via Goals
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Goal Predicted by Maximilian Kolbe in 1938?
Father Saint Maximilian Kolbe's WW2 Characterization "God is Cleansing Poland"
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Mission, Motivation, Geopolitical Chessboard
Father Saint Maximilian Kolbe "In Poland we must expect the worst"
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Counter Reformation Strategy
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Revenge Vow
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Plausible Childhood Inspiration
Father Saint Maximilian Kolbe's "Our War"
Wlodimir Ledochowski's Spooky Obscurity

Prussia Trust

(Die Preußische Treuhand GmbH & Co. KG a. A.)

Silesian Homeland Association (statement), also headed by Rudi Padwelka.

(Landsmannschaft Schlesien)

This organizations's preceding honorary chair was Dr. Herbert Hupka:

Hupka, to 15.08.1915 on Ceylon born, here were its parents during a sea voyage to China from the British to beginning of the 1. World war in a camp interned, fighter had to accept heavy strokes of fate against injustice and forgetting in his life and became. Early it lost the father, who succumbed to an influenza after the release of the family 1918 from British shank in Australia during the travel to Germany, weakened by many missing. Its child and youth years spent Hupka in city loved today from it to the Ratibor in Upper Silesia.

Injustice at the family Hupka found its continuation among the national socialists. His mother, classified as a so-called half Jewess, suffered in the KZ Theresienstadt. It was arrested because of its descent 1944 as unworthy to bear arms from the armed forces to dismiss and. When it returned to the war with his mother to Ratibor, this brought it a new arrest, this time by Poland and later driving out. [emphasis added]

Images from the web site of Landsmannschaft Schlesien

Vatican Bank Claims: A Righteous Idea

Introduction to the Vatican Bank Claims

Alperin v. Vatican Bank was originally filed in Federal Court in San Francisco in November 1999. The plaintiffs are concentration camp survivors of Serb, Jewish, and Ukrainian background and their relatives as well as organizations representing over 300,000 Holocaust victims.

The plaintiffs seek an accounting and restitution of the Nazi Croatian Treasury that according to the US State Department was illicitly transferred to the Vatican Bank, the Franciscan Order and other banks after the end of the war.

Defendants currently include the Vatican Bank and Franciscan Order. These defendants combined to conceal assets looted by the Croatian Nazis from concentration camp victims, Serbs, Jews, Roma and others between 1941-1945.

Levy v. CIA is a lawsuit filed under the Freedom of Information Act seeking release of US Intelligence agency files regarding the notorius Vatican spymaster, Fr. Krunoslav Draganovic. New records on Draganovic were released as a result of the successful conclusion of that lawsuit in 2001.