Wednesday, April 23, 2008

So Obama Lost In Pennsylvania

Not a huge surprise. He had been falling behind there for awhile, even before the controversies that have made him vulnerable to Cilnton.

Some interesting facts from Michelle Malkin:

FNC is reporting a few new exit poll results…

Take with the usual grain of salt.

- Crackerquiddick fallout? Gun owners went for Hillary over Obama, 58 percent 42 percent.

- BO gets the college-educated vote, 54 - 46.

- Who’s more negative and “unfair?” Hillary over BO, 67 - 49.

A map of the state shows where Clinton won county-wise over Obama (courtesy

Hot Air still has some good coverage of the race as it played out and afterwards.

Open Thread: Pennsylvania
Hillary Win Points Out Real Trouble For Obama, Dems

We're in it for the long haul, folks. Might as well strap on your seatbelt and enjoy the ride.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love watching the dying breaths of the Democratic party as it consumes itself from the inside.

GREAT show, but the actors are a little stiff.

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