Tupper Saussy Rulers of Evil page 251-252
“The great fatal mistake of the American government in the prosecution of the assassination of Abraham Lincoln,” wrote Rev. Charles Chiniquuy, the excommunicated priest whom Lincoln had successfully defended in his early law career (see note 2, chapter 22),
was to cover up the religious element of that terrible drama. But this was carefully avoided throughout the trial.2The religious element – the fact that all seven of the conspirators were devoted Roman Catholics – was carefully avoided because of those who controlled the trial.. As Commander in Chief of the armed forces, it was Johnson himself who quite constitutionally reigned supreme over the Hunter Commission.
But Johnson was also a Freemason, which meant that he followed the wise direction of the Unknown Superior. Thus the real power behind the Hunter Commissions was Superior General Pieter Jean Beckx, a relatively young Belgian who was a great favorite of Pio Nono, Pope Pius IX, the only head of the state in the world to recognize the Southern Confederacy as a Sovereign nation. Obedient to the will of General Beckx, President Jonson issued an executive order closing the courtroom to the working press. At the end of each day, officials would ration to selected reporters from the Associated Press news carefully evaluated to keep “the religious element’ out of the public consciousness.
Charles Chinquuy tirelessly investigated the assassination. After the conspirators were executed he went incognito to Washington and found that
Not a single one of the government men would discuss it with we except after I had given my word of honor that I would never mention their names. I saw with profound distress, the t the influence of Rome was almost supreme in Washington. I could not find a single statesman who would dare to face that nefarious influence and fight it down.
Tupper Saussy on the Jesuit Plot to Assassinate Abraham Lincoln
More upon Papal-Masonic Dynamics