Square Enix and OnLive teamed upped in order to promote
Deus Ex: Human Evolution that included a promotional code that would allow you to receive a free OnLive version of the game when you purchased a PC retail copy. Gamestop on the other hand, didn't want anything to do with the promo Square Enix and OnLive has set up, so they went to the extreme to make sure that costumer would not be able to get the promotional codes.
Gamestop has done the unexpected - they opened the new games, took out the codes and resold the game without the code. Beth Sharum, public relations representative for GameStop, said, "Square Enix packed the competitor's coupon with our DXHR product without our prior knowledge and we did pull and discard these coupons".
GameStop sees this as competition because earlier this year, GameStop bought a digital distribution platform - Impluse. Impulse is a mix of OnLive and Steam, in which you can either buy your games online and download them or you can play the games on demand.